Ki Buem Kim
Ki Buem Kim
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ sejong.ac.kr
“Work-hardenable” ductile bulk metallic glass
J Das, MB Tang, KB Kim, R Theissmann, F Baier, WH Wang, J Eckert
Physical review letters 94 (20), 205501, 2005
Fabrication of Fe-based bulk metallic glass by selective laser melting: A parameter study
HY Jung, SJ Choi, KG Prashanth, M Stoica, S Scudino, S Yi, U Kühn, ...
Materials & Design 86, 703-708, 2015
Heterogeneity of a Cu47. 5Zr47. 5Al5 bulk metallic glass
KB Kim, J Das, F Baier, MB Tang, WH Wang, J Eckert
Applied physics letters 88 (5), 2006
Deformation-induced martensitic transformation in Cu–Zr–(Al, Ti) bulk metallic glass composites
S Pauly, J Das, J Bednarcik, N Mattern, KB Kim, DH Kim, J Eckert
Scripta Materialia 60 (6), 431-434, 2009
High strength ductile Cu-base metallic glass
J Eckert, J Das, KB Kim, F Baier, MB Tang, WH Wang, ZF Zhang
Intermetallics 14 (8-9), 876-881, 2006
High-strength Ti-base ultrafine eutectic with enhanced ductility
J Das, KB Kim, F Baier, W Löser, J Eckert
Applied Physics Letters 87 (16), 2005
Investigation of structure and mechanical properties of TiZrHfNiCuCo high entropy alloy thin films synthesized by magnetron sputtering
YS Kim, HJ Park, SC Mun, E Jumaev, SH Hong, G Song, JT Kim, YK Park, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 797, 834-841, 2019
Phase stability and its effect on the deformation behavior of Ti–Nb–Ta–In/Cr β alloys
W Xu, KB Kim, J Das, M Calin, J Eckert
Scripta Materialia 54 (11), 1943-1948, 2006
High-strength bulk Al-based bimodal ultrafine eutectic composite with enhanced plasticity
JM Park, N Mattern, U Kühn, J Eckert, KB Kim, WT Kim, K Chattopadhyay, ...
Journal of Materials Research 24 (8), 2605-2609, 2009
Fabrication and mechanical properties of Ni–Nb metallic glass particle-reinforced Al-based metal matrix composite
P Yu, KB Kim, J Das, F Baier, W Xu, J Eckert
Scripta Materialia 54 (8), 1445-1450, 2006
Nanostructure–dendrite composites in the Fe–Zr binary alloy system exhibiting high strength and plasticity
JM Park, SW Sohn, TE Kim, DH Kim, KB Kim, WT Kim
Scripta Materialia 57 (12), 1153-1156, 2007
Novel multicomponent amorphous alloys
B Cantor, KB Kim, PJ Warren
Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials 13, 27-32, 2002
Development of lightweight MgLiAl alloys with high specific strength
GH Park, JT Kim, HJ Park, YS Kim, HJ Jeong, N Lee, Y Seo, JY Suh, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 680, 116-120, 2016
High strength ultrafine eutectic Fe–Nb–Al composites with enhanced plasticity
JM Park, KB Kim, WT Kim, MH Lee, J Eckert, DH Kim
Intermetallics 16 (5), 642-650, 2008
Microscopic deformation mechanism of a Ti66. 1Nb13. 9Ni4. 8Cu8Sn7. 2 nanostructure–dendrite composite
KB Kim, J Das, W Xu, ZF Zhang, J Eckert
Acta materialia 54 (14), 3701-3711, 2006
Interfacial reaction during the fabrication of Ni60Nb40 metallic glass particles-reinforced Al based MMCs
P Yu, LC Zhang, WY Zhang, J Das, KB Kim, J Eckert
Materials Science and Engineering: A 444 (1-2), 206-213, 2007
Enhanced proton conductivity of yttrium-doped barium zirconate with sinterability in protonic ceramic fuel cells
KY Park, Y Seo, KB Kim, SJ Song, B Park, JY Park
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 639, 435-444, 2015
Formation of a bimodal eutectic structure in Ti–Fe–Sn alloys with enhanced plasticity
JH Han, KB Kim, S Yi, JM Park, SW Sohn, TE Kim, DH Kim, J Das, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (14), 2008
Chemical evolution-induced strengthening on AlCoCrNi dual-phase high-entropy alloy with high specific strength
E Jumaev, SH Hong, JT Kim, HJ Park, YS Kim, SC Mun, JY Park, G Song, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 777, 828-834, 2019
Lifetime prediction of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell via an accelerated startup–shutdown cycle test
SJ Bae, SJ Kim, JI Park, CW Park, JH Lee, I Song, N Lee, KB Kim, JY Park
international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (12), 9775-9781, 2012
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