Jean-François Gaillard
Jean-François Gaillard
Professor of Civil & Enviromental Engineering, Northwestern University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ northwestern.edu - หน้าแรก
Cell-free biosensors for rapid detection of water contaminants
JK Jung, KK Alam, MS Verosloff, DA Capdevila, M Desmau, PR Clauer, ...
Nature biotechnology 38 (12), 1451-1459, 2020
The isotopic composition of diatom‐bound nitrogen in Southern Ocean sediments
DM Sigman, MA Altabet, R Francois, DC McCorkle, JF Gaillard
Paleoceanography 14 (2), 118-134, 1999
Transparent Conducting Oxides in the ZnO-In2O3-SnO2 System
CA Hoel, TO Mason, JF Gaillard, KR Poeppelmeier
Chemistry of Materials 22 (12), 3569-3579, 2010
Biogeochemical dynamics in aquatic sediments
P Van Cappellen, JF Gaillard
Reviews in Mineralogy 34, 335-376, 1996
XAS speciation of arsenic in a hyper-accumulating fern
SM Webb, JF Gaillard, LQ Ma, C Tu
Environmental Science & Technology 37 (4), 754-760, 2003
The influence of organic matter diagenesis on CaCO3 dissolution at the deep-sea floor
RA Jahnke, DB Craven, JF Gaillard
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58 (13), 2799-2809, 1994
Manganese oxides: parallels between abiotic and biotic structures
I Saratovsky, PG Wightman, PA Pastén, JF Gaillard, KR Poeppelmeier
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (34), 11188-11198, 2006
Effects of Material Morphology on the Phototoxicity of Nano-TiO2 to Bacteria
T Tong, A Shereef, J Wu, CTT Binh, JJ Kelly, JF Gaillard, KA Gray
Environmental science & technology 47 (21), 12486-12495, 2013
Combined Toxicity of Nano-ZnO and Nano-TiO2: From Single- to Multinanomaterial Systems
T Tong, CM Wilke, J Wu, CTT Binh, JJ Kelly, JF Gaillard, KA Gray
Environmental science & technology 49 (13), 8113-8123, 2015
The diversity of natural hydrous iron oxides
D Perret, JF Gaillard, J Dominik, O Atteia
Environmental science & technology 34 (17), 3540-3546, 2000
Cytotoxicity of commercial nano-TiO2 to Escherichia coli assessed by high-throughput screening: Effects of environmental factors
T Tong, CTT Binh, JJ Kelly, JF Gaillard, KA Gray
Water research 47 (7), 2352-2362, 2013
Speciation, reactivity, and cycling of Fe and Pb in a meromictic lake
M Taillefert, CP Lienemann, JF Gaillard, D Perret
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (2), 169-183, 2000
Biogenic silica recycling in surficial sediments across the Polar Front of the Southern Ocean (Indian Sector)
C Rabouille, JF Gaillard, P Tréguer, MA Vincendeau
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 44 (5), 1151-1176, 1997
Towards the EDGE: Early diagenetic global explanation. A model depicting the early diagenesis of organic matter, O2, NO3, Mn, and PO4
C Rabouille, JF Gaillard
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55 (9), 2511-2525, 1991
Pore‐scale analysis of permeability reduction resulting from colloid deposition
C Chen, AI Packman, JF Gaillard
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (7), 2008
Metal speciation in anoxic sediments: When sulfides can be construed as oxides
E Peltier, AL Dahl, JF Gaillard
Environmental science & technology 39 (1), 311-316, 2005
Zinc and lead sequestration in an impacted wetland system
EF Peltier, SM Webb, JF Gaillard
Advances in Environmental Research 8 (1), 103-112, 2003
Interstitial water chemistry of Villefranche Bay sediments: trace metal diagenesis
JF Gaillard, C Jeandel, G Michard, E Nicolas, D Renard
Marine Chemistry 18 (2-4), 233-247, 1986
Association of cobalt and manganese in aquatic systems: chemical and microscopic evidence
CP Lienemann, M Taillefert, D Perret, JF Gaillard
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (7), 1437-1446, 1997
Biogeochemical transformations in sediments: kinetic models of early diagenesis
P Van Cappellen, JF Gaillard, C Rabouille
Interactions of C, N, P and S biogeochemical cycles and global change, 401-445, 1993
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