Takip et
Jose Caicedo
Jose Caicedo
Docente tiempo completo, Universidad de la Costa
cuc.edu.co üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Monitoring system for agronomic variables based in WSN technology on cassava crops
J Caicedo-Ortiz, E De-la-Hoz-Franco, R Morales-Ortega, ...
Monitoring system for agronomic variables based in WSN technology on cassava …, 2018
Diseño de una red de sensores inalámbricos para la monitorización de inundaciones repentinas en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia
J Caicedo-Ortiz, G Piñeres-Espitia, A Cama-Pinto, J Sepúlveda-Ojeda, ...
Ingeniare Chile 24 (4), 581-599, 2016
Influencia de la Ingeniería de Software en los Procesos de Automatización Industrial
Á Mejía-Neira, D Jabba, GC Caballero, J Caicedo-Ortiz
Información Tecnológica 30 (5), 221-230, 2019
Received strength signal intensity performance analysis in wireless sensor network using Arduino platform and XBee wireless modules
A Cama-Pinto, G Pineres-Espitia, J Caicedo-Ortiz, E Ramírez-Cerpa, ...
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 13 (7), 1550147717722691, 2017
The influence of software engineering on industrial automation processes
Á Mejía-Neira, D Jabba, GC Caballero, J Caicedo-Ortiz
Technology Information Journal 30 (5), 221-230, 2019
Design of a wireless sensor network for monitoring of flash floods in the city of Barranquilla Colombia
A Cama-Pinto, G Piñeres-Espitia, R Zamora-Musa, M Acosta-Coll, ...
Rev. Chil. Ingeniare 24, 581-599, 2016
Method based on data mining techniques for breast cancer recurrence analysis
MO Roberto Cesar, LB German, AC Paola Patricia, AR Eugenia, ...
Advances in Swarm Intelligence: 11th International Conference, ICSI 2020 …, 2020
Modelo de despliegue de una WSN para la medición de las variables climáticas que causan fuertes precipitaciones
ACP José Caicedo-Ortiz, Melisa Andrea Acosta Coll
Prospectiva 13, 106 - 115, 2015
Analysis of Buñuelos growth rate using 2k factorial design
J Noguera, J Jiménez-Cabas, B Álvarez, J Caicedo-Ortiz, J Ruiz-Ariza
Procedia Computer Science 177, 267-275, 2020
Design and development of a didactic an innovative dashboard for home automation teaching using LabVIEW programming environment
GC Farid Melendez-Pertuz, Ruben Sanchez Dams, José Caicedo-Ortiz, Jaime ...
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13 (2), 523-528, 2018
WSN deployment model for measuring climate variables that cause strong precipitation
JG Caicedo Ortiz, MA Acosta Coll, A Cama-Pinto
Prospectiva 13 (1), 106-115, 2015
Design and manufacturing method of prosthetic socket without physical presence of the amputee
J Vargas-Duque, J Ruiz-Ariza, J Caicedo-Ortiz, J Jiménez-Cabas
Linguistica Antverpiensia 2, 593-601, 2021
Business model for the optimization of energy consumption by VAC equipment in service sector buildings
Y Gómez-Charris, S Umaña-Ibáñez, J Silva-Ortega, J Caicedo-Ortiz, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 844 (1), 012049, 2020
Sistema de monitorización de variables agrícolas basado en la tecnología WSN para el cultivo de la yuca
JG Caicedo Ortiz
Architecture Based on Cloud Services to Boost Cultural and Heritage Tourism in the Department of Cesar, Colombia
JCO Ariza-Colpas Paola Patricia, Piñeres-Melo Marlon Alberto, Morales-Ortega ...
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 2033, 110-124, 2024
Guías de laboratorio de sistemas embebidos I
N Amaya Tejera, J Caicedo Ortiz
Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2023
Heuristic hardware for square root operation using taylor series and modified newton method
GDG Salvador, ADH Allauca, CGS Espín, J Caicedo-Ortiz
Journal of Positive School Psychology, 2588-2593, 2022
Embedded Agents for the Development of Smart Devices on the Internet of Things
Volume 31: Workshops at 18th International Conference on Intelligent …, 2022
CBT system (Computer Based Training) of the Aircraft a-37b, used in the earth course of the combat air command No. 3 (CAMCOM-3) of the Colombian Air Force (FAC)
R Morales Ortega, PP Ariza Colpas, M Piñeres-Melo, C Ayala-Mantilla, ...
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2020
Modelado y prueba de desempeño en tasa de errores de bits de un sistema de comunicaciones con modulación QAM y codificación Reed-Solomon utilizando LabVIEW para la enseñanza en …
F Meléndez Pertuz, JC Vélez Diaz, J Caicedo Ortíz, A Fernández Vélez
Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia 40 (3 …, 2017
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