บทความที่มีข้อกำหนดการเข้าถึงสาธารณะ - Lina Zhouดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
ไม่มีให้ใช้งานในทุกที่: 14
What online reviewer behaviors really matter? Effects of verbal and nonverbal behaviors on detection of fake online reviews
D Zhang, L Zhou, JL Kehoe, IY Kilic
Journal of Management Information Systems 33 (2), 456-481, 2016
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
RubE: Rule-based methods for extracting product features from online consumer reviews
Y Kang, L Zhou
Information & Management 54 (2), 166-176, 2017
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
Improving aspect extraction by augmenting a frequency-based method with web-based similarity measures
S Li, L Zhou, Y Li
Information Processing & Management 51 (1), 58-67, 2015
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Personalized ranking of online reviews based on consumer preferences in product features
A Dash, D Zhang, L Zhou
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 25 (1), 29-50, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
From networking to mitigation: the role of social media and analytics in combating the COVID-19 pandemic
D Zhang, L Zhou, J Lim
Information Systems Management 37 (4), 318-326, 2020
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Text preprocessing for improving hypoglycemia detection from clinical notes–A case study of patients with diabetes
L Zhou, T Siddiqui, SL Seliger, JB Blumenthal, Y Kang, R Doerfler, ...
International journal of medical informatics 129, 374-380, 2019
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Veterans Affairs
A weakly supervised WordNet-Guided deep learning approach to extracting aspect terms from online reviews
J Tao, L Zhou
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 11 (3), 1-22, 2020
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
CaCM: Context-aware call management for mobile phones
H Chou, D Zhang, L Zhou, Y Kang
2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Collaboration and Internet …, 2017
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
An integrated method for hierarchy construction of domain-specific terms
Y Kang, L Zhou, D Zhang
2014 IEEE/ACIS 13th International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2014
ข้อกำหนด: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Verbal deception cue training for the detection of phishing emails
J Lim, L Zhou, D Zhang
2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics …, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
Continuous user authentication on touch-screen mobile phones: toward more secure and usable M-commerce
D Zhang, Y Kang, L Zhou, J Lai
Internetworked World: 15th Workshop on e-Business, WeB 2016, Dublin, Ireland …, 2017
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
Do fake news between different languages talk alike? A case study of COVID-19 related fake news
L Zhou, J Tao, E Lai, D Zhang
International Conference On Secure Knowledge Management In Artificial …, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
Language Alternation in Online Communication with Misinformation
L Zhou, J Lim, H Alsaleh, J Wang, D Zhang
Smart Business: Technology and Data Enabled Innovative Business Models and …, 2020
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
How to Sell Your House for More?
G Shan, D Zhang, L Zhou, J Clavin
The Ecosystem of e-Business: Technologies, Stakeholders, and Connections …, 2019
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
มีให้ใช้งานในบางที่: 33
Machine learning on big data: Opportunities and challenges
L Zhou, S Pan, J Wang, AV Vasilakos
Neurocomputing 237, 350-361, 2017
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
Phishing environments, techniques, and countermeasures: A survey
A Aleroud, L Zhou
Computers & Security 68, 160-196, 2017
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
Harnessing social media for health information management
L Zhou, D Zhang, CC Yang, Y Wang
Electronic commerce research and applications 27, 139-151, 2018
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, National …
Group social capital and lending outcomes in the financial credit market: An empirical study of online peer-to-peer lending
X Chen, L Zhou, D Wan
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 15, 1-13, 2016
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
From conflicts and confusion to doubts: Examining review inconsistency for fake review detection
G Shan, L Zhou, D Zhang
Decision Support Systems 144, 113513, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
Intelligence augmentation: Towards building human-machine symbiotic relationship
L Zhou, S Paul, H Demirkan, L Yuan, J Spohrer, M Zhou, J Basu
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 13 (2), 243-264, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation