บทความที่มีข้อกำหนดการเข้าถึงสาธารณะ - Shouheng Sunดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
ไม่มีให้ใช้งานในทุกที่: 23
Cu-based nanocatalysts for electrochemical reduction of CO2
H Xie, T Wang, J Liang, Q Li, S Sun
Nano Today 21, 41-54, 2018
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Ni–C–N nanosheets as catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
J Yin, Q Fan, Y Li, F Cheng, P Zhou, P Xi, S Sun
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (44), 14546-14549, 2016
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Intermetallic nanoparticles: synthetic control and their enhanced electrocatalysis
J Li, S Sun
Accounts of Chemical Research 52 (7), 2015-2025, 2019
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Energy, US Department of Defense
Controlled assembly of Cu nanoparticles on pyridinic-N rich graphene for electrochemical reduction of CO2 to ethylene
Q Li, W Zhu, J Fu, H Zhang, G Wu, S Sun
Nano Energy 24, 1-9, 2016
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
Magnetic nanoparticles: synthesis, anisotropy, and applications
Z Ma, J Mohapatra, K Wei, JP Liu, S Sun
Chemical reviews 123 (7), 3904-3943, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Energy
Core/Shell Au/MnO Nanoparticles Prepared Through Controlled Oxidation of AuMn as an Electrocatalyst for Sensitive H2O2 Detection
H Zhu, A Sigdel, S Zhang, D Su, Z Xi, Q Li, S Sun
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (46), 12508-12512, 2014
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Energy
Recent advances in syntheses and therapeutic applications of multifunctional porous hollow nanoparticles
K Cheng, S Sun
Nano Today 5 (3), 183-196, 2010
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
Controlled growth of LaFeO 3 nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide for highly efficient photocatalysis
X Ren, H Yang, S Gen, J Zhou, T Yang, X Zhang, Z Cheng, S Sun
Nanoscale 8 (2), 752-756, 2016
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Controllable tuning of Fe-N nanosheets by Co substitution for enhanced oxygen evolution reaction
L An, J Feng, Y Zhang, YQ Zhao, R Si, GC Wang, F Cheng, P Xi, S Sun
Nano Energy 57, 644-652, 2019
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Porous yolk-shell Fe/Fe3O4 nanoparticles with controlled exposure of highly active Fe (0) for cancer therapy
H Liang, J Guo, Y Shi, G Zhao, S Sun, X Sun
Biomaterials 268, 120530, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
PdAu alloy nanoparticles for ethanol oxidation in alkaline conditions: enhanced activity and C1 pathway selectivity
H Lin, M Muzzio, K Wei, P Zhang, J Li, N Li, Z Yin, D Su, S Sun
Acs Applied Energy Materials 2 (12), 8701-8706, 2019
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Enhancing electrochemical detection of dopamine via dumbbell-like FePt–Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles
W Yang, Y Yu, Y Tang, K Li, Z Zhao, M Li, G Yin, H Li, S Sun
Nanoscale 9 (3), 1022-1027, 2017
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A Flame‐Reaction Method for the Large‐Scale Synthesis of High‐Performance SmxCoy Nanomagnets
Z Ma, H Tian, L Cong, Q Wu, M Yue, S Sun
Angewandte Chemie 131 (41), 14651-14654, 2019
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Controlled synthesis of Au–Fe heterodimer nanoparticles and their conversion into Au–Fe 3 O 4 heterostructured nanoparticles
G Jiang, Y Huang, S Zhang, H Zhu, Z Wu, S Sun
Nanoscale 8 (41), 17947-17952, 2016
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Recent advances in the high‐temperature chemical synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles
A Mendoza‐Garcia, S Sun
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (22), 3809-3817, 2016
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Energy
Tuning Electron-Conduction and Spin Transport in Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Assemblies via Tetrathiafulvalene-Fused Ligands
ZP Lv, ZZ Luan, HY Wang, S Liu, CH Li, D Wu, JL Zuo, S Sun
ACS nano 9 (12), 12205-12213, 2015
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Atomic scale deposition of Pt around Au nanoparticles to achieve much enhanced electrocatalysis of Pt
Z Xi, H Lv, DP Erdosy, D Su, Q Li, C Yu, J Li, S Sun
Nanoscale 9 (23), 7745-7749, 2017
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Energy, US Department of Defense
Enhancing magnetoresistance in tetrathiafulvalene carboxylate modified iron oxide nanoparticle assemblies
ZP Lv, ZZ Luan, PY Cai, T Wang, CH Li, D Wu, JL Zuo, S Sun
Nanoscale 8 (24), 12128-12133, 2016
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Chemical synthesis of monodisperse magnetic nanoparticles for sensitive cancer detection
S Sun
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 24, 33-38, 2014
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
Enhancing low-field magnetoresistance in magnetite nanoparticles via zinc substitution
T Wang, ZZ Luan, JY Ge, L Liu, D Wu, ZP Lv, JL Zuo, S Sun
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (25), 17245-17252, 2018
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China