Corey Angst
Corey Angst
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ nd.edu - หน้าแรก
Adoption of electronic health records in the presence of privacy concerns: The elaboration likelihood model and individual persuasion
CM Angst, R Agarwal
MIS quarterly, 339-370, 2009
Reconceptualizing compatibility beliefs in technology acceptance research
E Karahanna, R Agarwal, CM Angst
MIS quarterly, 781-804, 2006
Social contagion and information technology diffusion: The adoption of electronic medical records in US hospitals
CM Angst, R Agarwal, V Sambamurthy, K Kelley
Management Science 56 (8), 1219-1241, 2010
The performance effects of coaching: A multilevel analysis using hierarchical linear modeling
R Agarwal, CM Angst, M Magni
The international journal of Human Resource management 20 (10), 2110-2134, 2009
When do IT security investments matter? Accounting for the influence of institutional factors in the context of healthcare data breaches
CM Angst, ES Block, J D'arcy, K Kelley
MIS quarterly, 893-916, 2017
The impact of culture on the relationship between governance and opportunism in outsourcing relationships
SM Handley, CM Angst
Strategic Management Journal 36 (9), 1412-1434, 2015
Electronic health records assimilation and physician identity evolution: An identity theory perspective
AN Mishra, C Anderson, CM Angst, R Agarwal
Information Systems Research 23 (3-part-1), 738-760, 2012
Performance effects related to the sequence of integration of healthcare technologies
CM Angst, S Devaraj, CC Queenan, B Greenwood
Production and Operations Management 20 (3), 319-333, 2011
Doctors’ orders––If they’re electronic, do they improve patient satisfaction? A complements/substitutes perspective
CC Queenan, CM Angst, S Devaraj
Journal of Operations Management 29 (7-8), 639-649, 2011
Reducing medicare spending through electronic health information exchange: the role of incentives and exchange maturity
I Adjerid, J Adler-Milstein, C Angst
Information Systems Research 29 (2), 341-361, 2018
Too Good to Be True: Firm Social Performance and the Risk of Data Breach
J D'Arcy, I Adjerid, CM Angst, A Glavas
Information Systems Research, 1-45, 2020
Dual role of IT-assisted communication in patient care: a validated structure-process-outcome framework
CM Angst, S Devaraj, J D'Arcy
Journal of Management Information Systems 29 (2), 257-292, 2012
Protect my privacy or support the common-good? Ethical questions about electronic health information exchanges
CM Angst
Journal of Business Ethics 90, 169-178, 2009
Bid or buy? Individual shopping traits as predictors of strategic exit in on-line auctions
CM Angst, R Agarwal, J Kuruzovich
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 13 (1), 59-84, 2008
Antecedents of Information Systems Sourcing Strategies in US Hospitals
CM Angst, KD Wowak, SM Handley, K Kelley
MIS quarterly 41 (4), 1129-1152, 2017
Technological viewpoints (frames) about electronic prescribing in physician practices
R Agarwal, CM Angst, CM DesRoches, MA Fischer
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 17 (4), 425-431, 2010
Everybody Needs Somebody: The Influence of Team Network Structure on Information Technology Use
M Magni, CM Angst, R Agarwal
Journal of Management Information Systems 29 (3), 9-42, 2013
How unbecoming of you: Online experiments uncovering gender biases in perceptions of ridesharing performance
B Greenwood, I Adjerid, CM Angst, NL Meikle
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-20, 2020
Information technology and voluntary quality disclosure by hospitals
C Angst, R Agarwal, GG Gao, J Khuntia, JS McCullough
Decision Support Systems 57, 367-375, 2014
Differences between integrated and stand-alone E-prescribing systems have implications for future use
CM DesRoches, R Agarwal, CM Angst, MA Fischer
Health Affairs 29 (12), 2268-2277, 2010
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