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Xinzheng LU
Xinzheng LU
tsinghua.edu.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Bond–slip models for FRP sheets/plates bonded to concrete
XZ Lu, JG Teng, LP Ye, JJ Jiang
Engineering Structures 27 (6), 920-937, 2005
江见鲸, 陆新征, 叶列平
清华大学出版社, 2005
Research and practice on progressive collapse and robustness of building structures in the 21st century
JM Adam, F Parisi, J Sagaseta, X Lu
Engineering Structures 173, 122-149, 2018
A shear wall element for nonlinear seismic analysis of super-tall buildings using OpenSees
X Lu, L Xie, H Guan, Y Huang, X Lu
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 98, 14-25, 2015
Meso-scale finite element model for FRP sheets/plates bonded to concrete
XZ Lu, LP Ye, JG Teng, JJ Jiang
Engineering structures 27 (4), 564-575, 2005
Collapse simulation of reinforced concrete high‐rise building induced by extreme earthquakes
X Lu, X Lu, H Guan, L Ye
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 42 (5), 705-723, 2013
利用 ANSYS Solid65 单元分析复杂应力条件下的混凝土结构 [J]
陆新征, 江见鲸
建筑结构 33 (6), 22-24, 2003
Intermediate crack debonding in FRP-strengthened RC beams: FE analysis and strength model
XZ Lu, JG Teng, LP Ye, JJ Jiang
Journal of Composites for Construction 11 (2), 161-174, 2007
建筑抗震弹塑性分析——原理, 模型与在 ABAQUS, MSC. MARC 和 SAP2000 上的实践
陆新征, 叶列平, 缪志伟
北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2009
Experimental investigation of progressive collapse resistance of one-way reinforced concrete beam–slab substructures under a middle-column-removal scenario
P Ren, Y Li, X Lu, H Guan, Y Zhou
Engineering Structures 118, 28-40, 2016
Experimental investigation of RC beam-slab substructures against progressive collapse subject to an edge-column-removal scenario
X Lu, K Lin, Y Li, H Guan, P Ren, Y Zhou
Engineering Structures 149, 91-103, 2017
An improved tie force method for progressive collapse resistance design of reinforced concrete frame structures
Y Li, X Lu, H Guan, L Ye
Engineering Structures 33 (10), 2931-2942, 2011
从汶川地震中框架结构震害谈 “强柱弱梁” 屈服机制的实现 [J]
叶列平, 曲哲, 马千里, 林旭川, 陆新征, 潘鹏
建筑结构 38 (11), 52-59, 2008
清华大学土木工程结构专家组, 西南交通大学土木工程结构专家组, ...
建筑结构学报 29 (04), 1-9, 2008
A virtual reality based fire training simulator with smoke hazard assessment capacity
Z Xu, XZ Lu, H Guan, C Chen, AZ Ren
Advances in Engineering Software 68, 1-8, 2014
Real‐time regional seismic damage assessment framework based on long short‐term memory neural network
Y Xu, X Lu, B Cetiner, E Taciroglu
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 36 (4), 504-521, 2021
Earthquake Disaster Simulation of Civil Infrastructures: From Tall Buildings to Urban Areas
X Lu, H Guan
Springer Singapore, 2017
A coarse-grained parallel approach for seismic damage simulations of urban areas based on refined models and GPU/CPU cooperative computing
X Lu, B Han, M Hori, C Xiong, Z Xu
Advances in Engineering Software 70, 90-103, 2014
不同抗震设防 RC 框架结构抗倒塌能力研究
施炜, 叶列平, 陆新征, 唐代远
工程力学 28 (3), 41-48, 2011
Automated structural design of shear wall residential buildings using generative adversarial networks
WJ Liao, XZ Lu, YL Huang, Z Zheng, YQ Lin
Automation in Construction 132, 2021
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