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Katrin G. Heinze
Katrin G. Heinze
virchow.uni-wuerzburg.de üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in living cells
SA Kim, KG Heinze, P Schwille
Nature methods 4 (11), 963-973, 2007
Simultaneous two-photon excitation of distinct labels for dual-color fluorescence crosscorrelation analysis
KG Heinze, A Koltermann, P Schwille
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (19), 10377-10382, 2000
A protease assay for two-photon crosscorrelation and FRET analysis based solely on fluorescent proteins
T Kohl, KG Heinze, R Kuhlemann, A Koltermann, P Schwille
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (19), 12161-12166, 2002
Myocardial aging as a T-cell–mediated phenomenon
GC Ramos, A van den Berg, V Nunes-Silva, J Weirather, L Peters, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (12), E2420-E2429, 2017
Thrombopoiesis is spatially regulated by the bone marrow vasculature
D Stegner, J MM vanEeuwijk, O Angay, MG Gorelashvili, D Semeniak, ...
Nature Communications 8, 2017
Intracellular calmodulin availability accessed with two-photon cross-correlation
SA Kim, KG Heinze, MN Waxham, P Schwille
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (1), 105-110, 2004
Two-photon cross-correlation analysis of intracellular reactions with variable stoichiometry
SA Kim, KG Heinze, K Bacia, MN Waxham, P Schwille
Biophysical journal 88 (6), 4319-4336, 2005
Light-induced flickering of DsRed provides evidence for distinct and interconvertible fluorescent states
F Malvezzi-Campeggi, M Jahnz, KG Heinze, P Dittrich, P Schwille
Biophysical journal 81 (3), 1776-1785, 2001
Megakaryocyte-specific Profilin1-deficiency alters microtubule stability and causes a Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like platelet defect
M Bender, S Stritt, P Nurden, JMM Van Eeuwijk, B Zieger, K Kentouche, ...
Nature communications 5, 4746, 2014
Triple-color coincidence analysis: one step further in following higher order molecular complex formation
KG Heinze, M Jahnz, P Schwille
Biophysical journal 86 (1), 506-516, 2004
Two-photon fluorescence coincidence analysis: rapid measurements of enzyme kinetics
KG Heinze, M Rarbach, M Jahnz, P Schwille
Biophysical journal 83 (3), 1671-1681, 2002
A Cdc42/RhoA regulatory circuit downstream of glycoprotein Ib guides transendothelial platelet biogenesis
S Dütting, F Gaits-Iacovoni, D Stegner, M Popp, A Antkowiak, ...
Nature Communications 8, 2017
IP3 mediated SR-mitochondrial crosstalk influences ATP production via mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake through the mRyR1 in cardiac myocytes
LK Seidlmayer, J Kuhn, A Berbner, P Arias-Loza, T Williams, M Kaspar, ...
Cardiovascular Research, cvw185, 2016
Inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate-mediated sarcoplasmic reticulum–mitochondrial crosstalk influences adenosine triphosphate production via mitochondrial Ca 2+ uptake through the …
LK Seidlmayer, J Kuhn, A Berbner, PA Arias-Loza, T Williams, M Kaspar, ...
Cardiovascular research 112 (1), 491-501, 2016
Method and device for multicolour 2-photon fluorescence coincidence analysis
K Heinze, P Schwille, A Koltermann, U Kettling
US Patent 7,507,582, 2009
Mapping immune processes in intact tissues at cellular resolution
C Brede, M Friedrich, AL Jordán-Garrote, SS Riedel, CA Bäuerlein, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 122 (12), 4439, 2012
Four-color fluorescence correlation spectroscopy realized in a grating-based detection platform
M Burkhardt, KG Heinze, P Schwille
Optics letters 30 (17), 2266-2268, 2005
Two‐Photon Fluorescence Cross‐Correlation Spectroscopy
P Schwille, KG Heinze
ChemPhysChem 2 (5), 269-272, 2001
Oncostatic effects of fluoxetine in experimental colon cancer models
V Kannen, SB Garcia, WA Silva, M Gasser, R Mönch, EJL Alho, ...
Cellular signalling 27 (9), 1781-1788, 2015
Dynamic immune cell recruitment after murine pulmonary Aspergillus fumigatus infection under different immunosuppressive regimens
N Kalleda, J Amich, B Arslan, S Poreddy, K Mattenheimer, Z Mokhtari, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 2016
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