Aaron Patton
Aaron Patton
Professor of Horticulture, Purdue University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ purdue.edu - หน้าแรก
Fundamentals of turfgrass management
NE Christians, AJ Patton, QD Law
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Differences in freeze tolerance of zoysiagrasses: II. Carbohydrate and proline accumulation
AJ Patton, SM Cunningham, JJ Volenec, ZJ Reicher
Crop Science 47 (5), 2170-2181, 2007
Zoysiagrass species and genotypes differ in their winter injury and freeze tolerance
AJ Patton, ZJ Reicher
Crop Science 47 (4), 1619-1627, 2007
Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) History, Utilization, and Improvement in the United States: A Review
AJ Patton, BM Schwartz, KE Kenworthy
Crop Science 57 (S1), S-37-S-72, 2017
Establishment of bermudagrass and zoysiagrass by seed
AJ Patton, GA Hardebeck, DW Williams, ZJ Reicher
Crop Science 44 (6), 2160-2167, 2004
Fine fescues: A review of the species, their improvement, production, establishment, and management
RC Braun, AJ Patton, E Watkins, PL Koch, NP Anderson, SA Bonos, ...
Crop Science 60 (3), 1142-1187, 2020
Stolon growth and dry matter partitioning explain differences in zoysiagrass establishment rates
AJ Patton, JJ Volenec, ZJ Reicher
Crop Science 47 (3), 1237-1245, 2007
Shade and traffic tolerance varies for bermudagrass and zoysiagrass cultivars
JM Trappe, DE Karcher, MD Richardson, AJ Patton
Crop science 51 (2), 870-877, 2011
Differences in freeze tolerance of zoysiagrasses: I. Role of proteins
AJ Patton, SM Cunningham, JJ Volenec, ZJ Reicher
Crop science 47 (5), 2162-2169, 2007
Selecting turfgrasses and mowing practices that reduce mowing requirements
QD Law, CA Bigelow, AJ Patton
Crop Science 56 (6), 3318-3327, 2016
Selecting zoysiagrass cultivars: Turfgrass quality, growth, pest and environmental stress tolerance.
AJ Patton
Applied Turfgrass Science, 1019-01, 2009
A guide to establishing seeded bermudagrass in the transition zone
AJ Patton, MD Richardson, DE Karcher, JW Boyd, ZJ Reicher, JD Fry, ...
Applied Turfgrass Science 5 (1), 1-19, 2008
Biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen in cool-season turfgrass systems
QD Law, AJ Patton
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 26, 158-162, 2017
Review of cool‐season turfgrass water use and requirements: II. Responses to drought stress
RC Braun, DJ Bremer, JS Ebdon, JD Fry, AJ Patton
Crop Science 62 (5), 1685-1701, 2022
Review of cool‐season turfgrass water use and requirements: I. Evapotranspiration and responses to deficit irrigation
RC Braun, DJ Bremer, JS Ebdon, JD Fry, AJ Patton
Crop Science 62 (5), 1661-1684, 2022
Public land manager discourses on barriers and opportunities for a transition to low input turfgrass in urban areas
MR Barnes, KC Nelson, AR Kowalewski, AJ Patton, E Watkins
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 53, 126745, 2020
Turfgrass selection and grass clippings management influence soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics
QD Law, JM Trappe, Y Jiang, RF Turco, AJ Patton
Agronomy Journal 109 (4), 1719-1725, 2017
Bermudagrass cultivars differ in their summer traffic tolerance and ability to maintain green turf coverage under fall traffic
JM Trappe, AJ Patton, MD Richardson
Applied Turfgrass Science 8 (1), 1-10, 2011
2, 4-D–resistant buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata) in managed turf
AJ Patton, DV Weisenberger, GP Schortgen
Weed Technology 32 (2), 182-189, 2018
Bermudagrass and zoysiagrass cultivar selection: Part 1, clipping yield, scalping tendency, and golf ball lie
JM Trappe, DE Karcher, MD Richardson, AJ Patton
Applied Turfgrass Science 8 (1), 1-12, 2011
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