บทความที่มีข้อกำหนดการเข้าถึงสาธารณะ - Jan Kramersดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
ไม่มีให้ใช้งานในทุกที่: 10
On the valency state of radiogenic lead in zircon and its consequences
J Kramers, R Frei, M Newville, B Kober, I Villa
Chemical Geology 261 (1-2), 4-11, 2009
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation
Greenstone belts at the northernmost edge of the Kaapvaal Craton: timing of tectonic events and a possible crustal fluid source
JD Kramers, M Henzen, L Steidle
Precambrian Research 253, 96-113, 2014
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation
The Proterozoic Choma-Kalomo Block, SE Zambia: exotic terrane or a reworked segment of the Zimbabwe Craton?
SM Glynn, S Master, M Wiedenbeck, DW Davis, JD Kramers, GA Belyanin, ...
Precambrian Research 298, 421-438, 2017
ข้อกำหนด: Helmholtz Association, National Research Foundation, South Africa, Federal …
O Eugster, J Kramers, U Krähenbühl
Archaeometry 51 (4), 672-681, 2009
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation
Geology, zircon U–Pb dating and εHf data for the Julie greenstone belt and associated rocks in NW Ghana: Implications for Birimian-to-Tarkwaian correlation and crustal evolution
S Nunoo, A Hofmann, J Kramers
Journal of African Earth Sciences 186, 104444, 2022
ข้อกำหนด: National Research Foundation, South Africa
U234/U238 activity ratio disequilibrium technique for studying uranium mobility in the Opalinus Clay at Mont Terri, Switzerland
M Pękala, JD Kramers, HN Waber
Applied radiation and isotopes 68 (6), 984-992, 2010
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation
Age constraints of the Sturtian glaciation on western Baltica based on U-Pb and Ar-Ar dating of the Lapichi Svita
J Środoń, A Gerdes, J Kramers, MJ Bojanowski
Precambrian Research 371, 106595, 2022
ข้อกำหนด: German Research Foundation, Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on the timing of deposition of deep-water carbonates of the Kurnool Group (Cuddapah basin) and correlation across Proterozoic Purana …
H Wabo, NJ Beukes, S Patranabis-Deb, D Saha, G Belyanin, J Kramers
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 223, 104984, 2022
ข้อกำหนด: National Research Foundation, South Africa
Deformation characteristics, kinematic analysis, and formation ages of gneissose Palala granite in the Palala Shear Zone, southern boundary of the Central Zone, Limpopo Belt …
C Liang, X Liu, JD Kramers, C Zheng, P Hu, Q Zhang
Journal of African Earth Sciences 175, 104092, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Neoproterozoic copper-gold mineralization in the Amani area, southwestern Tanzania
SC Dunn, BP von der Heyden, M Steele-MacInnis, JD Kramers, BS Pierre, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 132, 104070, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, National …
มีให้ใช้งานในบางที่: 32
Timing and climatic impact of Greenland interstadials recorded in stalagmites from northern Turkey
D Fleitmann, H Cheng, S Badertscher, RL Edwards, M Mudelsee, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (19), 2009
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation
The age of Homo naledi and associated sediments in the Rising Star Cave, South Africa
PHGM Dirks, EM Roberts, H Hilbert-Wolf, JD Kramers, J Hawks, ...
elife 6, e24231, 2017
ข้อกำหนด: Australian Research Council, European Commission
Hydrogen sulphide release to surface waters at the Precambrian/Cambrian boundary
M Wille, TF Nägler, B Lehmann, S Schröder, JD Kramers
Nature 453 (7196), 767-769, 2008
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Climate on the southern Black Sea coast during the Holocene: implications from the Sofular Cave record
OM Göktürk, D Fleitmann, S Badertscher, H Cheng, RL Edwards, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (19-20), 2433-2445, 2011
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation
Geological setting and age of Australopithecus sediba from southern Africa
PHGM Dirks, JM Kibii, BF Kuhn, C Steininger, SE Churchill, JD Kramers, ...
Science 328 (5975), 205-208, 2010
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation
Evidence for a widespread climatic anomaly at around 9.2 ka before present
D Fleitmann, M Mudelsee, SJ Burns, RS Bradley, J Kramers, A Matter
Paleoceanography 23 (1), 2008
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation
Re-appraisal of the stratigraphy and determination of new U-Pb dates for the Sterkfontein hominin site, South Africa
R Pickering, JD Kramers
Journal of Human Evolution 59 (1), 70-86, 2010
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation
Geological and taphonomic context for the new hominin species Homo naledi from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa
PHGM Dirks, LR Berger, EM Roberts, JD Kramers, J Hawks, ...
Elife 4, e09561, 2015
ข้อกำหนด: Australian Research Council
Holocene and Pleistocene pluvial periods in Yemen, southern Arabia
D Fleitmann, SJ Burns, M Pekala, A Mangini, A Al-Subbary, M Al-Aowah, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (7-8), 783-787, 2011
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation
Contemporary flowstone development links early hominin bearing cave deposits in South Africa
R Pickering, JD Kramers, PJ Hancox, DJ de Ruiter, JD Woodhead
Earth and planetary science letters 306 (1-2), 23-32, 2011
ข้อกำหนด: Swiss National Science Foundation