spataru n
Voltammetric determination of L-cysteine at conductive diamond electrodes
N Spãtaru, BV Sarada, E Popa, DA Tryk, A Fujishima
Analytical Chemistry 73 (3), 514-519, 2001
Anodic voltammetry of xanthine, theophylline, theobromine and caffeine at conductive diamond electrodes and its analytical application
N Spãtaru, BV Sarada, DA Tryk, A Fujishima
Electroanalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Fundamental and …, 2002
Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide at ruthenium dioxide deposited on boron-doped diamond
N Spataru, K Tokuhiro, C Terashima, TN Rao, A Fujishima
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 33, 1205-1210, 2003
Detection of trace levels of Pb2+ in tap water at boron-doped diamond electrodes with anodic stripping voltammetry
D Dragoe, N Spătaru, R Kawasaki, A Manivannan, T Spătaru, DA Tryk, ...
Electrochimica acta 51 (12), 2437-2441, 2006
Determination of nitrite and nitrogen oxides by anodic voltammetry at conductive diamond electrodes
N Spataru, TN Rao, DA Tryk, A Fujishima
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 148 (3), E112, 2001
Electrochemical behavior of cobalt oxide films deposited at conductive diamond electrodes
N Spataru, C Terashima, K Tokuhiro, I Sutanto, DA Tryk, SM Park, ...
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 150 (7), E337, 2003
Electrodeposition of hydrous iridium oxide on conductive diamond electrodes for catalytic sensor applications
C Terashima, TN Rao, BV Sarada, N Spataru, A Fujishima
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 544, 65-74, 2003
Electrochemical oxidation of aniline at boron-doped diamond electrodes
M Mitadera, N Spataru, A Fujishima
Journal of applied electrochemistry 34, 249-254, 2004
A study of RuO2 as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution in alkaline solution
N Spataru, JG Le Helloco, R Durand
Journal of applied electrochemistry 26 (4), 397-402, 1996
Voltammetric determination of thiourea at conductive diamond electrodes
N Spataru, T Spataru, A Fujishima
Electroanalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Fundamental and …, 2005
Platinum electrodeposition on conductive diamond powder and its application to methanol oxidation in acidic media
N Spătaru, X Zhang, T Spătaru, DA Tryk, A Fujishima
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 155 (3), B264-B269, 2008
Detection of aniline at boron-doped diamond electrodes with cathodic stripping voltammetry
T Spătaru, N Spătaru, A Fujishima
Talanta 73 (2), 404-406, 2007
Electrochemical deposition of titanium oxide on boron-doped diamond electrodes
A Manivannan, N Spataru, K Arihara, A Fujishima
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 8 (10), C138, 2005
Voltammetric detection of phenol at platinum–polytyramine composite electrodes in acidic media
T Spătaru, N Spătaru
Journal of hazardous materials 180 (1-3), 777-780, 2010
Anodic deposition of RuOx∙ nH2O at conductive diamond films and conductive diamond powder for electrochemical capacitors
N Spătaru, X Zhang, T Spătaru, DA Tryk, A Fujishima
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 155 (1), D73, 2007
Catalytic hydrogen evolution in the presence of sulfide and cobalt ions. A study by cathodic stripping voltammetry on the hanging mercury drop electrode
FG Bǎnicǎ, N Spǎtaru, T Spǎtaru
Electroanalysis 9 (17), 1341-1347, 2005
Particularities of photocatalysis and formation of reactive oxygen species on insulators and semiconductors: cases of SiO 2, TiO 2 and their composite SiO 2–TiO 2
C Anastasescu, C Negrila, DG Angelescu, I Atkinson, M Anastasescu, ...
Catalysis Science & Technology 8 (21), 5657-5668, 2018
Oxygen electroreduction on carbon materials
DA Tryk, CR Cabrera, A Fujishima, N Spataru
Fundamental Understanding of Electrode Processes in Memory of Professor …, 2005
Catalytic hydrogen evolution in cathodic stripping voltammetry on a mercury electrode in the presence of cobalt (II) ion and phenylthiourea or thiourea
N Spătaru, FG Bănică
Analyst 126 (11), 1907-1911, 2001
Platinum–polytyramine composite material with improved performances for methanol oxidation
T Spătaru, M Marcu, L Preda, P Osiceanu, JMC Moreno, N Spătaru
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 15 (6), 1149-1157, 2011
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