An analysis of the environmental energetics associated with the transition of the first South Atlantic hurricane JAP Veiga, AB Pezza, I Simmonds, PL Silva Dias Geophysical Research Letters 35 (15), 2008 | 52 | 2008 |
Amazon deforestation and urban expansion: Simulating future growth in the Manaus Metropolitan Region, Brazil YLF Santos, AM Yanai, CJP Ramos, PMLA Graça, JAP Veiga, ... Journal of Environmental Management 304, 114279, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |
A influência das anomalias de TSM dos oceanos Atlântico e Pacífico sobre as chuvas de monção da América do Sul JAP Veiga, JA Marengo, VB Rao Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 17 (2), 181-194, 2002 | 27 | 2002 |
A global and hemispherical analysis of the Lorenz energetics based on the representative concentration pathways used in CMIP5 JAP Veiga, T Ambrizzi Advances in Meteorology 2013 (1), 485047, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
Environmental energetics of an exceptional high‐latitude storm AB Pezza, JAP Veiga, I Simmonds, K Keay, MS Mesquita Atmospheric Science Letters 11 (1), 39-45, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
Large scale features and energetics of the hybrid subtropical low ‘Duck’over the Tasman Sea AB Pezza, LA Garde, JAP Veiga, I Simmonds Climate dynamics 42, 453-466, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Water budget changes in the Amazon basin under RCP 8.5 and deforestation scenarios W de Brito Gomes, FWS Correia, VB Capistrano, JAP Veiga, LA Vergasta, ... Climate Research 80 (2), 105-120, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
High rate of detection of G8P [6] rotavirus in children with acute gastroenteritis in Sao Tome and Principe C Istrate, S Sharma, J Nordgren, S Videira e Castro, Â Lopes, J Piedade, ... Archives of virology 160, 423-428, 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
Extreme rainfall events over the Amazon basin produce significant quantities of rain relative to the rainfall climatology AL Brito, JAP Veiga, MC Yoshida Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 4 (2), 179-191, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Avaliação do desempenho dos modelos HadGEM2-ES e Eta a partir de indicadores de extremos climáticos de precipitação para a Bacia Amazônica AL Brito, JAP Veiga, FW Correia, VB Capistrano Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 34, 165-177, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
detection and molecular characterization of hepatitis E virus in domestic animals of São Tomé and Príncipe JR Mesquita, C Istrate, NL Santos-Ferreira, AS Ferreira, J Abreu-Silva, ... Tropical Animal Health and Production 51, 481-485, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
The energy cycle associated to the Pacific Walker circulation and its relationship to ENSO JAP Veiga, AB Pezza, T Ambrizzi, VB Rao, SH Franchito, MC Yoshida Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 2013, 2013 | 12* | 2013 |
Multivariate analysis of the energy cycle of the South American rainy season ER Gutierrez, PLS Dias, JA Veiga, R Camayo, A Dos Santos International Journal of Climatology 29 (15), 2256-2269, 2009 | 12 | 2009 |
The relative and joint effect of rivers and urban area on a squall line in the Central Amazonia ZC Sátyro, C Farias, LA Candido, JA Veiga Science of the Total Environment 755, 142178, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Climate change and its impact on the agricultural calendar of Riverine Farmers in Médio Juruá, Amazonas State, Brazil MA de Vasconcelos, JAP Veiga, JLG Silva, DF Guimarães, AL Brito, ... Atmosphere 13 (12), 2018, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Avaliação dos Impactos das Mudanças na Cobertura da Terra e Cenário de Emissões (RCP 8.5) no Balanço de água na Bacia do Rio Madeira WB Gomes, FWS Correia, V Capistrano, JAP Veiga, LA Vergasta, ... Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 35, 689-702, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Avaliação do Balanço de água na Bacia do Rio Madeira Simulado Pelo Modelo Regional Climático Eta e o Modelo Hidrológico de Grandes Bacias MGB LA Vergasta, FWS Correia, SC Chou, P Nobre, AA Lyra, WB Gomes, ... Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 36, 153-169, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
An analysis of rainfall extremes in the Northern South America and their behaviors for future climate based on A1B scenario P Fonseca, JA Veiga, FW Corrêa, C Chan, A Lyra Revista Brasileira de Climatologia 20, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Impact of the waves on the sea surface roughness under uniform wind conditions: Idealized cases for uniform winds (Part I) JAP Veiga, MR Queiroz Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 5 (03), 317, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Um estudo observacional sobre a frequência, intensidade e climatologia de eventos extremos de chuva na Amazônia AL Brito, JAP Veiga Ciência e Natura 37 (1), 163-169, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |