Harker KN
Harker KN
Retired - AAFC
Recent weed control, weed management, and integrated weed management
KN Harker, JT O'Donovan
Weed Technology 27 (1), 1-11, 2013
Crop yield and nitrogen concentration with controlled release urea and split applications of nitrogen as compared to non-coated urea applied at seeding
CA Grant, R Wu, F Selles, KN Harker, GW Clayton, S Bittman, BJ Zebarth, ...
Field Crops Research 127, 170-180, 2012
A decade of herbicide-resistant crops in Canada
HJ Beckie, KN Harker, LM Hall, SI Warwick, A Légère, PH Sikkema, ...
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 86 (4), 1243-1264, 2006
Forage potential of intercropping barley with faba bean, lupin, or field pea
SM Strydhorst, JR King, KJ Lopetinsky, KN Harker
Agronomy journal 100 (1), 182-190, 2008
Reduced herbicide doses in field crops: a review
RE Blackshaw, JT O'donovan, KN Harker, GW Clayton, RN Stougaard
Weed Biology and Management 6 (1), 10-17, 2006
Seeding rate, herbicide timing and competitive hybrids contribute to integrated weed management in canola (Brassica napus)
KN Harker, GW Clayton, RE Blackshaw, JT O’Donovan, FC Stevenson
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 83 (2), 433-440, 2003
Our top 10 herbicide‐resistant weed management practices
HJ Beckie, KN Harker
Pest management science 73 (6), 1045-1052, 2017
Decomposition of crop residues under conventional and zero tillage
NZ Lupwayi, GW Clayton, JT O’donovan, KN Harker, TK Turkington, ...
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 84 (4), 403-410, 2004
Wild oat (Avena fatua) interference in barley (Hordeum vulgare) is influenced by barley variety and seeding rate
JT O'Donovan, KN Harker, GW Clayton, LM Hall
Weed Technology 14 (3), 624-629, 2000
Ongoing development of integrated weed management systems on the Canadian prairies
RE Blackshaw, KN Harker, JT O'Donovan, HJ Beckie, EG Smith
Weed Science 56 (1), 146-150, 2008
Legumes can reduce economic optimum nitrogen rates and increase yields in a wheat–canola cropping sequence in western Canada
MS Luce, CA Grant, BJ Zebarth, N Ziadi, JT O’Donovan, RE Blackshaw, ...
Field Crops Research 179, 12-25, 2015
Seeding rate, nitrogen rate, and cultivar effects on malting barley production
JT O'Donovan, TK Turkington, MJ Edney, GW Clayton, RH McKenzie, ...
Agronomy journal 103 (3), 709-716, 2011
Crop losses due to weeds in Canada
CJ Swanton, KN Harker, RL Anderson
Weed Technology 7 (2), 537-542, 1993
Integrated approaches to managing weeds in spring-sown crops in western Canada
JT O’Donovan, RE Blackshaw, KN Harker, GW Clayton, JR Moyer, ...
Crop Protection 26 (3), 390-398, 2007
Weed-competitive ability of spring and winter cereals in the Northern Great Plains
BL Beres, KN Harker, GW Clayton, E Bremer, RE Blackshaw, RJ Graf
Weed Technology 24 (2), 108-116, 2010
Soil microbial biomass, functional diversity and enzyme activity in glyphosate-resistant wheat–canola rotations under low-disturbance direct seeding and conventional tillage
NZ Lupwayi, KG Hanson, KN Harker, GW Clayton, RE Blackshaw, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 (7), 1418-1427, 2007
Phosphorus release during decomposition of crop residues under conventional and zero tillage
NZ Lupwayi, GW Clayton, JT O’donovan, KN Harker, TK Turkington, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 95 (1-2), 231-239, 2007
Barley seeding rate influences the effects of variable herbicide rates on wild oat
JT O'Donovan, KN Harker, GW Clayton, JC Newman, D Robinson, ...
Weed Science 49 (6), 746-754, 2001
Soil microbial biomass and diversity after herbicide application
NZ Lupwayi, KN Harker, GW Clayton, TK Turkington, WA Rice, ...
Canadian journal of plant science 84 (2), 677-685, 2004
Nitrogen release during decomposition of crop residues under conventional and zero tillage
NZ Lupwayi, GW Clayton, JT O’donovan, KN Harker, TK Turkington, ...
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 86 (1), 11-19, 2006
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