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Kimmo Tuominen
Kimmo Tuominen
National Library of Finland
helsinki.fi üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
“Isms” in information science: constructivism, collectivism and constructionism
S Talja, K Tuominen, R Savolainen
Journal of documentation 61 (1), 79-101, 2005
Information literacy as a sociotechnical practice
K Tuominen, R Savolainen, S Talja
The library quarterly 75 (3), 329-345, 2005
A social constructionist approach to the study of information use as discursive action
K Tuominen, R Savolainen
Proceedings of an international conference on Information seeking in context …, 1997
User-centered discourse: An analysis of the subject positions of the user and the librarian
K Tuominen
The Library Quarterly 67 (4), 350-371, 1997
Discourse, cognition and reality: toward a social constructionist metateheory for library and information science
K Tuominen, S Talja, R Savolainen
Emerging frameworks and methods. CoLIS4. Proceedings of the 4th …, 2002
The social constructionist viewpoint on information practices
K Tuominen, S Talja, R Savolainen
Theories of information behavior, 328-333, 2005
Multiperspective digital libraries: The implications of constructionism for the development of digital libraries
K Tuominen, S Talja, R Savolainen
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54 (6 …, 2003
Information literacy 2.0
K Tuominen
Signum, 2007
Whoever increases his knowledge merely increases his heartache.'Moral tensions in heart surgery patients' and their spouses' talk about information seeking
K Tuominen
Information Research 10 (1), 10-1, 2004
Tiedon partaalla-kuinka hallita informaatiotulvaa
K Tuominen
BTJ Kirjastopalvelu, 2006
Tiedon muodostus ja virtuaalikirjaston rakentaminen: konstruktionistinen analyysi (Knowledge Formation and Digital Library Design: A Constructionist Analysis)
K Tuominen
Academic Dissertation, CSC–Tieteellinen laskenta Oy, Espoo, 2001
Arkielämän tiedonhankinta: Nokia Mobile Phones Oy: n työntekijöiden arkielämän tiedontarpeet,-hankinta ja-käyttö
K Tuominen
Tampereen yliopisto, 1992
The Finnish library system: open collaboration for an open society
K Tuominen, J Saarti
IFLA journal 38 (2), 115-136, 2012
Health communication and knowledge construction
M Ginman, S Ek, K Eriksson-Backa, M Mustonen, S Torkkola, K Tuominen, ...
Health Informatics Journal 9 (4), 301-313, 2003
Openness, resource sharing and digitalization–an examination of the current trends in Finland
J Saarti, K Tuominen
Information Discovery and Delivery 49 (2), 97-104, 2021
From paper-based towards post-digital scholarly publishing: an analysis of an ideological dilemma and its consequences.
J Saarti, K Tuominen
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 22 (3), n3, 2017
Monologue or Dialogue in the Web Environment? The Role of Networked Library and Information Services in the Future.
K Tuominen
For full text: http://www. ifla. org/IV/ifla66/papers/004-131e. htm., 2000
Use of social scientific information in parliamentary discussion
K Tuominen, T Turja
Advances in library administration and organization, 133-154, 2007
Yksilö tiedonhankkijana: sense-making-teorian näkökulma tiedonhankintaprosessiin
K Tuominen
Informaatiotutkimus, 64-75, 1994
Kirjasto 2.0 ja tulevaisuuden näyttöluettelot
K Tuominen
Tietolinja 2006: 2, 2006
Sistem, işlemi şu anda gerçekleştiremiyor. Daha sonra yeniden deneyin.
Makaleler 1–20