Alejandro García-Moreno
Alejandro García-Moreno
ชื่ออื่นๆAlejandro Garcia, AG Moreno
MUPAC Museo de Prehistoria y Arqueología de Cantabria
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ cantabria.es - หน้าแรก
The timing and spatiotemporal patterning of Neanderthal disappearance
T Higham, K Douka, R Wood, CB Ramsey, F Brock, L Basell, M Camps, ...
Nature 512 (7514), 306-309, 2014
GIS-based methodology for Palaeolithic site location preferences analysis. A case study from Late Palaeolithic Cantabria (Northern Iberian Peninsula)
A Garcia-Moreno
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (1), 217-226, 2013
Middle Pleistocene protein sequences from the rhinoceros genus Stephanorhinus and the phylogeny of extant and extinct Middle/Late Pleistocene Rhinocerotidae
F Welker, GM Smith, JM Hutson, L Kindler, A Garcia-Moreno, ...
PeerJ 5, e3033, 2017
Shell technology, rock art, and the role of marine resources during the Upper Paleolithic
D Cuenca-Solana, FI Gutiérrez-Zugasti, MR González-Morales, ...
Current Anthropology 54 (3), 370-380, 2013
Short-term Neandertal occupations in the late Middle Pleistocene of Arlanpe (Lemoa, northern Iberian Peninsula)
J Rios-Garaizar, D Garate-Maidagan, A Gómez-Olivencia, E Iriarte, ...
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2015
To see or to be seen… is that the question? An evaluation of palaeolithic sites’ visual presence and their role in social organization
A Garcia-Moreno
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (4), 647-658, 2013
Middle Paleolithic Mobility Patterns and Settlement Systems variability in Eastern Cantabrian Region (Iberian Peninsula): a GIS-based Resource Patching Modelling confronted to …
J Rios-Garaizar, A García-Moreno
Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age, Volume …, 2014
Fires at Neumark-Nord 2, Germany: An analysis of fire proxies from a Last Interglacial Middle Palaeolithic basin site
E Pop, W Kuijper, E van Hees, G Smith, A García-Moreno, L Kindler, ...
Journal of Field Archaeology 41 (5), 603-617, 2016
Evaluating the incidence of hydrological processes during site formation through orientation analysis. A case study of the middle Palaeolithic Lakeland site of Neumark-Nord 2 …
A García-Moreno, GM Smith, L Kindler, E Pop, W Roebroeks, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 6, 82-93, 2016
The Origins of Bone Tool Technologies:" Retouching the Palaeolithic: Becoming Human and the Origins of Bone Tool Technology" Conference at Schloss Herrenhausen in Hannover …
JM Hutson, A García-Moreno, ES Noack, E Turner, A Villaluenga, ...
Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2018
Revisión crítica y contextualización espacio-temporal del arte parietal Paleolítico de la cueva de El niño (Ayna, Albacete)
D Garate Maidagán, A García Moreno
Zephyrvs 68, 15-39, 2011
La secuencia musteriense de la Cueva del Niño (Aýna, Albacete) y el poblamiento neandertal en el sureste de la Península Ibérica
A García Moreno, J Rios Garaizar, AB Marín Arroyo, JE Ortíz, T Torres, ...
Trabajos de Prehistoria 71 (2), 221-241, 2014
Patrones de asentamiento y ocupación del territorio en el Cantábrico oriental al final del Pleistoceno. Una aproximación mediante SIG.
A García Moreno
Universidad de Cantabria, 2010
The Lower to Middle Palaeolithic transition in northern Iberia: new data from Arlanpe Cave
J Rios-Garaizar, D Garate, A Gómez-Olivencia, E Iriarte-Avilés, ...
Antiquity 85 (329), 2011
The last interglacial (Eemian) lakeland of Neumark-Nord (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany). Sequencing Neanderthal occupations, assessing subsistence opportunities and prey selection …
L Kindler, GM Smith, A García Moreno, S Gaudzinski-Windeheuser, E Pop, ...
Human behavioural adaptations to interglacial lakeshore environments, 67-104, 2020
Contribution of landscape analysis to the characterisation of Palaeolithic sites: A case study from El Horno Cave (northern Spain)
MÁ Fano, A García-Moreno, A Chauvin, I Clemente-Conte, S Costamagno, ...
Quaternary International 412, 82-98, 2016
The occupation of the coast during the Mesolithic in Eastern Asturias: first results of the excavations in the cave of El Mazo (Andrin, Llanes)
I Gutiérrez Zugasti, MR González Morales, D Cuenca Solana, N Fuertes, ...
Archaeofauna 23, 25-38, 2014
La excavación arqueológica de la Cueva del Niño (Ayna, Albacete) de 1973: secuencia estratigráfica y materiales
I Davidson, A García Moreno
Al-Basit: Revista de estudios albacetenses, 91-117, 2013
Back to the Asturian: first results from the Mesolithic shell midden site of El Mazo (Asturias, Northern Spain)
I Gutiérrez-Zugasti, D Cuenca-Solana, M González-Morales, N Fuertes, ...
Ancient Maritime Communities and the Relationship between People and …, 2013
On the use of metapodials as tools at Schöningen 13II-4
JM Hutson, A Villaluenga, A García-Moreno, E Turner, ...
The Origins of Bone Tool Technologies, 53-91, 2018
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