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Fan T Y
Fan T Y
National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium
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Alıntı yapanlar
BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene
M Dornelas, LH Antao, F Moyes, AE Bates, AE Magurran, D Adam, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (7), 760-786, 2018
Towards automated annotation of benthic survey images: Variability of human experts and operational modes of automation
O Beijbom, PJ Edmunds, C Roelfsema, J Smith, DI Kline, BP Neal, ...
PloS one 10 (7), e0130312, 2015
Variation of initial 230Th/232Th and limits of high precision U–Th dating of shallow-water corals
CC Shen, KS Li, K Sieh, D Natawidjaja, H Cheng, X Wang, RL Edwards, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (17), 4201-4223, 2008
Effects of diurnally oscillating pCO2 on the calcification and survival of coral recruits
AM Dufault, VR Cumbo, TY Fan, PJ Edmunds
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1740), 2951-2958, 2012
Toxicological effects of two organic ultraviolet filters and a related commercial sunscreen product in adult corals
T He, MMP Tsui, CJ Tan, CY Ma, SKF Yiu, LH Wang, TY Fan, PKS Lam, ...
Environmental Pollution 245, 462-471, 2019
The physiological and molecular responses of larvae from the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis exposed to near-future increases in temperature and pCO2
HM Putnam, AB Mayfield, TY Fan, CS Chen, RD Gates
Marine Biology 160, 2157-2173, 2013
Comparative toxicities of four benzophenone ultraviolet filters to two life stages of two coral species
T He, MMP Tsui, CJ Tan, KY Ng, FW Guo, LH Wang, TY Fan, PKS Lam, ...
Science of the Total Environment 651, 2391-2399, 2019
Successive shifts in the microbial community of the surface mucus layer and tissues of the coral Acropora muricata under thermal stress
STM Lee, SK Davy, SL Tang, TY Fan, PS Kench
FEMS microbiology ecology 91 (12), fiv142, 2015
Global biogeography of coral recruitment: tropical decline and subtropical increase
NN Price, S Muko, L Legendre, R Steneck, MJH van Oppen, R Albright, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 621, 1-17, 2019
Persistence and change in community composition of reef corals through present, past, and future climates
PJ Edmunds, M Adjeroud, ML Baskett, IB Baums, AF Budd, RC Carpenter, ...
PLoS One 9 (10), e107525, 2014
Effect of a fluctuating thermal regime on adult and larval reef corals
HM Putnam, PJ Edmunds, TY Fan
Invertebrate Biology 129 (3), 199-209, 2010
Sexual reproduction in corals in northern and southern Taiwan
CF Dai
Proc 7th Int Coral Reef Symp Guam 1, 448-455, 1993
Effect of Temperature on the Settlement Choice and Photophysiology of Larvae From the Reef Coral Stylophora pistillata
HM Putnam, PJ Edmunds, TY Fan
The Biological Bulletin 215 (2), 135-142, 2008
Lunar periodicity of larval release by pocilloporid corals in southern Taiwan
TY Fan, JJ Li, SX Ie, LS Fang
ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES-TAIPEI- 41 (3), 288-294, 2002
The effects of a variable temperature regime on the physiology of the reef-building coral Seriatopora hystrix: results from a laboratory-based reciprocal transplant
AB Mayfield, PH Chan, HM Putnam, CS Chen, TY Fan
Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (23), 4183-4195, 2012
Assessing the impacts of experimentally elevated temperature on the biological composition and molecular chaperone gene expression of a reef coral
AB Mayfield, LH Wang, PC Tang, TY Fan, YY Hsiao, CL Tsai, CS Chen
PloS one 6 (10), e26529, 2011
Physiological acclimation to elevated temperature in a reef-building coral from an upwelling environment
AB Mayfield, TY Fan, CS Chen
Coral Reefs 32, 909-921, 2013
Nucleotide Sequences of Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacers and Their Utility in Distinguishing Closely Related Perinereis Polychaets (Annelida; Polychaeta …
CA Chen, CP Chen, TY Fan, JK Yu, HL Hsieh
Marine Biotechnology 4, 17-29, 2002
Diel patterns of larval release by five brooding scleractinian corals
TY Fan, KH Lin, FW Kuo, K Soong, LL Liu, LS Fang
Marine Ecology Progress Series 321, 133-142, 2006
Dynamics of a coral reef community after mass mortality of branching Acropora corals and an outbreak of anemones
KS Tkachenko, BJ Wu, LS Fang, TY Fan
Marine Biology 151, 185-194, 2007
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