Takip et
P Strange
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: with applications in condensed matter and atomic physics
P Strange
Cambridge University Press, 1998
Understanding the valency of rare earths from first-principles theory
P Strange, A Svane, WM Temmerman, Z Szotek, H Winter
Nature 399 (6738), 756-758, 1999
Relativistic spin-polarised scattering theory-solution of the single-site problem
P Strange, J Staunton, BL Gyorffy
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 17 (19), 3355, 1984
Half-metallic to insulating behavior of rare-earth nitrides
CM Aerts, P Strange, M Horne, WM Temmerman, Z Szotek, A Svane
Physical Review B 69 (4), 045115, 2004
A relativistic spin-polarised multiple-scattering theory, with applications to the calculation of the electronic structure of condensed matter
P Strange, H Ebert, JB Staunton, BL Gyorffy
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1 (18), 2959, 1989
Theory of circularly polarized x‐ray absorption by ferromagnetic Fe
G Ebert, Strange
Journal of Applied Physics 63 (8), 3055, 1988
The influence of relativistic effects on the magnetic moments and hyperfine fields of Fe, Co and Ni
H Ebert, P Strange, BL Gyorffy
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 18 (7), L135, 1988
The electronic structure of europium chalcogenides and pnictides
M Horne, P Strange, WM Temmerman, Z Szotek, A Svane, H Winter
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (28), 5061, 2004
Stability of gold atoms and dimers adsorbed on graphene
R Varns, P Strange
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (22), 225005, 2008
Observation of magnetic circular dichroism in Fe L 2, 3 x-ray-fluorescence spectra
CF Hague, JM Mariot, P Strange, PJ Durham, BL Gyorffy
Physical Review B 48 (5), 3560, 1993
Dichroic x-ray fluorescence
P Strange, PJ Durham, BL Gyorffy
Physical review letters 67 (25), 3590, 1991
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the crystal structure of CuS
HJ Gotsis, AC Barnes, P Strange
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 4 (50), 10461, 1992
Electronic structure of samarium monopnictides and monochalcogenides
A Svane, V Kanchana, G Vaitheeswaran, G Santi, WM Temmerman, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (4), 045119, 2005
Pressure‐Induced Valence Transitions in Rare Earth Chalcogenides and Pnictides
A Svane, P Strange, WM Temmerman, Z Szotek, H Winter, L Petit
physica status solidi (b) 223 (1), 105-116, 2001
Ab initio theory of valency in ytterbium compounds
A Svane, WM Temmerman, Z Szotek, L Petit, P Strange, H Winter
Physical Review B 62 (20), 13394, 2000
Electronic configuration of Yb compounds
WM Temmerman, Z Szotek, A Svane, P Strange, H Winter, A Delin, ...
Physical review letters 83 (19), 3900, 1999
The band magnetism of MnSi
L Taillefer, GG Lonzarich, P Strange
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 54, 957-958, 1986
A first principles theory of magnetocrystalline anisotropy in metals
P Strange, H Ebert, JB Staunton, BL Gyorffy
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1 (25), 3947, 1989
Electronic structure of half-metallic ferromagnets and spinel ferromagnetic insulators
Z Szotek, WM Temmerman, A Svane, L Petit, P Strange, GM Stocks, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (48), S5587, 2004
The Dirac oscillator in a rotating frame of reference
P Strange, LH Ryder
Physics Letters A 380 (42), 3465-3468, 2016
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