B Tonner
B Tonner
Ackerman Cancer Center
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ ackermancancer.com
Element-specific magnetic microscopy with circularly polarized X-rays
J Stöhr, Y Wu, BD Hermsmeier, MG Samant, GR Harp, S Koranda, ...
Science 259 (5095), 658-661, 1993
Soft X-ray microscopy and spectroscopy at the molecular environmental science beamline at the Advanced Light Source
H Bluhm, K Andersson, T Araki, K Benzerara, GE Brown, JJ Dynes, ...
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 150 (2-3), 86-104, 2006
Atomic-resolution electron holography in solids with localized sources
GR Harp, DK Saldin, BP Tonner
Physical Review Letters 65 (8), 1012, 1990
Orbital and spin sum rules in x-ray magnetic circular dichroism
WL O’Brien, BP Tonner
Physical Review B 50 (17), 12672, 1994
Photoelectron microscopy with synchrotron radiation
BP Tonner, GR Harp
Review of scientific instruments 59 (6), 853-858, 1988
Transitions in the direction of magnetism in Ni/Cu (001) ultrathin films and the effects of capping layers
WL O’brien, T Droubay, BP Tonner
Physical Review B 54 (13), 9297, 1996
Structure and growth mode of metastable fcc cobalt ultrathin films on Cu (001) as determined by angle-resolved x-ray photoemission scattering
H Li, BP Tonner
Surface science 237 (1-3), 141-152, 1990
A scanning transmission x-ray microscope for materials science spectromicroscopy at the advanced light source
T Warwick, K Franck, JB Kortright, G Meigs, M Moronne, S Myneni, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 69 (8), 2964-2973, 1998
Scattered-wave integral-transform method of holographic-image reconstruction from forward-scattering diffraction patterns
BP Tonner, ZL Han, GR Harp, DK Saldin
Physical Review B 43 (18), 14423, 1991
Scanned-angle x-ray photoemission holography with atomic resolution
GR Harp, DK Saldin, BP Tonner
Physical Review B 42 (14), 9199, 1990
Transition to the perpendicular easy axis of magnetization in Ni ultrathin films found by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism
WL O’Brien, BP Tonner
Physical Review B 49 (21), 15370, 1994
XANES spectra of a variety of widely used organic polymers at the C K-edge
J Kikuma, BP Tonner
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 82 (1-2), 53-60, 1996
Magnetic properties of Mn/Cu(001) and Mn/Ni(001) c(2×2) surface alloys
WL O’Brien, BP Tonner
Physical Review B 51 (1), 617, 1995
Surface-enhanced magnetic moment and ferromagnetic ordering of Mn ultrathin films on fcc Co (001)
WL O’brien, BP Tonner
Physical Review B 50 (5), 2963, 1994
Theoretical principles of holographic crystallography
DK Saldin, GR Harp, BL Chen, BP Tonner
Physical Review B 44 (6), 2480, 1991
Direct experimental identification of the structure of ultrathin films of bcc iron and metastable bcc and fcc cobalt
H Li, BP Tonner
Physical Review B 40 (15), 10241, 1989
Room-temperature magnetic phases of Fe on fcc Co (001) and Ni (001)
WL O'brien, BP Tonner
Physical Review B 52 (21), 15332, 1995
Structural effects in single-crystal photoelectron, Auger-electron, and Kikuchi-electron angular diffraction patterns
ZL Han, S Hardcastle, GR Harp, H Li, XD Wang, J Zhang, BP Tonner
Surface science 258 (1-3), 313-327, 1991
An electrostatic microscope for synchrotron radiation x-ray absorption microspectroscopy
BP Tonner, GR Harp, SF Koranda, J Zhang
Review of scientific instruments 63 (1), 564-568, 1992
First results from the SpectroMicroscopy beamline at the Advanced Light source
JD Denlinger, E Rotenberg, T Warwick, G Visser, J Nordgren, JH Guo, ...
Review of scientific instruments 66 (2), 1342-1345, 1995
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