Takip et
Jean-Yves Thibon
Jean-Yves Thibon
Professor of Computer Science, Université Gustave-Eiffel
univ-mlv.fr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Noncommutative symmetric functions
I Gelfand, D Krob, A Lascoux, B Leclerc, VS Retakh, JY Thibon
Advances in Mathematics 112, 218-348., 1995
Hecke algebras at roots of unity and crystal bases of quantum affine algebras
A Lascoux, B Leclerc, JY Thibon
Communications in Mathematical Physics 181 (1), 205-263, 1996
Noncommutative symmetric functions VI: free quasi-symmetric functions and related algebras
G Duchamp, F Hivert, JY Thibon
International Journal of Algebra and computation 12 (05), 671-717, 2002
Ribbon tableaux, Hall–Littlewood functions, quantum affine algebras, and unipotent varieties
A Lascoux, B Leclerc, JY Thibon
Journal of Mathematical Physics 38 (2), 1041-1068, 1997
Noncommutative Symmetric Functions Iv: Quantum Linear Groups and Hecke Algebras at q = 0
D Krob, JY Thibon
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 6, 339-376, 1997
Polynomial invariants of four qubits
JG Luque, JY Thibon
Physical Review A 67 (4), 042303, 2003
The algebra of binary search trees
F Hivert, JC Novelli, JY Thibon
Theoretical Computer Science 339 (1), 129-165, 2005
Noncommutative symmetric functions II: Transformations of alphabets
D Krob, B Leclerc, JY Thibon
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 7 (02), 181-264, 1997
Littlewood-richardson coefficients and kazhdan-lusztig polynomials
B Leclerc, JY Thibon
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 155-220, 2000
Noncommutative symmetric functions III: Deformations of Cauchy and convolution algebras
G Duchamp, A Klyachko, D Krob, JY Thibon
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 1, 1997
Canonical bases of q-deformed Fock spaces
B Leclerc, JY Thibon
Internat. Math. Research Notices 9, 447-456, 1996
The plactic monoid
A Lascoux, B Leclerc, JY Thibon
Algebraic Combinatoric on Words, 10pp., 2002
Supercharacters, symmetric functions in noncommuting variables, and related Hopf algebras
M Aguiar, C André, C Benedetti, N Bergeron, Z Chen, P Diaconis, ...
Advances in Mathematics 229 (4), 2310-2337, 2012
Branching functions of and Jantzen-Seitz problem for Ariki-Koike algebras
O Foda, B Leclerc, M Okado, JY Thibon, TA Welsh
Advances in Mathematics 141, 322-365, 1999
Crystal graphs andq-analogues of weight multiplicities for the root systemAn
A Lascoux, B Leclerc, JY Thibon
Letters in Mathematical Physics 35 (4), 359-374, 1995
Algebraic invariants of five qubits
JG Luque, JY Thibon
Journal of physics A: mathematical and general 39 (2), 371, 2005
Fonctions quasi-symétriques, fonctions symétriques non commutatives et algèbres de Hecke à q= 0
GHE Duchamp, D Krob, B Leclerc, JY Thibon
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique 322, 107-112, 1996
Polynomial realizations of some trialgebras
JC Novelli, JY Thibon
arXiv preprint math/0605061, 2006
Hopf algebras and dendriform structures arising from parking functions
JC Novelli, JY Thibon
Fundamenta Mathematicae 193, 189-241, 2007
A complete set of covariants of the four qubit system
E Briand, JG Luque, JY Thibon
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (38), 9915, 2003
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