Thomas Bläsius
Thomas Bläsius
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ kit.edu
Simultaneous embedding of planar graphs
T Bläsius, SG Kobourov, I Rutter
arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.5853, 2012
Simultaneous PQ-ordering with applications to constrained embedding problems
T Bläsius, I Rutter
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 12 (2), 1-46, 2015
Efficient embedding of scale-free graphs in the hyperbolic plane
T Bläsius, T Friedrich, A Krohmer, S Laue
IEEE/ACM transactions on Networking 26 (2), 920-933, 2018
Trussfab: Fabricating sturdy large-scale structures on desktop 3d printers
R Kovacs, A Seufert, L Wall, HT Chen, F Meinel, W Müller, S You, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2017
The parameterized complexity of dependency detection in relational databases
T Bläsius, T Friedrich, M Schirneck
11th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC …, 2017
Hyperbolic random graphs: Separators and treewidth
T Bläsius, T Friedrich, A Krohmer
24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016), 15: 1-15: 16, 2016
Efficiently generating geometric inhomogeneous and hyperbolic random graphs
T Bläsius, T Friedrich, M Katzmann, U Meyer, M Penschuck, C Weyand
Network Science 10 (4), 361-380, 2022
Cliques in hyperbolic random graphs
T Bläsius, T Friedrich, A Krohmer
Algorithmica 80, 2324-2344, 2018
Optimal orthogonal graph drawing with convex bend costs
T Bläsius, I Rutter, D Wagner
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 12 (3), 1-32, 2016
Efficiently enumerating hitting sets of hypergraphs arising in data profiling
T Bläsius, T Friedrich, J Lischeid, K Meeks, M Schirneck
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 124, 192-213, 2022
Orthogonal graph drawing with flexibility constraints
T Bläsius, M Krug, I Rutter, D Wagner
Algorithmica 68 (4), 859-885, 2014
Hitting set enumeration with partial information for unique column combination discovery
J Birnick, T Bläsius, T Friedrich, F Naumann, T Papenbrock, M Schirneck
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (12), 2270-2283, 2020
Orthogonal graph drawing with inflexible edges
T Bläsius, S Lehmann, I Rutter
Computational Geometry 55, 26-40, 2016
Efficient shortest paths in scale-free networks with underlying hyperbolic geometry
T Bläsius, C Freiberger, T Friedrich, M Katzmann, F Montenegro-Retana, ...
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 18 (2), 1-32, 2022
Hyperbolic embeddings for near-optimal greedy routing
T Bläsius, T Friedrich, M Katzmann, A Krohmer
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 25, 1-18, 2020
Simultaneous embedding: Edge orderings, relative positions, cutvertices
T Bläsius, A Karrer, I Rutter
International Symposium on Graph Drawing, 220-231, 2013
A new perspective on clustered planarity as a combinatorial embedding problem
T Bläsius, I Rutter
Theoretical Computer Science 609, 306-315, 2016
Using ILP/SAT to determine pathwidth, visibility representations, and other grid-based graph drawings
T Biedl, T Bläsius, B Niedermann, M Nöllenburg, R Prutkin, I Rutter
Graph Drawing: 21st International Symposium, GD 2013, Bordeaux, France …, 2013
Synchronized planarity with applications to constrained planarity problems
T Bläsius, SD Fink, I Rutter
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 19 (4), 1-23, 2023
Solving vertex cover in polynomial time on hyperbolic random graphs
T Bläsius, P Fischbeck, T Friedrich, M Katzmann
Theory of Computing Systems 67 (1), 28-51, 2023
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