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Brian Reid
Brian Reid
Centro CIEP
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Alıntı yapanlar
Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones
SD Tiegs, DM Costello, MW Isken, G Woodward, PB McIntyre, ...
Science Advances 5 (1), eaav0486, 2019
Silicic acid enrichment of subantarctic surface water from continental inputs along the Patagonian archipelago interior sea (41–56 S)
R Torres, N Silva, B Reid, M Frangopulos
Progress in Oceanography 129, 50-61, 2014
The invasion of the freshwater diatom Didymosphenia geminata in Patagonia: prospects, strategies, and implications for biosecurity of invasive microorganisms in …
BL Reid, KL Hernández, M Frangópulos, G Bauer, M Lorca, C Kilroy, ...
Conservation Letters 5 (6), 432-440, 2012
Effects of the invasive plant Lupinus polyphyllus on vertical accretion of fine sediment and nutrient availability in bars of the gravel-bed Paloma river
CI Meier, BL Reid, O Sandoval
Limnologica 43 (5), 381-387, 2013
Didymosphenia geminata invasion in South America: ecosystem impacts and potential biogeochemical state change in Patagonian rivers
B Reid, R Torres
Acta Oecologica 54, 101-109, 2014
Nitrate to silicate ratio variability and the composition of micro-phytoplankton blooms in the inner-fjord of Seno Ballena (Strait of Magellan, 54 S)
R Torres, M Frangopulos, M Hamame, V Montecino, C Maureira, ...
Continental Shelf Research 31 (3-4), 244-253, 2011
Organic enrichment and structure of macrobenthic communities in the glacial Baker Fjord, Northern Patagonia, Chile
E Quiroga, P Ortiz, D Gerdes, B Reid, S Villagran, R Quiñones
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 92 (1), 73-83, 2012
Mink (Neovison vison) as a natural vector in the dispersal of the diatom Didymosphenia geminata
PB Leone, J Cerda, S Sala, B Reid
Diatom Research 29 (3), 259-266, 2014
Seasonal benthic patterns in a glacial Patagonian fjord: the role of suspended sediment and terrestrial organic matter
E Quiroga, P Ortiz, R González-Saldías, B Reid, FJ Tapia, I Pérez-Santos, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 561, 31-50, 2016
Sources of dissolved silica to the fjords of northern Patagonia (44–48 S): the importance of volcanic ash soil distribution and weathering
E Vandekerkhove, S Bertrand, B Reid, A Bartels, B Charlier
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41 (4), 499-512, 2016
Watersheds and trees fall together: An analysis of intact forested watersheds in southern Patagonia (41–56 S)
A Astorga, PC Moreno, B Reid
Forests 9 (7), 385, 2018
Classification of the ecological quality of the Aysen and Baker Fjords (Patagonia, Chile) using biotic indices
E Quiroga, P Ortiz, B Reid, D Gerdes
Marine pollution bulletin 68 (1-2), 117-126, 2013
Morphological characterization of a highly-dynamic fluvial landscape: The River Baker (Chilean Patagonia)
H Ulloa, B Mazzorana, RJ Batalla, C Jullian, P Iribarren-Anacona, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 86, 1-14, 2018
Signature of modern glacial lake outburst floods in fjord sediments (Baker River, southern Chile)
E Vandekerkhove, S Bertrand, F Torrejón, ME Kylander, B Reid, ...
Sedimentology 68 (6), 2798-2819, 2021
Modern sedimentary processes at the heads of Martínez Channel and Steffen Fjord, Chilean Patagonia
E Vandekerkhove, S Bertrand, EC Lanna, B Reid, S Pantoja
Marine Geology 419, 106076, 2020
Neoglacial increase in high-magnitude glacial lake outburst flood frequency, upper Baker River, Chilean Patagonia (47 S)
E Vandekerkhove, S Bertrand, D Mauquoy, D McWethy, B Reid, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 248, 106572, 2020
Functional assessment of invasive Salix fragilis L. in north-western Patagonian flood plains: A comparative approach
A Lewerentz, G Egger, JE Householder, B Reid, AC Braun, ...
Acta Oecologica 95, 36-44, 2019
Global patterns and controls of nutrient immobilization on decomposing cellulose in riverine ecosystems
DM Costello, SD Tiegs, L Boyero, C Canhoto, KA Capps, M Danger, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36 (3), e2021GB007163, 2022
Energy flow in a floodplain aquifer ecosystem
BLG Reid
University of Montana, 2007
A conservation assessment of freshwater ecosystems in Southwestern Patagonia
B Reid, AA Roine, I Madriz, C Correa, T Contador
Conservation in Chilean Patagonia: Assessing the state of knowledge …, 2024
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