On efficiency and duality for multiobjective programs V Preda Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 166 (2), 365-377, 1992 | 352 | 1992 |
Nonlinear programming with E-preinvex and local E-preinvex functions C Fulga, V Preda European Journal of Operational Research 192 (3), 737-743, 2009 | 111 | 2009 |
On constraint qualification in multiobjective optimization problems: semidifferentiable case V Preda, I Chiţescu Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 100, 417-433, 1999 | 60 | 1999 |
Bayes estimators of modified-Weibull distribution parameters using Lindley’s approximation V Preda, E Panaitescu, A Constantinescu Wseas transactions on mathematics 9 (7), 539-549, 2010 | 57 | 2010 |
Optimality and duality in fractional multiple objective programming involving semilocally preinvex and related functions V Preda Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 288 (2), 365-382, 2003 | 57 | 2003 |
Entropy measures for assessing volatile markets M Sheraz, S Dedu, V Preda Procedia Economics and Finance 22, 655-662, 2015 | 55 | 2015 |
On minmax programming problems containing n-set functions V Preda Optimization 22 (4), 527-537, 1991 | 55 | 1991 |
An optimization model for the temporary locations of mobile charging stations MS Răboacă, I Băncescu, V Preda, N Bizon Mathematics 8 (3), 453, 2020 | 54 | 2020 |
New measure selection for Hunt–Devolder semi-Markov regime switching interest rate models V Preda, S Dedu, M Sheraz Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 407, 350-359, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
On composite models: Weibull-Pareto and Lognormal-Pareto. A comparative study V Preda, R Ciumara Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting 3 (2), 32-46, 2006 | 45 | 2006 |
Optimality and duality in nonlinear programming involving semilocally preinvex and related functions V Preda, IM Stancu-Minasian, A Batatorescu Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 17 (3), 585-596, 1996 | 44 | 1996 |
On duality of multiobjective fractional measurable subset selection problems V Preda Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 196 (2), 514-525, 1995 | 38 | 1995 |
New classes of Lorenz curves by maximizing Tsallis entropy under mean and Gini equality and inequality constraints V Preda, S Dedu, C Gheorghe Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 436, 925-932, 2015 | 35 | 2015 |
Optimality conditions and duality in multiple objective programming involving semilocally convex and related functions V Preda Optimization 36 (3), 219-230, 1996 | 35 | 1996 |
Teoria deciziilor statistice V Preda Editura Academiei Române, 1992 | 35 | 1992 |
On variational-like inequalities with generalized monotone mappings IV Konnov, DT Luc, AM Rubinov, V Preda, M Beldiman, A Bătătorescu Generalized Convexity and Related Topics, 415-431, 2006 | 33 | 2006 |
On sufficiency and duality for generalized quasiconvex programs V Preda Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 181 (1), 77-88, 1994 | 31 | 1994 |
The Student distribution and the principle of maximum entropy VC Preda Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 34, 335-338, 1982 | 29 | 1982 |
Generalized V-univexity type-I for multiobjective programming with n-set functions V Preda, I Stancu-Minasian, M Beldiman, AM Stancu Journal of Global Optimization 44, 131-148, 2009 | 25 | 2009 |
Duality for multiobjective fractional programming problems involving n-set functions V Preda Analysis and Topology, 569-583, 1998 | 21 | 1998 |