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Matteo Trolese
Matteo Trolese
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Assessment of thermal evolution of Paleozoic successions of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)
A Schito, S Corrado, M Trolese, L Aldega, C Caricchi, S Cirilli, D Grigo, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 80, 112-132, 2017
A bedform phase diagram for dense granular currents
G Smith, P Rowley, R Williams, G Giordano, M Trolese, A Silleni, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2873, 2020
The footprint of column collapse regimes on pyroclastic flow temperatures and plume heights
M Trolese, M Cerminara, T Esposti Ongaro, G Giordano
Nature Communications 10 (1), 2476, 2019
Forced transport of thermal energy in magmatic and phreatomagmatic large volume ignimbrites: paleomagnetic evidence from the Colli Albani volcano, Italy
M Trolese, G Giordano, F Cifelli, A Winkler, M Mattei
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 478, 179-191, 2017
Thermal interactions of the AD79 Vesuvius pyroclastic density currents and their deposits at Villa dei Papiri (Herculaneum archaeological site, Italy)
G Giordano, E Zanella, M Trolese, C Baffioni, A Vona, C Caricchi, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 490, 180-192, 2018
Very rapid cooling of the energetic pyroclastic density currents associated with the 5 November 2010 Merapi eruption (Indonesia)
M Trolese, G Giordano, JC Komorowski, SF Jenkins, PJ Baxter, N Cholik, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 358, 1-12, 2018
Advances in our understanding of pyroclastic current behavior from the 1980 eruption sequence of Mount St. Helens volcano (Washington), USA
BD Brand, N Pollock, JW Vallance, TE Ongaro, O Roche, M Trolese, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 85 (4), 24, 2023
Calibrating carbonization temperatures of wood fragments embedded within pyroclastic density currents through Raman spectroscopy
A Schito, A Pensa, C Romano, S Corrado, A Vona, M Trolese, D Morgavi, ...
Minerals 12 (2), 203, 2022
The April 2015 Calbuco eruption pyroclastic density currents: deposition, impacts on woody vegetation, and cooling on the northern flank of the cone
JE Romero, FJ Swanson, JA Jones, D Morgavi, G Giordano, M Trolese, ...
Andean Geology 50 (3), 319-345, 2023
The footprint of column collapse regimes on pyroclastic flow temperatures and plume heights. Nat Commun 10: 2476
M Trolese, M Cerminara, T Esposti Ongaro, G Giordano
Thermal transient PDC behavior induced by topographic drops: A test case at Mt. St. Helens, USA
M Trolese, M Cerminara, G Giordano, BD Brand, N Pollock, F Cifelli, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 627, 118441, 2024
Stationary surface waves and antidunes in dense pyroclastic density currents
P Rowley, G Giordano, A Silleni, G Smith, M Trolese, R Williams
EarthArXiv, 2023
Reply to Narkiewicz (2017) comment on “Thermal evolution of Paleozoic successions of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)”
A Schito, S Corrado, M Trolese, L Aldega, C Caricchi, S Cirilli, D Grigo, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 88, 1114-1122, 2017
Thermal transient PDC behavior induced by topographic drops: A test case at Mt. St. Helens, USA
M Cerminara, M Trolese, G Giordano, B Brand, N Pollock, F Cifelli, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 19194, 2024
Modeling tsunami generation and propagation: Insights from sensitivity analysis of landslide parameters at Stromboli
M Trolese, M Cerminara, T Esposti Ongaro, M de' Michieli Vitturi, A Tadini
EGU General Assembly 2024, 2024
Relevance of a detailed volcanic injection source in global model simulations: a sensitivity study
V Aquila, M Trolese, PR Colarco, PA Case, M Cerminara, SA Carn
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (2389), A21I-2389, 2023
Las corrientes de densidad piroclástica de la erupción del volcán Calbuco en abril de 2015: depositación, impactos sobre la vegetación leñosa y enfriamiento en el flanco norte …
JE Romero, FJ Swanson, JA Jones, D Morgavi, G Giordano, M Trolese, ...
Andean geology 50 (3), 319-345, 2023
Investigating the Thermal Evolution and Air Ingestion in a Fast-Moving Pyroclastic Density Current
W Aubin, M Trolese, JE Gardner
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, V42B-07, 2022
Thermal behavior of pyroclastic density currents by means of charcoal reflectance proxy: application to present and past eruptions at Vesuvius, Fogo, Colima and Merapi volcanoes
S Corrado, C Caricchi, G Giordano, A Pensa, C Romano, M Trolese, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8988, 2018
Thermal history of Pyroclastic Density Currents and their deposits
M Trolese
Università degli studi Roma Tre, 2017
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