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Martie P Thompson
Martie P Thompson
appstate.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Social support protects against the negative effects of partner violence on mental health
AL Coker, PH Smith, MP Thompson, RE McKeown, L Bethea, KE Davis
Journal of women's health & gender-based medicine 11 (5), 465-476, 2002
Childhood victimization and subsequent adult revictimization assessed in a nationally representative sample of women and men
S Desai, I Arias, MP Thompson, KC Basile
Violence and victims 17 (6), 639, 2002
Sexual assault incidents among college undergraduates: Prevalence and factors associated with risk
CA Mellins, K Walsh, AL Sarvet, M Wall, L Gilbert, JS Santelli, ...
PLoS one 12 (11), e0186471, 2017
The differential association of intimate partner physical, sexual, psychological, and stalking violence and posttraumatic stress symptoms in a nationally representative sample …
KC Basile, I Arias, S Desai, MP Thompson
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2004
Gender differences in long-term health consequences of physical abuse of children: data from a nationally representative survey
MP Thompson, JB Kingree, S Desai
American journal of public health 94 (4), 599-604, 2004
Children's Attributional Style Questionnaire—Revised: Psychometric examination.
M Thompson, NJ Kaslow, B Weiss, S Nolen-Hoeksema
Psychological Assessment 10 (2), 166, 1998
Factors that mediate and moderate the link between partner abuse and suicidal behavior in African American women.
NJ Kaslow, MP Thompson, LA Meadows, D Jacobs, S Chance, B Gibb, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 66 (3), 533, 1998
Applying the criteria for empirically supported treatments to studies of psychosocial interventions for child and adolescent depression
NJ Kaslow, MP Thompson
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 27 (2), 146-155, 1998
Partner violence, social support, and distress among inner-city African American women
MP Thompson, NJ Kaslow, JB Kingree, A Rashid, R Puett, D Jacobs, ...
American journal of community psychology 28, 127-143, 2000
Protective factors against suicide attempt risk among African American women experiencing intimate partner violence
LA Meadows, NJ Kaslow, MP Thompson, GJ Jurkovic
American journal of community psychology 36 (1-2), 109-121, 2005
Attitudinal acceptance of intimate partner violence among US adults
TR Simon, M Anderson, MP Thompson, AE Crosby, G Shelley, JJ Sacks
Violence and Victims 16 (2), 115-126, 2001
Associations of adverse childhood experiences and suicidal behaviors in adulthood in a US nationally representative sample
MP Thompson, JB Kingree, D Lamis
Child: care, health and development 45 (1), 121-128, 2019
Risk and protective factors for suicidal behavior in abused African American women.
NJ Kaslow, MP Thompson, A Okun, A Price, S Young, M Bender, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 70 (2), 311, 2002
The roles of victim and perpetrator alcohol use in intimate partner violence outcomes
MP Thompson, JB Kingree
Journal of interpersonal violence 21 (2), 163-177, 2006
Age differences in the psychological consequences of Hurricane Hugo.
MP Thompson, FH Norris, B Hanacek
Psychology and aging 8 (4), 606, 1993
Measuring intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration: A compendium of assessment tools
MP Thompson
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury …, 2006
Reasons for not reporting victimizations to the police: Do they vary for physical and sexual incidents?
M Thompson, D Sitterle, G Clay, J Kingree
Journal of American College Health 55 (5), 277-282, 2007
Barriers to reporting sexual victimization: Prevalence and correlates among undergraduate women
HM Zinzow, M Thompson
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 20 (7), 711-725, 2011
The role of religion in coping with the loss of a family member to homicide
MP Thompson, PJ Vardaman
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 44-51, 1997
Coping variables that mediate the relation between intimate partner violence and mental health outcomes among low‐income, African American women
MD Mitchell, GL Hargrove, MH Collins, MP Thompson, TL Reddick, ...
Journal of clinical psychology 62 (12), 1503-1520, 2006
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