Huagui LAI
Huagui LAI
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology/ETH Zürich
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ empa.ch
Rational design of Lewis base molecules for stable and efficient inverted perovskite solar cells
C Li, X Wang, E Bi, F Jiang, SM Park, Y Li, L Chen, Z Wang, L Zeng, ...
Science 379 (6633), 690-694, 2023
Improving interface quality for 1-cm2 all-perovskite tandem solar cells
R He, W Wang, Z Yi, F Lang, C Chen, J Luo, J Zhu, J Thiesbrummel, ...
Nature 618 (7963), 80-86, 2023
Wide-bandgap organic–inorganic hybrid and all-inorganic perovskite solar cells and their application in all-perovskite tandem solar cells
R He, S Ren, C Chen, Z Yi, Y Luo, H Lai, W Wang, G Zeng, X Hao, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (11), 5723-5759, 2021
Unveiling roles of tin fluoride additives in high‐efficiency low‐bandgap mixed tin‐lead perovskite solar cells
Q Chen, J Luo, R He, H Lai, S Ren, Y Jiang, Z Wan, W Wang, X Hao, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 11 (29), 2101045, 2021
A donor–acceptor-type hole-selective contact reducing non-radiative recombination losses in both subcells towards efficient all-perovskite tandems
J Zhu, Y Luo, R He, C Chen, Y Wang, J Luo, Z Yi, J Thiesbrummel, ...
Nature Energy 8 (7), 714-724, 2023
Efficient perovskite solar modules with minimized nonradiative recombination and local carrier transport losses
A Ren, H Lai, X Hao, Z Tang, H Xu, BMFY Jeco, K Watanabe, L Wu, ...
Joule 4 (6), 1263-1277, 2020
MXene-Modulated Electrode/SnO2 Interface Boosting Charge Transport in Perovskite Solar Cells
Y Wang, P Xiang, A Ren, H Lai, Z Zhang, Z Xuan, Z Wan, J Zhang, X Hao, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (48), 53973-53983, 2020
Direct laser-patterned MXene–perovskite image sensor arrays for visible-near infrared photodetection
A Ren, J Zou, H Lai, Y Huang, L Yuan, H Xu, K Shen, H Wang, S Wei, ...
Materials Horizons 7 (7), 1901-1911, 2020
Efficiency boost of bifacial Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells for flexible and tandem applications with silver-assisted low-temperature process
SC Yang, TY Lin, M Ochoa, H Lai, R Kothandaraman, F Fu, AN Tiwari, ...
Nature Energy 8 (1), 40-51, 2023
Improved carrier management via a multifunctional modifier for high‐quality low‐bandgap Sn–Pb perovskites and efficient all‐perovskite tandem solar cells
J Luo, R He, H Lai, C Chen, J Zhu, Y Xu, F Yao, T Ma, Y Luo, Z Yi, Y Jiang, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (22), 2300352, 2023
Interfacial engineering in lead-free tin-based perovskite solar cells
Z Wan, H Lai, S Ren, R He, Y Jiang, J Luo, Q Chen, X Hao, Y Wang, ...
Journal of Energy Chemistry 57, 147-168, 2021
Dual-site passivation of tin-related defects enabling efficient lead-free tin perovskite solar cells
Y Jiang, Z Lu, S Zou, H Lai, Z Zhang, J Luo, Y Huang, R He, J Jin, Z Yi, ...
Nano Energy 103, 107818, 2022
Pure 2D Perovskite Formation by Interfacial Engineering Yields a High Open‐Circuit Voltage beyond 1.28 V for 1.77‐eV Wide‐Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells
R He, Z Yi, Y Luo, J Luo, Q Wei, H Lai, H Huang, B Zou, G Cui, W Wang, ...
Advanced Science 9 (36), 2203210, 2022
Green-antisolvent-regulated distribution of p-type self-doping enables tin perovskite solar cells with an efficiency of over 14%
Z Zhang, Y Huang, C Wang, Y Jiang, J Jin, J Xu, Z Li, Z Su, Q Zhou, J Zhu, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 16 (8), 3430-3440, 2023
High‐Performance Flexible All‐Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells with Reduced VOC‐Deficit in Wide‐Bandgap Subcell
H Lai, J Luo, Y Zwirner, S Olthof, A Wieczorek, F Ye, Q Jeangros, X Yin, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (45), 2202438, 2022
Mismatch of Quasi–Fermi Level Splitting and Voc in Perovskite Solar Cells
J Warby, S Shah, J Thiesbrummel, E Gutierrez‐Partida, H Lai, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 13 (48), 2303135, 2023
Beneficial effects of potassium iodide incorporation on grain boundaries and interfaces of perovskite solar cells
Y Yang, L Wu, X Hao, Z Tang, H Lai, J Zhang, W Wang, L Feng
RSC advances 9 (49), 28561-28568, 2019
Custom-tailored hole transport layer using oxalic acid for high-quality tin-lead perovskites and efficient all-perovskite tandems
J Zhu, Y Xu, Y Luo, J Luo, R He, C Wang, Y Wang, K Wei, Z Yi, Z Gao, ...
Science Advances 10 (16), eadl2063, 2024
High-bandwidth perovskite photonic sources on silicon
A Ren, H Wang, L Dai, J Xia, X Bai, E Butler-Caddle, JA Smith, H Lai, J Ye, ...
Nature Photonics 17 (9), 798-805, 2023
Revealing the role of tin fluoride additive in narrow bandgap Pb-Sn perovskites for highly efficient flexible all-perovskite tandem cells
J Kurisinkal Pious, Y Zwirner, H Lai, S Olthof, Q Jeangros, E Gilshtein, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (7), 10150-10157, 2023
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