Subramanya Sarma V
Subramanya Sarma V
Professor, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ iitm.ac.in - หน้าแรก
Tensile and wear behaviour of in situ Al–7Si/TiB2 particulate composites
S Kumar, M Chakraborty, VS Sarma, BS Murty
Wear 265 (1-2), 134-142, 2008
Development of ultrafine grained high strength Al–Cu alloy by cryorolling
T Shanmugasundaram, BS Murty, VS Sarma
Scripta Materialia 54 (12), 2013-2017, 2006
A study on microstructural evolution and dynamic recrystallization during isothermal deformation of a Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel
S Mandal, AK Bhaduri, V Subramanya Sarma
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42, 1062-1072, 2011
On the Hall–Petch relationship in a nanostructured Al–Cu alloy
T Shanmugasundaram, M Heilmaier, BS Murty, VS Sarma
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (29-30), 7821-7825, 2010
Role of stacking fault energy in strengthening due to cryo-deformation of FCC metals
VS Sarma, J Wang, WW Jian, A Kauffmann, H Conrad, J Freudenberger, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (29-30), 7624-7630, 2010
Effect of strain rate on the dynamic recrystallization behavior in a nitrogen-enhanced 316L (N)
S Mandal, M Jayalakshmi, AK Bhaduri, V Subramanya Sarma
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 5645-5656, 2014
A critical evaluation on efficacy of recrystallization vs. strain induced boundary migration in achieving grain boundary engineered microstructure in a Ni-base superalloy
TS Prithiv, P Bhuyan, SK Pradhan, VS Sarma, S Mandal
Acta Materialia 146, 187-201, 2018
Role of twinning on dynamic recrystallization and microstructure during moderate to high strain rate hot deformation of a Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel
S Mandal, AK Bhaduri, V Subramanya Sarma
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, 2056-2068, 2012
Recrystallisation texture and magnetisation behaviour of some FCC Ni–W alloys
VS Sarma, J Eickemeyer, L Schultz, B Holzapfel
Scripta materialia 50 (7), 953-957, 2004
Hot deformation characteristics and processing map of a phosphorous modified super austenitic stainless steel
KA Babu, S Mandal, CN Athreya, B Shakthipriya, VS Sarma
Materials & Design 115, 262-275, 2017
Development of high strength Al–Mg–Si AA6061 alloy through cold rolling and ageing
VL Niranjani, KCH Kumar, VS Sarma
Materials Science and Engineering: A 515 (1-2), 169-174, 2009
High strength and ductile ultrafine grained Cu-Ag alloy through bimodal grain size, dislocation density and solute distribution
K Sitarama Raju, V Subramanya Sarma, A Kauffmann, Z Hegedűs, ...
Acta Materialia 61, 228-238, 2013
Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultra fine grained Cu–Zn and Cu–Al alloys produced by cryorolling and annealing
VS Sarma, K Sivaprasad, D Sturm, M Heilmaier
Materials Science and Engineering: A 489 (1-2), 253-258, 2008
On the estimation of true Hall–Petch constants and their role on the superposition law exponent in Al alloys
S Thangaraju, M Heilmaier, BS Murty, SS Vadlamani
Advanced Engineering Materials 14 (10), 892-897, 2012
Influence of processing parameters on dynamic recrystallization and the associated annealing twin boundary evolution in a nickel base superalloy
SK Pradhan, S Mandal, CN Athreya, KA Babu, B De Boer, VS Sarma
Materials Science and Engineering: A 700, 49-58, 2017
Influence of in situ formed TiB2 particles on the abrasive wear behaviour of Al–4Cu alloy
S Kumar, VS Sarma, BS Murty
Materials Science and Engineering: A 465 (1-2), 160-164, 2007
Low cycle fatigue behavior of a multiphase microalloyed medium carbon steel: comparison between ferrite–pearlite and quenched and tempered microstructures
S Sankaran, VS Sarma, KA Padmanabhan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 345 (1-2), 328-335, 2003
New insights into the relationship between dynamic softening phenomena and efficiency of hot working domains of a nitrogen enhanced 316L (N) stainless steel
D Samantaray, S Mandal, M Jayalakshmi, CN Athreya, AK Bhaduri, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 598, 368-375, 2014
Development of high strength and strongly cube textured Ni-4.5% W/Ni-15% Cr composite substrate for coated conductor application
VS Sarma, J Eickemeyer, A Singh, L Schultz, B Holzapfel
Acta Materialia 51 (16), 4919-4927, 2003
High temperature wear behavior of Al–4Cu–TiB2 in situ composites
S Kumar, VS Sarma, BS Murty
Wear 268 (11-12), 1266-1274, 2010
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