Network centrality measures and systemic risk: An application to the Turkish financial crisis TU Kuzubaş, I Ömercikoğlu, B Saltoğlu Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 405, 203-215, 2014 | 118 | 2014 |
Growth and Immigration Scenarios: Turkey-EU R Erzan, U Kuzubaş, N Yıldız Turkey in Europe Monitor, 123, 2004 | 54 | 2004 |
Wage-productivity gap in OECD economies C Elgin, TU Kuzubas Economics 7 (1), 20130021, 2013 | 43 | 2013 |
Immigration Scenarios: Turkey–EU NY R Erzan, U Kuzubaş Turkish Studies 7 (1), 33-44, 2006 | 42* | 2006 |
Measures of individual risk attitudes and portfolio choice: Evidence from pension participants MY Gürdal, TU Kuzubaş, B Saltoğlu Journal of Economic Psychology 62, 186-203, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
A comparative goodness-of-fit analysis of distributions of some Lévy processes and Heston model to stock index returns A Göncü, MO Karahan, TU Kuzubaş The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 36, 69-83, 2016 | 30* | 2016 |
Systemic Risk and Heterogeneous Leverage in Banking Networks TU Kuzubas, B Saltoglu, C Sever Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 358–375, 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
Forecasting daily residential natural gas Consumption: A dynamic temperature modelling approach A Goncu, MO Karahan, TU Kuzubas Bogazici University, Department of Economics Working Papers, 2013 | 19* | 2013 |
Wage-productivity gap in Turkish manufacturing sector C Elgin, TU Kuzubas Iktisat isletme ve finans 27 (316), 09-31, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
Heterogeneity in labor income profiles: evidence from Turkey E Aktuğ, TU Kuzubaş, O Torul Empirical Economics 60 (5), 2557-2587, 2021 | 18* | 2021 |
Endogenous social networks in the labor market TU Kuzubas Unpublished, Unpublished manuscript, University of Minnesota, 2009 | 18 | 2009 |
Performance evaluation of the Turkish pension fund system TU Kuzubas, B Saltoğlu, A Sert, A Yüksel Journal of Capital Markets Studies 3 (1), 18-33, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Current account balances and output volatility C Elgin, TU Kuzubas Economic Modelling 33, 381-387, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Fitting the variance-gamma model: A goodness-of-fit check for emerging markets A Göncü, MO Karahan, TU Kuzubas Bogazici Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences 27 (2), 1-10, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
Büyüme ve Göç Senaryoları: Türkiye ve AB R Erzan, U Kuzubaş, N Yıldız AB-Türkiye İlişkilerinde Göç Konuları: Dış Göç Dinamikleri ve Göçmenlerin …, 2004 | 10 | 2004 |
Türkiye'de Nakit ve Kart Ödemelerinin Karşılaştırmalı Maliyeti C Elgin, R Erzan, U Kuzubaş İstanbul: Mastercard Türkiye, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Job search through weak and strong ties: Theory and evidence from Indonesia TU Kuzubas, A Szabo Unpublished manuscript). Bogazici University. Retrieved from http://www. uh …, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
Multiple job search networks: Theory and evidence from Indonesia TU Kuzubas, A Szabo Bogazici University, Department of Economics Working Papers, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
Job search through weak and strong ties: Theory and evidence from Indonesia TU Kuzubas, A Szabo Working paper, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
A stochastic model for natural gas consumption: An application for Turkey A GÖNCÜ, MO KARAHAN, TU KUZUBAŞ Iktisat Isletme ve Finans 28 (332), 33-46, 2013 | 4 | 2013 |