Jin Man Park
Jin Man Park
Global Technology Research, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ samsung.com
Role of nanometer-scale quasicrystals in improving the mechanical behavior of Ti-based bulk metallic glasses
YC Kim, JH Na, JM Park, DH Kim, JK Lee, WT Kim
Applied Physics Letters 83 (15), 3093-3095, 2003
Enhancement of plasticity in Ti-rich Ti–Zr–Be–Cu–Ni bulk metallic glasses
JM Park, HJ Chang, KH Han, WT Kim, DH Kim
Scripta Materialia 53 (1), 1-6, 2005
Influence of embedded-carbon nanotubes on the thermal properties of copper matrix nanocomposites processed by molecular-level mixing
KT Kim, J Eckert, G Liu, JM Park, BK Lim, SH Hong
Scripta Materialia 64 (2), 181-184, 2011
High-strength bulk Al-based bimodal ultrafine eutectic composite with enhanced plasticity
JM Park, N Mattern, U Kühn, J Eckert, KB Kim, WT Kim, K Chattopadhyay, ...
Journal of Materials Research 24 (8), 2605-2609, 2009
Nanostructure–dendrite composites in the Fe–Zr binary alloy system exhibiting high strength and plasticity
JM Park, SW Sohn, TE Kim, DH Kim, KB Kim, WT Kim
Scripta Materialia 57 (12), 1153-1156, 2007
High strength ultrafine eutectic Fe–Nb–Al composites with enhanced plasticity
JM Park, KB Kim, WT Kim, MH Lee, J Eckert, DH Kim
Intermetallics 16 (5), 642-650, 2008
Development of lightweight MgLiAl alloys with high specific strength
GH Park, JT Kim, HJ Park, YS Kim, HJ Jeong, NS Lee, YH Seo, JY Suh, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 680, 116-120, 2016
Formation of a bimodal eutectic structure in Ti–Fe–Sn alloys with enhanced plasticity
JH Han, KB Kim, S Yi, JM Park, SW Sohn, TE Kim, DH Kim, J Das, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (14), 2008
Ti-based bulk metallic glasses with high specific strength
JM Park, YC Kim, WT Kim, DH Kim
Materials Transactions 45 (2), 595-598, 2004
Enhancement of plastic deformability in Fe–Ni–Nb–B bulk glassy alloys by controlling the Ni-to-Fe concentration ratio
JM Park, G Wang, R Li, N Mattern, J Eckert, DH Kim
Applied Physics Letters 96 (3), 2010
Effect of strain rate on compressive behavior of Ti45Zr16Ni9Cu10Be20 bulk metallic glass
J Zhang, JM Park, DH Kim, HS Kim
Materials Science and Engineering: A 449, 290-294, 2007
Deformation-induced rotational eutectic colonies containing length-scale heterogeneity in an ultrafine eutectic Fe83Ti7Zr6B4 alloy
JM Park, DH Kim, KB Kim, WT Kim
Applied Physics Letters 91 (13), 2007
Development of quaternary Fe–B–Y–Nb bulk glassy alloys with high glass-forming ability
DH Kim, JM Park, DH Kim, WT Kim
Journal of materials research 22 (2), 471-477, 2007
Influence of Zr content on phase formation, transition and mechanical behavior of Ni-Ti-Hf-Zr high temperature shape memory alloys
SH Hong, JT Kim, HJ Park, YS Kim, JY Suh, YS Na, KR Lim, JM Park, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 692, 77-85, 2017
Micro-to-nano-scale deformation mechanisms of a bimodal ultrafine eutectic composite
SW Lee, JT Kim, SH Hong, HJ Park, JY Park, NS Lee, Y Seo, JY Suh, ...
Scientific Reports 4, 6500, 2014
Propagation of shear bands and accommodation of shear strain in the Fe56Nb4Al40 ultrafine eutectic-dendrite composite
JM Park, SW Sohn, DH Kim, KB Kim, WT Kim, J Eckert
Applied Physics Letters 92 (9), 2008
Understanding the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Cu–Si ultrafine eutectic composites
JT Kim, SW Lee, SH Hong, HJ Park, JY Park, NS Lee, YH Seo, WM Wang, ...
Materials and Design 92, 1038-1045, 2016
High strength Ni–Zr binary ultrafine eutectic-dendrite composite with large plastic deformability
JM Park, TE Kim, SW Sohn, DH Kim, KB Kim, WT Kim, J Eckert
Applied Physics Letters 93 (3), 2008
Multi-phase Al-based ultrafine composite with multi-scale microstructure
JM Park, KB Kim, DH Kim, N Mattern, R Li, G Liu, J Eckert
Intermetallics 18 (10), 1829-1833, 2010
Deformation and evolution of shear bands under compressive loading in bulk metallic glasses
JY Lee, KH Han, JM Park, K Chattopadhyay, WT Kim, DH Kim
Acta materialia 54 (19), 5271-5279, 2006
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