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Peter Woelfle
Peter Woelfle
Professor fuer Physik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
kit.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Fermi-liquid instabilities at magnetic quantum phase transitions
H Löhneysen, A Rosch, M Vojta, P Wölfle
Reviews of Modern Physics 79 (3), 1015-1075, 2007
The superfluid phases of helium 3
D Vollhardt, P Wolfle
Courier Corporation, 2013
Diagrammatic, self-consistent treatment of the Anderson localization problem in d≤ 2 dimensions
D Vollhardt, P Wölfle
Physical Review B 22 (10), 4666, 1980
Homogeneous dynamical conductivity of simple metals
W Götze, P Wölfle
Physical Review B 6 (4), 1226, 1972
Consequences of resonant impurity scattering in anisotropic superconductors: Thermal and spin relaxation properties
PJ Hirschfeld, P Wölfle, D Einzel
Physical Review B 37 (1), 83, 1988
Scaling equations from a self-consistent theory of Anderson localization
D Vollhardt, P Wölfle
Physical Review Letters 48 (10), 699, 1982
Anderson Localization in Dimensions: A Self-Consistent Diagrammatic Theory
D Vollhardt, P Wölfle
Physical Review Letters 45 (10), 842, 1980
Resonant impurity scattering in heavy fermion superconductors
P Hirschfeld, D Vollhardt, P Wölfle
Solid state communications 59 (3), 111-115, 1986
Spin-rotation-invariant slave-boson approach to the Hubbard model
T Li, P Wölfle, PJ Hirschfeld
Physical Review B 40 (10), 6817, 1989
Nonequilibrium Transport through a Kondo Dot in a Magnetic Field:<? format?> Perturbation Theory and Poor Man’s Scaling
A Rosch, J Paaske, J Kroha, P Wölfle
Physical review letters 90 (7), 076804, 2003
Kondo effect in quantum dots at high voltage: Universality and scaling
A Rosch, J Kroha, P Wölfle
Physical Review Letters 87 (15), 156802, 2001
Non-equilibrium singlet–triplet Kondo effect in carbon nanotubes
J Paaske, A Rosch, P Wölfle, N Mason, CM Marcus, J Nygård
Nature physics 2 (7), 460-464, 2006
Anderson impurity model at finite Coulomb interaction U: Generalized noncrossing approximation
K Haule, S Kirchner, J Kroha, P Wölfle
Physical Review B 64 (15), 155111, 2001
frustrated two-dimensional Heisenberg model: Random phase approximation and functional renormalization group
J Reuther, P Wölfle
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (14), 144410, 2010
Unified slave boson representation of spin and charge degrees of freedom for strongly correlated Fermi systems
R Frésard, P Wölfle
International Journal of Modern Physics B 6 (05n06), 685-704, 1992
Importance of anisotropic exchange interactions in honeycomb iridates: Minimal model for zigzag antiferromagnetic order in
Y Sizyuk, C Price, P Wölfle, NB Perkins
Physical Review B 90 (15), 155126, 2014
Spectral properties of the Anderson impurity model: Comparison of numerical-renormalization-group and noncrossing-approximation results
TA Costi, J Kroha, P Wölfle
Physical Review B 53 (4), 1850, 1996
Collisionless collective modes in superfluid 3He
P Wölfle
Physica B+ C 90 (1), 96-106, 1977
Quasiclassical negative magnetoresistance of a 2D electron gas: Interplay of strong scatterers and smooth disorder
AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov, F Evers, P Wölfle
Physical Review Letters 87 (12), 126805, 2001
Multiple spin echoes in a normal Fermi liquid
D Einzel, G Eska, Y Hirayoshi, T Kopp, P Wölfle
Physical review letters 53 (24), 2312, 1984
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