Planting-date and cutting-time affect the growth and essential oil composition of Mentha× piperita and Mentha arvensis A Soltanbeigi, M Özgüven, MB Hassanpouraghdam Industrial Crops and Products 170, 113790, 2021 | 43 | 2021 |
Growth responses and essential oil profile of Salvia officinalis L. influenced by water deficit and various nutrient sources in the greenhouse A Soltanbeigi, M Yıldız, H Dıraman, H Terzi, E Sakartepe, E Yıldız Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (12), 7327-7335, 2021 | 36 | 2021 |
Qualitative Variations of Lavandin Essential Oil under Various Storage Conditions A Soltanbeigi Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 23 (6), 1237-1252, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
The effect of different harvest dates on the yield and quality properties of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) plant N Katar, D Katar, R Temel, S Karakurt, İ Bolatkıran, E Yıldız, A Soltanbeigi Biological Diversity and Conservation 12 (3), 7-13, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
Chemical specification of wild Salvia tomentosa Mill. collected from Inner Aegean region of Turkey. A Soltanbeigi, E Sakartepe | 16 | 2020 |
Chemical compositions of essential oil of some Citrus spp. (Sour, Lemon, Kumquat, Mandarin and Orange) peels. E Duman, MMÖ Amir Soltanbeİgİ | 16 | 2016 |
Foliar application of graphene oxide, Fe, and Zn on Artemisia dracunculus L. under salinity MB Hassanpouraghdam, LV Mehrabani, N Kheirollahi, A Soltanbeigi, ... Scientia Agricola 80, e20210202, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Medicinal Herbs Affecting Cancers in Iran and the World. A Soltanbeigi, N Dastyar, FK Nejad, S Shokri Plant Biotechnology Persa 4 (1), 2022 | 12 | 2022 |
DETERMINATION OF CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND ANTIOXIDANT EFFECT OF SALVIA OFFICINALIS L. AT Baydir, A Soltanbeigi, RS Canlidinç, MS ERDOĞAN Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 4 (1 …, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Effect of drought stress and seed pretreatment with CCC on yield and yield components of maize varieties A Soltanbeigi Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 16 (1), 61-70, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Çukurova bölgesi marjinal arazi koşullarında Mentha türlerinde farklı dikim zamanlarının verim ve kaliteye etkisi A Soltanbeigi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
Agronomic yield and essential oil properties of Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L. Moench) with different nutrient applications A Soltanbeigi, H Maral Chilean journal of agricultural & animal sciences 38 (2), 164-175, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Mollifying Salt Depression on Anethum graveolens L. by the Foliar Prescription of Nano-Zn, KNO3, Methanol, and Graphene Oxide MB Hassanpouraghdam, LV Mehrabani, MR Rahvar, L Khoshmaram, ... Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 22 (2), 2000-2012, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Effects of Different Plant Density and Cutting Times on Yield of Stevia under the Çukurova Conditions LS Tansı, E Samadpourrigani, S Gedik International Journal of Secondary Metabolite 4 (3, Special Issue 2), 355-358, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Ontogenetik varyabilite ve bitki yoğunluğunun şeker otu verimine etkisi L sezen Tansı, E Samadpourrigani, S Gedik, A Soltanbeigi KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 20, 323-326, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Effects of seeds priming with CCC and irrigation cutting in different stages of growth and developments of corn cultivars A Soltanbeigi M. Sc. Thesis. Islamic Azad University. Khoy Branch. Khoy. Iran, 2009 | 4 | 2009 |
Investigating the effect of total antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants Salsola rigida and Triticum aestivum D Razmjoue, M Pirhadi, A Soltanbeigi, R Lysiuk, R Asadzadeh Plant Biotechnology Persa 5 (2), 1-6, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Ethno-botanical study of appetizing medicinal plants used in Musian city, west of Iran A Soltanbeigi, M Pirhadi, S Özliman Journal of Biochemicals and Phytomedicine 2 (2), 70-74, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Marjinal Arazi Koşulları ve Ekim Zamanının Mentha× piperita’nın Verim ve Kalitesine Etkileri A Soltanbeigi, M Özgüven Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 18 (4), 702-717, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
The antioxidant effect of rosemary on the oxidation stability of refıned sunflower oil AT Baydır, A Soltanbeigi, H Maral Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 60-65, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |