Takip et
Gehendra Kharel
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Acid mine drainage from coal mining in the United States–An overview
BS Acharya, G Kharel
Journal of Hydrology 588, 125061, 2020
Benefits and challenges of online instruction in agriculture and natural resource education
O Joshi, B Chapagain, G Kharel, NC Poudyal, BD Murray, SR Mehmood
Interactive Learning Environments 30 (8), 1402-1413, 2022
Unmanned aerial vehicles in hydrology and water management: Applications, challenges, and perspectives
BS Acharya, M Bhandari, F Bandini, A Pizarro, M Perks, DR Joshi, ...
Water Resources Research 57 (11), e2021WR029925, 2021
Woody plant encroachment impacts on groundwater recharge: A review
BS Acharya, G Kharel, CB Zou, BP Wilcox, T Halihan
Water 10 (10), 1466, 2018
Wetland loss impact on long term flood risks in a closed watershed
S Gulbin, AP Kirilenko, G Kharel, X Zhang
Environmental science & policy 94, 112-122, 2019
Impacts of urbanization on environmental resources: A land use planning perspective
G Kharel
School of Urban and Public Affairs, University of Texas at Arlington, 2011
Stakeholder opinions on scientific forest management policy implementation in Nepal
O Joshi, R Parajuli, G Kharel, NC Poudyal, E Taylor
PloS one 13 (9), e0203106, 2018
Can land-use change mitigate long-term flood risks in the Prairie Pothole Region? The case of Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA
G Kharel, H Zheng, A Kirilenko
Regional Environmental Change 16, 2443-2456, 2016
Impact of Climate Variability and Landscape Patterns on Water Budget and Nutrient Loads in a Peri-urban Watershed: A Coupled Analysis Using Process-based Hydrological Model and …
C Li, Y Zhang, G Kharel, C Zou
Environmental Management, 2018
Considering climate change in the estimation of long-term flood risks of devils lake in north dakota
G Kharel, A Kirilenko
Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 14, 2015
Modeling the impacts of agricultural best management practices on runoff, sediment, and crop yield in an agriculture-pasture intensive watershed
SR Gharibdousti, G Kharel, A Stoecker
PeerJ 7, e7093, 2019
Sustaining cross-timbers forest resources: current knowledge and future research needs
O Joshi, RE Will, CB Zou, G Kharel
Sustainability 11 (17), 4703, 2019
Identification and classification of critical soil and water conservation areas in the Muskingum River basin in Ohio
S Khanal, R Lal, G Kharel, J Fulton
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73 (2), 213-226, 2018
Comparing CMIP-3 and CMIP-5 climate projections on flooding estimation of Devils Lake of North Dakota, USA
G Kharel, A Kirilenko
PeerJ 6 (e4711), 2018
Biochar impacts on soil water dynamics: knowns, unknowns, and research directions
BS Acharya, S Dodla, JJ Wang, K Pavuluri, M Darapuneni, S Dattamudi, ...
Biochar 6 (1), 34, 2024
Interactive effect of meteorological drought and vegetation types on root zone soil moisture and runoff in rangeland watersheds
Y Hao, Q Liu, C Li, G Kharel, L An, E Stebler, Y Zhong, CB Zou
Water 11 (11), 2357, 2019
Managing the wicked problem of Devils Lake flooding along the US–Canada border
G Kharel, R Romsdahl, A Kirilenko
International Journal of Water Resources Development 35 (6), 938-958, 2019
Projected climate could increase water yield and cotton yield but decrease winter wheat and sorghum yield in an agricultural watershed in Oklahoma
S Rasoulzadeh Gharibdousti, G Kharel, RB Miller, E Linde, A Stoecker
Water 11 (1), 105, 2019
Perceptions of government and research expert groups and their implications for watershed management in Oklahoma, USA
G Kharel, O Joshi, R Miller, C Zou
Environmental Management 62, 1048-1059, 2018
Woody plant encroachment impacts on groundwater recharge: A review, Water, 10, 1466
BS Acharya, G Kharel, CB Zou, BP Wilcox, T Halihan
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