Soil degradation in India: Challenges and potential solutions R Bhattacharyya, BN Ghosh, PK Mishra, B Mandal, CS Rao, D Sarkar, ... Sustainability 7 (4), 3528-3570, 2015 | 594 | 2015 |
Soil organic carbon dynamics: Impact of land use changes and management practices: A review T Ramesh, NS Bolan, MB Kirkham, H Wijesekara, M Kanchikerimath, ... Advances in agronomy 156, 1-107, 2019 | 449 | 2019 |
Role of deforestation and hillslope position on soil quality attributes of loess-derived soils in Golestan province, Iran F Khormali, M Ajami, S Ayoubi, C Srinivasarao, SP Wani Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 134 (3-4), 178-189, 2009 | 279 | 2009 |
Long‐term manuring and fertilizer effects on depletion of soil organic carbon stocks under pearl millet‐cluster bean‐castor rotation in Western India CH Srinivasarao, B Venkateswarlu, R Lal, AK Singh, S Kundu, KPR Vittal, ... Land Degradation & Development 25 (2), 173-183, 2014 | 268 | 2014 |
Sustainable management of soils of dryland ecosystems of India for enhancing agronomic productivity and sequestering carbon C Srinivasarao, B Venkateswarlu, R Lal, AK Singh, S Kundu Advances in agronomy 121, 253-329, 2013 | 253 | 2013 |
Potential and challenges of rainfed farming in India CS Rao, R Lal, JVNS Prasad, KA Gopinath, R Singh, VS Jakkula, ... Advances in agronomy 133, 113-181, 2015 | 171 | 2015 |
Effect of ten years of reduced tillage and recycling of organic matter on crop yields, soil organic carbon and its fractions in Alfisols of semi arid tropics of southern India J Prasad, CS Rao, K Srinivas, CN Jyothi, B Venkateswarlu, ... Soil and Tillage Research 156, 131-139, 2016 | 156 | 2016 |
Long-Term Effects of Soil Fertility Management on Carbon Sequestration in a Rice–Lentil Cropping System of the Indo-Gangetic Plains SR Singh, R Lal, SP Singh, B Venkateswarlu, KPR Vittal, S Kundu, ... Soil Science Society of America Journal 76 (1), 168-178, 2012 | 149 | 2012 |
Impact of conservation agriculture practices on energy use efficiency and global warming potential in rainfed pigeonpea–castor systems G Pratibha, I Srinivas, KV Rao, BMK Raju, CR Thyagaraj, GR Korwar, ... European Journal of Agronomy 66, 30-40, 2015 | 146 | 2015 |
Microbial properties of soils as affected by cropping and nutrient management practices in several long-term manurial experiments in the semi-arid tropics of India C Vineela, SP Wani, CH Srinivasarao, B Padmaja, KPR Vittal Applied Soil Ecology 40 (1), 165-173, 2008 | 145 | 2008 |
Soil constraints in an arid environment—challenges, prospects, and implications A Naorem, S Jayaraman, YP Dang, RC Dalal, NK Sinha, CS Rao, ... Agronomy 13 (1), 220, 2023 | 139 | 2023 |
Agro-ecosystem based sustainability indicators for climate resilient agriculture in India: A conceptual framework CS Rao, K Kareemulla, P Krishnan, GRK Murthy, P Ramesh, ... Ecological Indicators 105, 621-633, 2019 | 136 | 2019 |
Soil carbon sequestration in rainfed production systems in the semiarid tropics of India C Srinivasarao, R Lal, S Kundu, MBBP Babu, B Venkateswarlu, AK Singh Science of the Total Environment 487, 587-603, 2014 | 136 | 2014 |
A district level assessment of vulnerability of Indian agriculture to climate change CAR Rao, BMK Raju, AVMS Rao, KV Rao, VUM Rao, K Ramachandran, ... Current Science, 1939-1946, 2016 | 135 | 2016 |
Climate resilient villages for sustainable food security in tropical India: concept, process, technologies, institutions, and impacts CS Rao, KA Gopinath, J Prasad, AK Singh Advances in Agronomy 140, 101-214, 2016 | 126 | 2016 |
Carbon sequestration and land rehabilitation through Jatropha curcas (L.) plantation in degraded lands SP Wani, G Chander, KL Sahrawat, CS Rao, G Raghvendra, P Susanna, ... Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 161, 112-120, 2012 | 119 | 2012 |
Conservation agriculture–a panacea to improve soil physical health AK Indoria, CS Rao, KL Sharma, KS Reddy Current science, 52-61, 2017 | 111 | 2017 |
Soil carbon sequestration and agronomic productivity of an Alfisol for a groundnut-based system in a semiarid environment in southern India MVRPTYR Ch. Srinivasa Rao, B.Venkateswarlu, Rattan Lal, Anil Kumar Singh ... European Journal of Agronomy 43, 40-48, 2012 | 111 | 2012 |
Carbon stocks in different soil types under diverse rainfed production systems in tropical India C Srinivasarao, KPR Vittal, B Venkateswarlu, SP Wani, KL Sahrawat, ... Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 40 (15-16), 2338-2356, 2009 | 108 | 2009 |
Soil enzymes MA Rao, R Scelza, L Gianfreda Enzymes in agricultural sciences. Foster City: OMICS Group eBooks, 10-43, 2014 | 106 | 2014 |