Takip et
Ana Poceva Panovska
Ana Poceva Panovska
Associate professor, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Pharmacy
ff.ukim.edu.mk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Guillain Barré syndrome (GBS): new insights in the molecular mimicry between C. jejuni and human peripheral nerve (HPN) proteins
A Loshaj-Shala, L Regazzoni, A Daci, M Orioli, K Brezovska, ...
Journal of neuroimmunology 289, 168-176, 2015
Immunoproteomic identification of antigenic candidate Campylobacter jejuni and human peripheral nerve proteins involved in Guillain-Barré syndrome
A Loshaj-Shala, M Colzani, K Brezovska, AP Panovska, L Suturkova, ...
Journal of neuroimmunology 317, 77-83, 2018
Optimization of HS-GC–FID–MS method for residual solvent profiling in active pharmaceutical ingredients using DoE
A Poceva Panovska, J Acevska, G Stefkov, K Brezovska, R Petkovska, ...
Journal of Chromatographic Science 54 (2), 103-111, 2016
Immunoreactivity of glycoproteins isolated from human peripheral nerve and Campylobacter jejuni (O: 19)
K Brezovska, AP Panovska, A Grozdanova, L Suturkova, I Basta, ...
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 2 (2), 125, 2011
Studying the formation of aggregates in recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (rHuG-CSF), lenograstim, using size-exclusion chromatography and SDS-PAGE
J Ribarska, S Jolevska, A Panovska, A Dimitrovska
Acta Pharmaceutica 58 (2), 199, 2008
Characterization and origin differentiation of morphine derivatives by DSC/TG and FTIR analysis using pattern recognition techniques
G Petruševski, J Acevska, G Stefkov, A Poceva Panovska, I Micovski, ...
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 123, 2561-2571, 2016
Formulation and characterization of ORMOSIL particles loaded with budesonide for local colonic delivery
V Petrovska-Jovanovska, N Geskovski, MS Crcarevska, O Memed, ...
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 484 (1-2), 75-84, 2015
Chemometric evaluation of the efficacy of locally administered chlorhexidine in patients with periodontal disease
L Bogdanovska, AP Panovska, M Popovska, A Dimitrovska, R Petkovska
Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 25 (7), 1022-1031, 2017
Efficacy assessment of local doxycycline treatment in periodontal patients using multivariate chemometric approach
L Bogdanovska, AP Panovska, N Nakov, M Zafirova, M Popovska, ...
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 91, 114-121, 2016
Antibiotic resistance and aquatic systems: importance in public health
N Lajqi Berisha, A Poceva Panovska, Z Hajrulai-Musliu
Water 16 (17), 2362, 2024
Cross-reactive epitopes present in campylobacter jejuni serotypes isolated from enteritis patients.
A Grozdanova, A Poceva-Panovska, K Brezovska, E Trajkovska-Dokic, ...
Prilozi 32 (1), 113-125, 2011
Development and optimization of a generic HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of common ingredients in multi component cough and cold oral drug products using …
M Zafirova, J Acevska, L Ugrinova, G Petrovska-Dimitrievska, V Karchev, ...
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 63 (02), 49-65, 2018
Counterfeiting of medicines as an infringement of the intellectual property rights.
F Cvetanovski, K Brezovska, AP Panovska, J Acevska, JT Ribarska, ...
Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin/Makedonsko Farmacevtski Bilten 62 (1), 2016
Immunoreactivity and characterization of oligosaccharide determinants in glycoproteins isolated from peripheral nerve and Campylobacter jejuni O: 19
A Poceva-Panovska, K Brezovska, A Grozdanova, S Apostolski, ...
Neurol. Croat 60 (2), 61-68, 2011
Methyl 4-[(Benzoylamino) methoxy] benzoate
E Popovski, K Mladenovska, AP Panovska
Molbank 2011 (1), M712, 2010
Root causes for presence of nitrosamine impurities in active pharmaceutical substances and finished pharmaceutical products
M Prculovska, J Acevska, AP Panovska, N Nakov, A Dimtirovska, ...
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 68 (1), 59-60, 2022
The role of antibodies to peripheral nerve antigens in pathogenesis and laboratory evaluation of immunemediated neuropathies.
E Mihajloska, AP Panovska, K Brezovska, M Pendovska, A Taravari, ...
Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin/Makedonsko Farmacevtski Bilten 67 (1), 2021
Involvement of serum HSP 70 in Guillain-Barré syndrome: an exploratory study and a review of current literature
A Loshaj-Shala, AP Panovska, K Brezovska, G Beretta, L Suturkova, ...
Maced Pharma Bull 61 (1), 61-67, 2015
Glycoconjugates as target antigens in peripheral neuropathies
L Suturkova, K Brezovska, A Poceva-Panovska, A Grozdanova, ...
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 60 (2), 21-27, 2014
Antibodies to Glycoproteins Shared by Human Peripheral Nerve and Campylobacter jejuni in Patients with Multifocal Motor Neuropathy
L Suturkova, K Brezovska, A Poceva-Panovska, A Grozdanova, ...
Autoimmune Diseases 2013 (1), 728720, 2013
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