Marcello Cocuzza
Marcello Cocuzza
Hospital das Clinicas de São Paulo
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ hc.fm.usp.br
Efficacy of varicocelectomy in improving semen parameters: new meta-analytical approach
A Agarwal, F Deepinder, M Cocuzza, R Agarwal, RA Short, E Sabanegh, ...
Urology 70 (3), 532-538, 2007
Male oxidative stress infertility (MOSI): proposed terminology and clinical practice guidelines for management of idiopathic male infertility
A Agarwal, N Parekh, MKP Selvam, R Henkel, R Shah, ST Homa, ...
The world journal of men's health 37 (3), 296-312, 2019
Clinical relevance of oxidative stress and sperm chromatin damage in male infertility: an evidence based analysis
M Cocuzza, SC Sikka, KS Athayde, A Agarwal
International braz j urol 33, 603-621, 2007
The epidemiology and etiology of azoospermia
M Cocuzza, C Alvarenga, R Pagani
Clinics 68, 15-26, 2013
Age-related increase of reactive oxygen species in neat semen in healthy fertile men
M Cocuzza, KS Athayde, A Agarwal, R Sharma, R Pagani, AM Lucon, ...
Urology 71 (3), 490-494, 2008
Late hormonal levels, semen parameters, and presence of antisperm antibodies in patients treated for testicular torsion
MA Arap, FC Vicentini, M Cocuzza, J Hallak, K Athayde, AM Lucon, ...
Journal of andrology 28 (4), 528-532, 2007
Development of normal reference values for seminal reactive oxygen species and their correlation with leukocytes and semen parameters in a fertile population
KS Athayde, M Cocuzza, A Agarwal, N Krajcir, AM Lucon, M Srougi, ...
Journal of andrology 28 (4), 613-620, 2007
The role of varicocele repair in the new era of assisted reproductive technology
M Cocuzza, MA Cocuzza, FMP Bragais, A Agarwal
Clinics 63 (3), 395-404, 2008
Outcomes of flexible ureteroscopic lithotripsy with holmium laser for upper urinary tract calculi
M Cocuzza, JR Colombo Jr, AL Cocuzza, F Mascarenhas, F Vicentini, ...
International braz j urol 34, 143-150, 2008
Serum and peritoneal abnormalities in endometriosis: potential use as diagnostic markers
S Gupta, A Agarwal, L Sekhon, N Krajcir, M Cocuzza, T Falcone
Minerva ginecologica 58 (6), 527, 2006
Diagnosis and classification of autoimmune orchitis
CA Silva, M Cocuzza, JF Carvalho, E Bonfá
Autoimmunity reviews 13 (4-5), 431-434, 2014
Impact of clinical varicocele and testis size on seminal reactive oxygen species levels in a fertile population: a prospective controlled study
M Cocuzza, KS Athayde, A Agarwal, R Pagani, SC Sikka, AM Lucon, ...
Fertility and sterility 90 (4), 1103-1108, 2008
Effect of vaginal lubricants on sperm motility and chromatin integrity: a prospective comparative study
A Agarwal, F Deepinder, M Cocuzza, RA Short, DP Evenson
Fertility and sterility 89 (2), 375-379, 2008
10 Oxidative stress measurement in patients with male or female factor infertility
A Agarwal, M Cocuzza, H Abdelrazik, RK Sharma
Testicular Sertoli cell function in male systemic lupus erythematosus
RM Suehiro, EF Borba, E Bonfa, TS Okay, M Cocuzza, PMF Soares, ...
Rheumatology 47 (11), 1692-1697, 2008
Summary evidence on the effects of varicocele treatment to improve natural fertility in subfertile men
BC Tiseo, SC Esteves, MS Cocuzza
Asian journal of andrology 18 (2), 239-245, 2016
Trigonal injection of botulinum toxin‐A does not cause vesicoureteral reflux in neurogenic patients
F Mascarenhas, M Cocuzza, CM Gomes, N Leão
Neurourology and Urodynamics: Official Journal of the International …, 2008
The systematic use of intraoperative vascular Doppler ultrasound during microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy improves precise identification and preservation of testicular …
M Cocuzza, R Pagani, R Coelho, M Srougi, J Hallak
Fertility and sterility 93 (7), 2396-2399, 2010
SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic and repercussions for male infertility patients: A proposal for the individualized provision of andrological services
SC Esteves, F Lombardo, N Garrido, J Alvarez, A Zini, GM Colpi, ...
Andrology 9 (1), 10-18, 2021
Nonsurgical treatment of male infertility: specific and empiric therapy
M Cocuzza, A Agarwal
Biologics: Targets and Therapy 1 (3), 259-269, 2007
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