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Tania Mezzadri Centeno
Tania Mezzadri Centeno
utfpr.edu.br üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Automated detection of welding defects in pipelines from radiographic images DWDI
N Boaretto, TM Centeno
Ndt & E International 86, 7-13, 2017
General type-2 fuzzy inference systems: Analysis, design and computational aspects
LA Lucas, TM Centeno, MR Delgado
2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, 1-6, 2007
An object detection and recognition system for weld bead extraction from digital radiographs
MK Felisberto, HS Lopes, TM Centeno, LVR De Arruda
Computer vision and image understanding 102 (3), 238-249, 2006
Deep neural networks based approach for welded joint detection of oil pipelines in radiographic images with Double Wall Double Image exposure
FM Suyama, MR Delgado, RD da Silva, TM Centeno
Ndt & E International 105, 46-55, 2019
Integrando reconstrução 3D de imagens tomográficas e prototipagem rápida para aabricação de modelos médicos
MA Souza, TM Centeno, H Pedrini
Rev. bras. eng. biomed, 103-115, 2003
Land cover classification based on general type-2 fuzzy classifiers
LA Lucas, TM Centeno, MR Delgado
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 10 (3), 207-216, 2008
A deep artificial immune system to detect weld defects in DWDI radiographic images of petroleum pipes
CCB Fioravanti, TM Centeno, MRDB Da Silva
Ieee Access 7, 180947-180964, 2019
Particle swarm optimization for object recognition in computer vision
HA Perlin, HS Lopes, TM Centeno
International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications …, 2008
Segmentação de imagens geradas por perfilamento a laser para delimitação de árvores individuais em uma área de reflorestamento de eucaliptos
Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto 12, 737-744, 2005
General type-2 fuzzy classifiers to land cover classification
LA Lucas, TM Centeno, MR Delgado
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1743-1747, 2008
Object detection for computer vision using a robust genetic algorithm
TM Centeno, HS Lopes, MK Felisberto, LVR de Arruda
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkkshops 2005: EvoBIO …, 2005
Combining 3D models with 2D infrared images for medical applications
MA de Souza, AG Krefer, GB Borba, TM Centeno, HR Gamba
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
A soft computing-based approach to spatio-temporal prediction
REO Schultz, TM Centeno, G Selleron, MR Delgado
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 50 (1), 3-20, 2009
Genetic algorithms to automatic weld bead detection in double wall double image digital radiographs
M Kroetz, TM Centeno, MR Delgado, M Felisberto, LA Lucas, LB Dorini, ...
2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-7, 2012
Forecasting electric energy demand using a predictor model based on liquid state machine
N Grando, TM Centeno, SSC Botelho, FM Fontoura
Segmentaçao por agrupamentos fuzzy c-means em imagens lidar aplicados na identificaçao de linhas de transmissao de energia elétrica
AJA Guiera, TM Centeno, MR Delgado, M Muller
Espaço Energia 3, 24-31, 2005
Integrating 3D reconstruction of tomographic images and rapid prototyping for fabrication of medical models
MA Souza, TM Centeno, H Pedrini
Braz J Biomed Eng 19 (2), 103-15, 2003
Dimensional reduction of large image datasets using non-linear principal components
SSC Botelho, W Lautenschlger, MB de Figueiredo, T Mezzadri Centeno, ...
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning-IDEAL 2005: 6th …, 2005
Reconstrução de imagens tomográficas aplicada à fabricação de próteses por prototipagem rápida usando técnicas de triangulação
MA de Souza, F Ricetti, TM Centeno, H Pedrini, JL Erthal, A Mehl
Proc Cong Latinoam Ingen Bioméd 2001, 1-5, 2001
Identificação da região central de cordões de solda em imagens radiograficas de tubulações de petróleo do tipo parede dupla vista dupla
FM Suyama, AG Krefer, AR Faria, TM Centeno
c2013, 2013
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