Operational SER Calculations on the SAC-C Orbit Using the Multi-Scales Single Event Phenomena Predictive Platform (MUSCA ) G Hubert, S Duzellier, C Inguimbert, C Boatella-Polo, FÇ Bezerra, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56 (6), 3032-3042, 2009
155 2009 Device simulation study of the SEU sensitivity of SRAMs to internal ion tracks generated by nuclear reactions JM Palau, G Hubert, K Coulie, B Sagnes, MC Calvet, S Fourtine
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 48 (2), 225-231, 2001
145 2001 Impact of scaling on the soft error sensitivity of bulk, FDSOI and FinFET technologies due to atmospheric radiation G Hubert, L Artola, D Regis
Integration 50, 39-47, 2015
134 2015 Impact of the radial ionization profile on SEE prediction for SOI transistors and SRAMs beyond the 32-nm technological node M Raine, G Hubert, M Gaillardin, L Artola, P Paillet, S Girard, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (3), 840-847, 2011
115 2011 Modeling single event transients in advanced devices and ICs L Artola, M Gaillardin, G Hubert, M Raine, P Paillet
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62 (4), 1528-1539, 2015
102 2015 Single-event transient modeling in a 65-nm bulk CMOS technology based on multi-physical approach and electrical simulations G Hubert, L Artola
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (6), 4421-4429, 2013
83 2013 Anthology of the development of radiation transport tools as applied to single event effects RA Reed, RA Weller, A Akkerman, J Barak, W Culpepper, S Duzellier, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (3), 1876-1911, 2013
81 2013 SEU prediction from SET modeling using multi-node collection in bulk transistors and SRAMs down to the 65 nm technology node L Artola, G Hubert, KM Warren, M Gaillardin, RD Schrimpf, RA Reed, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (3), 1338-1346, 2011
78 2011 Detailed analysis of secondary ions' effect for the calculation of neutron-induced SER in SRAMs G Hubert, JM Palau, K Castellani-Coulie, MC Calvet, S Fourtine
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 48 (6), 1953-1959, 2001
77 2001 Neutron monitors and muon detectors for solar modulation studies: 2. ϕ time series A Ghelfi, D Maurin, A Cheminet, L Derome, G Hubert, F Melot
Advances in Space Research 60 (4), 833-847, 2017
74 2017 Various SEU conditions in SRAM studied by 3-D device simulation K Castellani-Coulié, JM Palau, G Hubert, MC Calvet, PE Dodd, F Sexton
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 48 (6), 1931-1936, 2001
62 2001 Multiple event transient induced by nuclear reactions in CMOS logic cells C Rusu, A Bougerol, L Anghel, C Weulerse, N Buard, S Benhammadi, ...
13th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS 2007), 137-145, 2007
50 2007 Continuous High-Altitude Measurements of Cosmic Ray Neutrons and SEU/MCU at Various Locations: Correlation and Analyses Based-On MUSCA SEP G Hubert, R Velazco, C Federico, A Cheminet, C Silva-Cardenas, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (4), 2418-2426, 2013
49 2013 ICARE on-board SAC-C: More than 8 years of SEU and MCU, analysis and prediction C Boatella, G Hubert, R Ecoffet, S Duzellier
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 57 (4), 2000-2009, 2010
49 2010 Monte Carlo prediction of heavy ion induced MBU sensitivity for SOI SRAMs using radial ionization profile M Raine, G Hubert, M Gaillardin, P Paillet, A Bournel
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (6), 2607-2613, 2011
47 2011 Radiation effects investigations based on atmospheric radiation model (ATMORAD) considering GEANT4 simulations of extensive air showers and solar modulation potential G Hubert, A Cheminet
Radiation research 184 (1), 83-94, 2015
46 2015 Accelerator-based neutron irradiation of integrated circuits at GENEPI2 (France) F Villa, M Baylac, S Rey, O Rossetto, W Mansour, P Ramos, R Velazco, ...
2014 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW), 1-5, 2014
46 2014 Modeling of radiation-induced single event transients in SOI FinFETS L Artola, G Hubert, RD Schrimpf
2013 IEEE international reliability physics symposium (irps), SE. 1.1-SE. 1.6, 2013
46 2013 Neutron monitors and muon detectors for solar modulation studies: Interstellar flux, yield function, and assessment of critical parameters in count rate calculations D Maurin, A Cheminet, L Derome, A Ghelfi, G Hubert
Advances in space research 55 (1), 363-389, 2015
44 2015 Collected charge analysis for a new transient model by TCAD simulation in 90 nm technology L Artola, G Hubert, S Duzellier, F Bezerra
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 57 (4), 1869-1875, 2010
44 2010