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The EMBO journal 24 (1), 1-10, 2005
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208 2010 Simultaneously enhancing spectral resolution and sensitivity in heteronuclear correlation NMR spectroscopy L Paudel, RW Adams, P Király, JA Aguilar, M Foroozandeh, MJ Cliff, ...
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189 2013 Conformational changes in the AAA ATPase p97–p47 adaptor complex F Beuron, I Dreveny, X Yuan, VE Pye, C Mckeown, LC Briggs, MJ Cliff, ...
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127 2006 Molecular recognition via coupled folding and binding in a TPR domain MJ Cliff, MA Williams, J Brooke-Smith, D Barford, JE Ladbury
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112 2005 Transition state analogue structures of human phosphoglycerate kinase establish the importance of charge balance in catalysis MJ Cliff, MW Bowler, A Varga, JP Marston, J Szabó, AM Hounslow, ...
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108 2010 Enzymatic carboxylation of 2-furoic acid yields 2, 5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) KAP Payne, SA Marshall, K Fisher, MJ Cliff, DM Cannas, C Yan, ...
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102 2015 Anionic charge is prioritized over geometry in aluminum and magnesium fluoride transition state analogs of phosphoryl transfer enzymes NJ Baxter, GM Blackburn, JP Marston, AM Hounslow, MJ Cliff, W Bermel, ...
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101 2008 Atomic details of near-transition state conformers for enzyme phosphoryl transfer revealed by rather than by phosphoranes NJ Baxter, MW Bowler, T Alizadeh, MJ Cliff, AM Hounslow, B Wu, ...
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