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Wanli Xue
Wanli Xue
Sophos; UNSW
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A survey of COVID-19 contact tracing apps
N Ahmed, RA Michelin, W Xue, S Ruj, R Malaney, SS Kanhere, ...
IEEE access 8, 134577-134601, 2020
A multi-view CNN-based acoustic classification system for automatic animal species identification
W Xu, X Zhang, L Yao, W Xue, B Wei
Ad Hoc Networks 102, 102115, 2020
Kryptein: a compressive-sensing-based encryption scheme for the internet of things
W Xue, C Luo, G Lan, R Rana, W Hu, A Seneviratne
Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information …, 2017
Sequence data matching and beyond: New privacy-preserving primitives based on bloom filters
W Xue, D Vatsalan, W Hu, A Seneviratne
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, 2973-2987, 2020
Predictable privacy-preserving mobile crowd sensing: A tale of two roles
C Luo, X Liu, W Xue, Y Shen, J Li, W Hu, AX Liu
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 27 (1), 361-374, 2019
A differential privacy-based classification system for edge computing in IoT
W Xue, Y Shen, C Luo, W Xu, W Hu, A Seneviratne
Computer Communications 182, 117-128, 2022
DIMY: Enabling privacy-preserving contact tracing
N Ahmed, RA Michelin, W Xue, GD Putra, S Ruj, SS Kanhere, S Jha
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 202, 103356, 2022
Towards a compressive-sensing-based lightweight encryption scheme for the internet of things
W Xue, C Luo, Y Shen, R Rana, G Lan, S Jha, A Seneviratne, W Hu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 20 (10), 3049-3065, 2020
Inaudiblekey: Generic inaudible acoustic signal based key agreement protocol for mobile devices
W Xu, Z Li, W Xue, X Yu, B Wei, J Wang, C Luo, W Li, AY Zomaya
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Processing …, 2021
An efficient privacy-preserving iot system for face recognition
W Xue, W Hu, P Gauranvaram, A Seneviratne, S Jha
2020 Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Security in IoT (ETSecIoT), 7-11, 2020
Acies: A privacy-preserving system for edge-based classification
W Xue, Y Shen, C Luo, W Hu, A Seneviratne
2018 17th IEEE international conference on trust, security and privacy in …, 2018
Pistis: Replay Attack and Liveness Detection for Gait-Based User Authentication System on Wearable Devices Using Vibration
W Song, H Jia, M Wang, Y Wu, W Xue, CT Chou, J Hu, W Hu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (9), 8155-8171, 2022
An Experiment Study on Federated Learning Testbed
C Shen, W Xue
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.10579, 2021
A Survey of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps. IEEE Access 8 (2020), 134577–134601
N Ahmed, RA Michelin, W Xue, S Ruj, R Malaney, SS Kanhere, ...
Towards privacy-preserving digital contact tracing
N Ahmed, RA Michelin, W Xue, GD Putra, W Song, S Ruj, SS Kanhere, ...
2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 1-3, 2021
HealCam: Energy-efficient and privacy-preserving human vital cycles monitoring on camera-enabled smart devices
Q Yang, Y Shen, F Yang, J Zhang, W Xue, H Wen
Computer Networks 138, 192-200, 2018
Privgait: an energy-harvesting-based privacy-preserving user-identification system by gait analysis
W Xu, W Xue, Q Lin, G Lan, X Feng, B Wei, C Luo, W Li, AY Zomaya
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (22), 22048-22060, 2021
CScrypt: A compressive-sensing-based encryption engine for the Internet of Things: demo abstract
W Xue, C Luo, R Rana, W Hu, A Seneviratne
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems CD …, 2016
Privacy-Preserving Probabilistic Data Encoding for IoT Data Analysis
Z Zaman, W Xue, P Gauravaram, W Hu, J Jiang, S Jha
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2024
Inaudible acoustic signal based key agreement system for IoT devices
W Xu, Z Li, W Xue, X Yu, J Wang, C Luo, W Li, AY Zomaya
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, 689-690, 2020
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