Singh V. Pratap, virendra pratap singh
Singh V. Pratap, virendra pratap singh
G.B. Pant University, Pantnagar, Professor agronomy
Ph. D. thesis
S Singh
Aligarh Muslim University, 1986
The implications of land preparation, crop establishment method and weed management on rice yield variation in the rice–wheat system in the Indo-Gangetic plains
Y Singh, VP Singh, G Singh, DS Yadav, RKP Sinha, DE Johnson, ...
Field Crops Research 121 (1), 64-74, 2011
Screening techniques for host plant resistance to cowpea insect pests.
LEN Jackai, SR Singh
Effect of establishment methods and weed management practices on weeds and rice in rice-wheat cropping system
S Singh, G Singh, VP Singh, AP Singh
Indian Journal of Weed Science 37 (1and2), 51-57, 2005
Effect of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl on transplanted rice and associated weeds
VP Singh, G Singh, M Singh
Indian Journal of Weed Science 36 (3and4), 190-192, 2004
Production technology for direct seeded rice
RK Gupta, JK Ladha, S Singh, R Singh, ML Jat, Y Saharawat, VP Singh, ...
Technical Bulletin Series 8, 1-14, 2006
Bacterial antagonists of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) fungal pathogens
P Hebbar, O Berge, T Heulin, SP Singh
Plant and Soil 133, 131-140, 1991
Integrated weed management in direct-seeded rice
G Singh, Y Singh
Direct seeding of rice and weed management in the irrigated rice-wheat …, 2008
Effect of herbicides alone and in combination on direct seeded rice.
VP Singh, GS Govindra Singh, RK Singh, SP Singh, AK Abnish Kumar, ...
Bioefficacy of tembotrione against mixed weed complex in maize
VP Singh, SK Guru, A Kumar, A Banga, N Tripathi
Indian Society of Weed Science 44 (1), 1-5, 2012
Weed management in direct-seeded rice
VP Singh, SP Singh, VC Dhyani, A Banga, A Kumar, K Satyawali, N Bisht
Indian Society of Weed Science 48 (3), 233-246, 2016
Effect of tank-mixed herbicides on weeds and transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.)
SS Manhas, G Singh, D Singh, V Khajuria
Annals of Agricultural Research 33 (1&2), 2012
Effect of Anilofos and Triclopyron Grassy and Non-grassy Weeds in Transplanted Rice
G Singh, VP Singh, M Singh, SP Singh
Indian Journal of Weed Science 35 (1and2), 30-32, 2003
Mechanical properties and wear behaviour of stir cast aluminum metal matrix composite: a review
D Kumar, S Angra, S Singh
Diamond 34, 36, 2022
Effect of almix and butachlor alone and in combinations on transplanted rice and associated weeds
G Singh, VP Singh, M Singh
Indian Journal of Weed Science 36 (1and2), 64-67, 2004
Morphological and molecular analysis of intracultivar variation in Indian mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars.
S Singh, AB Gaikwad, JL Karihaloo
Siloxane modified SiO2-TiO2 Glasses via Sol-Gel
CS Parkhurst, WF Doyle, LA Silverman, S Singh, MP Andersen, ...
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 73, 769, 1986
Effect of rice wheat establishment methods and weed management in irrigated rice–wheat production system
VP Singh, G Singh, SP Singh, A Kumar, Y Singh, DE Johnson, M Mortimer
Workshop on ‘‘Direct Seeded Rice in the Rice–wheat System of the Indo …, 2005
Compatibility of clodinafop-propargyl and fenoxaprop-p-ethyl with carfentrazone-ethyl, metsulfuron-methyl and 2, 4-D
G Singh, VP Singh
Indian Journal of Weed Science 37 (1and2), 1-5, 2005
Effect of pre-and post-emergence herbicides on weed infestation and productivity of soybean
RC Nainwal, SC Saxena, VP Singh
Indian Journal of Weed Science 42 (1&2), 17-20, 2010
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