Brigita Rožič
Wiley encyclopedia of electrical and electronics engineering
JG Webster
John Wiley, 1999
Organic and inorganic relaxor ferroelectrics with giant electrocaloric effect
SG Lu, B Rožič, QM Zhang, Z Kutnjak, X Li, E Furman, LJ Gorny, M Lin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (16), 2010
Comparison of directly and indirectly measured electrocaloric effect in relaxor ferroelectric polymers
SG Lu, B Rožič, QM Zhang, Z Kutnjak, R Pirc, M Lin, X Li, L Gorny
Applied Physics Letters 97 (20), 2010
Nanoparticle-induced widening of the temperature range of liquid-crystalline blue phases
E Karatairi, B Rožič, Z Kutnjak, V Tzitzios, G Nounesis, G Cordoyiannis, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (4 …, 2010
Influence of the critical point on the electrocaloric response of relaxor ferroelectrics
B Rožič, M Kosec, H Uršič, J Holc, B Malič, QM Zhang, R Blinc, R Pirc, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (6), 2011
Bulk relaxor ferroelectric ceramics as a working body for an electrocaloric cooling device
U Plaznik, A Kitanovski, B Rožič, B Malič, H Uršič, S Drnovšek, J Cilenšek, ...
Applied physics letters 106 (4), 2015
Negative electrocaloric effect in antiferroelectric PbZrO3
R Pirc, B Rožič, J Koruza, B Malič, Z Kutnjak
Europhysics Letters 107 (1), 17002, 2014
Electrocaloric effect: theory, measurements, and applications
Z Kutnjak, B Rožič, R Pirc
Wiley encyclopedia of electrical and electronics engineering, 1-19, 1999
Enhanced electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric poly (vinylidene-fluoride/trifluoroethylene) 55/45 mol% copolymer at ferroelectric-paraelectric transition
SG Lu, B Rožič, QM Zhang, Z Kutnjak, B Neese
Applied Physics Letters 98 (12), 2011
Large electrocaloric effect in lead-free K0. 5Na0. 5NbO3-SrTiO3 ceramics
J Koruza, B Rožič, G Cordoyiannis, B Malič, Z Kutnjak
Applied Physics Letters 106 (20), 2015
Large electrocaloric effect in grain-size-engineered 0.9 Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3) O3–0.1 PbTiO3
M Vrabelj, H Uršič, Z Kutnjak, B Rožič, S Drnovšek, A Benčan, V Bobnar, ...
Journal of the European ceramic society 36 (1), 75-80, 2016
Wiley encyclopedia of electrical and electronics engineering
Z Kutnjak, B Rožič, R Pirc
Electrocaloric Effect: Theory, Measurements, and Applications, 1-19, 2015
Direct measurements of the giant electrocaloric effect in soft and solid ferroelectric materials
B Rožič, B Malič, H Uršič, J Holc, M Kosec, B Neese, QM Zhang, Z Kutnjak
Ferroelectrics 405 (1), 26-31, 2010
Theoretical and experimental study of the nanoparticle-driven blue phase stabilisation
B Rožič, V Tzitzios, E Karatairi, U Tkalec, G Nounesis, Z Kutnjak, ...
The European Physical Journal E 34 (2), 17, 2011
High energy storage efficiency and large electrocaloric effect in lead-free BaTi0. 89Sn0. 11O3 ceramic
S Merselmiz, Z Hanani, D Mezzane, M Spreitzer, A Bradeško, D Fabijan, ...
Ceramics International 46 (15), 23867-23876, 2020
Thermally-stable high energy storage performances and large electrocaloric effect over a broad temperature span in lead-free BCZT ceramic
Z Hanani, S Merselmiz, D Mezzane, A Bradeško, B Rožič, M Lahcini, ...
RSC advances 10 (51), 30746-30755, 2020
Electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric polymers
SG Lu, B Rozic, QM Zhang, Z Kutnjak, R Pirc
Applied Physics A 107, 559-566, 2012
Numerical modelling and experimental validation of a regenerative electrocaloric cooler
U Plaznik, M Vrabelj, Z Kutnjak, B Malič, B Rožič, A Poredoš, A Kitanovski
International journal of refrigeration 98, 139-149, 2019
Oriented Gold Nanorods and Gold Nanorod Chains within Smectic Liquid Crystal Topological Defects
Brigita Rožič, Jérôme Fresnais,Celine Molinaro, Joseph Calixte, Shivakumar ...
ACS Nano, 2017
Direct measurements of the electrocaloric effect in bulk PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 (PMN) ceramics
B Rožič, B Malič, H Uršič, J Holc, M Kosec, Z Kutnjak
Ferroelectrics 421 (1), 103-107, 2011
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