Alfredo Bautista
Alfredo Bautista
Education University of Hong Kong, FEHD/ECE, Assoc Prof & Assoc HoD
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Teacher professional development: International perspectives and approaches
Bautista, Ortega-Ruíz
Psychology, Society, & Education 7 (3), 240-251, 2015
Teacher professional development in Singapore: Depicting the landscape
Bautista, Wong, Gopinathan
Psychology, Society, & Education 7 (3), 311-326, 2015
Learning areas for holistic education: Kindergarten teachers’ curriculum priorities, professional development needs, and beliefs
Bautista, Ng, Múñez, Bull
International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy 10 (1), 8, 2016
High-quality music teacher professional development: A review of the literature
Bautista, Yau, Wong
Music Education Research 19 (4), 455-469, 2017
Curriculum integration in arts education: Connecting multiple art forms through the idea of ‘space’
Bautista, Tan, Ponnusamy, Yau
Journal of Curriculum Studies 48 (5), 610-629, 2016
Music performance teachers’ conceptions about learning and instruction: a descriptive study of Spanish piano teachers
Bautista, Pérez-Echeverría, Pozo
Psychology of Music 38 (1), 85-106, 2010
Arts-related pedagogies in preschool education: An Asian perspective
Bautista, Moreno-Núñez, Bull, Amsah, Koh
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 45, 277-288, 2018
The learning and teaching of music performance: Changing conceptions and practices | El aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la interpretación musical: cambiando las concepciones y …
Pozo, Bautista, Torrado
Cultura y Educación 20 (1), 5-15, 2008
Processes of instrumental learning: The development of musical expertise
Hallam, Bautista
The Oxford Handbook of Music Education 1, 658-676, 2012
Music in early childhood teacher education: raising awareness of a worrisome reality and proposing strategies to move forward
Bautista, Yeung, Mclaren, Ilari
Arts Education Policy Review 125 (3), 139–149, 2024
Primary school music teachers’ professional development motivations, needs, and preferences: Does specialization make a difference?
Bautista, Toh, Wong
Musicae Scientiae 22 (2), 196-223, 2018
Computational thinking in early childhood education: Reviewing the literature and redeveloping the three-dimensional framework
Zeng, Yang, Bautista
Educational Research Review 39, 100520, 2023
What do music performance teachers think they should teach in their lessons | ¿Qué consideran los profesores de instrumento que deben enseñar en sus clases?
Bautista, Pérez-Echeverría
Cultura y Educación 20 (1), 17-34, 2008
Preschool educators’ interactions with children about sustainable development: Planned and incidental conversations
Bautista, Moreno-Núñez, Ng, Bull
International Journal of Early Childhood 50 (1), 15–32, 2018
Policy strategies to remedy isolation of specialist arts and music teachers
Bautista, Stanley, Candusso
Arts Education Policy Review 122 (1), 42-53, 2021
Purposeful play during learning centre time: from curriculum to practice
Bautista, Habib, Eng, Bull
Journal of Curriculum Studies 51 (5), 715-736, 2019
Piano students’ conceptions of musical scores as external representations: A cross-sectional study
Bautista, Pérez-Echeverría, Pozo, Brizuela
Journal of Research in Music Education 57 (3), 181-202, 2009
Music teachers' perceptions of the features of most and least helpful professional development
Bautista, Wong
Arts Education Policy Review 120 (2), 80-93, 2019
Preschool teachers’ engagement in professional development: Frequency, perceived usefulness, and relationship with self-efficacy beliefs
Múñez, Bautista, Khiu, Keh, Bull
Psychology, Society, & Education 9 (2), 181-199, 2017
Piano teachers' conceptions of assessment and evaluation | Concepciones de profesores de piano sobre la evaluación
Bautista, Pérez-Echevarría, Pozo
Revista de Educación 355, 443–466, 2011
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