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Tomotaka (Tomo) Umemura
Tomotaka (Tomo) Umemura
hiroshima-u.ac.jp üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
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Alıntı yapanlar
Marital quality over the transition to parenthood as a predictor of coparenting
C Christopher, T Umemura, T Mann, D Jacobvitz, N Hazen
Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 3636-3651, 2015
Marital conflict and parental responses to infant negative emotions: Relations with toddler emotional regulation
LA Frankel, T Umemura, D Jacobvitz, N Hazen
Infant behavior and development 40, 73-83, 2015
Do toddlers prefer the primary caregiver or the parent with whom they feel more secure? The role of toddler emotion
T Umemura, D Jacobvitz, S Messina, N Hazen
Infant Behavior and Development 36 (1), 102-114, 2013
Coparenting problems with toddlers predict children’s symptoms of psychological problems at age 7
T Umemura, C Christopher, T Mann, D Jacobvitz, N Hazen
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 46, 981-996, 2015
Similarities and differences regarding changes in attachment preferences and attachment styles in relation to romantic relationship length: longitudinal and concurrent analyses
T Umemura, L Lacinová, K Kotrčová, RC Fraley
Attachment & human development 20 (2), 135-159, 2018
Longitudinal changes in emerging adults’ attachment preferences for their mother, father, friends, and romantic partner: Focusing on the start and end of romantic relationships
T Umemura, L Lacinová, P Macek, ES Kunnen
International Journal of Behavioral Development 41 (1), 136-142, 2017
Roles of attachment relationships in emerging adults' career decision-making process: A two-year longitudinal research design
L Kvitkovičová, T Umemura, P Macek
Journal of Vocational Behavior 101, 119-132, 2017
The relationship between adult attachment orientation and child self-regulation in eating: The mediating role of persuasive-controlling feeding practices
EM Powell, LA Frankel, T Umemura, N Hazen
Eating Behaviors 26, 121-128, 2017
Is emerging adults’ attachment preference for the romantic partner transferred from their attachment preferences for their mother, father, and friends?
T Umemura, L Lacinová, P Macek
Emerging Adulthood 3 (3), 179-193, 2015
Different developmental pathways from parental warmth to adolescents’ trust in peers and politicians: Mediating roles of adolescent–parent attachment and belief in a just world
T Umemura, J Šerek
Social Justice Research 29, 186-205, 2016
Very extensive nonmaternal care predicts mother–infant attachment disorganization: Convergent evidence from two samples
NL Hazen, SD Allen, CH Christopher, T Umemura, DB Jacobvitz
Development and Psychopathology 27 (3), 649-661, 2015
Nonmaternal care hours and temperament predict infants’ proximity-seeking behavior and attachment subgroups
T Umemura, DB Jacobvitz
Infant Behavior and Development 37 (3), 352-365, 2014
Adolescents’ multiple versus single primary attachment figures, reorganization of attachment hierarchy, and adjustments: the important people interview approach
T Umemura, L Lacinová, J Kraus, E Horská, L Pivodová
Attachment & Human Development 20 (5), 532-552, 2018
Changes in late adolescents’ voting intentions during the election campaign: Disentangling the effects of political communication with parents, peers and media
J Šerek, T Umemura
European Journal of Communication 30 (3), 285-300, 2015
Considering the negatively formed identity: Relationships between negative identity and problematic psychosocial beliefs
S Hihara, T Umemura, K Sugimura
Journal of Adolescence 70, 24-32, 2019
Relational uncertainty and relationship satisfaction in a romantic relationship: Self-disclosure as a moderator and a mediator
T Imai, E Taniguchi, T Umemura
Current Psychology, 1-13, 2021
Positive and negative valences of identities: Longitudinal associations of identity content valences with adaptive and maladaptive functioning among Japanese young adults
S Hihara, K Sugimura, T Umemura, Y Iwasa, M Syed
Development and psychopathology 34 (4), 1516-1530, 2022
The relationships between initial consonants in Japanese sound symbolic words and familiarity, multi-sensory imageability, emotional valence, and arousal
T Kambara, T Umemura
Journal of psycholinguistic research 50 (4), 831-842, 2021
The relationship between psycholinguistic features of religious words and core dimensions of religiosity: A survey study with Japanese participants
T Kambara, T Umemura, M Ackert, Y Yang
Religions 11 (12), 673, 2020
Secure base script and psychological dysfunction in Japanese young adults in the 21st century: Using the Attachment Script Assessment.
T Umemura, M Watanabe, K Tazuke, S Asada-Hirano, S Kudo
Developmental Psychology 54 (5), 989, 2018
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