Ha H. Bui
Ha H. Bui
Professor of Civil Engineering, ARC Future Fellow, Monash University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ monash.edu - หน้าแรก
Lagrangian meshfree particles method (SPH) for large deformation and failure flows of geomaterial using elastic–plastic soil constitutive model
HH Bui, R Fukagawa, K Sako, S Ohno
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2008
Numerical simulation of soil–water interaction using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method
HH Bui, K Sako, R Fukagawa
Journal of Terramechanics 44 (5), 339-346, 2007
Slope stability analysis and discontinuous slope failure simulation by elasto-plastic smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
HH Bui, R Fukagawa, K Sako, JC Wells
Géotechnique 61 (7), 565-574, 2011
An improved SPH method for saturated soils and its application to investigate the mechanisms of embankment failure: Case of hydrostatic pore‐water pressure
HH Bui, R Fukagawa
International Journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2013
Experimental and numerical investigation of influence of air-voids on the compressive behaviour of foamed concrete
TT Nguyen, HH Bui, TD Ngo, GD Nguyen
Materials & Design 130, 103-119, 2017
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and its applications in geomechanics: From solid fracture to granular behaviour and multiphase flows in porous media
HH Bui, GD Nguyen
Computers and Geotechnics 138, 104315, 2021
A new SPH-based approach to simulation of granular flows using viscous damping and stress regularisation
CT Nguyen, HH Bui, GD Nguyen, R Fukagawa
Landslides 14 (1), 69-81, 2017
A laboratory-scale study of the aqueous mineral carbonation of coal fly ash for CO2 sequestration
NL Ukwattage, PG Ranjith, M Yellishetty, T Xu, HH Bui
Journal of cleaner production 103, 665-674, 2015
A coupled fluid-solid SPH approach to modelling flow through deformable porous media
HH Bui, GD Nguyen
International Journal of Solids and Structures 125, 244-264, 2017
A micromechanical investigation for the effects of pore size and its distribution on geopolymer foam concrete under uniaxial compression
TT Nguyen, HH Bui, TD Ngo, GD Nguyen, MU Kreher, F Darve
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 209, 228-244, 2019
A cohesive damage-plasticity model for DEM and its application for numerical investigation of soft rock fracture properties
NHT Nguyen, HH Bui, GD Nguyen, J Kodikara
International Journal of Plasticity 98, 175-196, 2017
Modelling the dynamic failure of brittle rocks using a hybrid continuum-discrete element method with a mixed-mode cohesive fracture model
YL Gui, HH Bui, J Kodikara, QB Zhang, J Zhao, T Rabczuk
International Journal of Impact Engineering 87, 146-155, 2016
Serviceability design for geosynthetic reinforced column supported embankments
DJ King, A Bouazza, JR Gniel, RK Rowe, HH Bui
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 45 (4), 261-279, 2017
Numerical modelling of laboratory soil desiccation cracking using UDEC with a mix-mode cohesive fracture model
YL Gui, ZY Zhao, J Kodikara, SQ Yang, HH Bui
Engineering Geology 202, 14-23, 2016
Super-critical CO 2 saturation-induced mechanical property alterations in low rank coal: An experimental study
AS Ranathunga, MSA Perera, PG Ranjith, HH Bui
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 109, 134-140, 2016
Effects of specimen size and loading conditions on the fracture behaviour of asphalt concretes in the SCB test
DX Lu, HH Bui, M Saleh
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 107452, 2020
Numerical and experimental studies of gravity effect on the mechanism of lunar excavations
HH Bui, T Kobayashi, R Fukagawa, JC Wells
Journal of Terramechanics 46 (3), 115-124, 2009
SPH-based numerical simulations for large deformation of geomaterial considering soil-structure interaction
HH Bui, K Sako, R Fukagawa, J Wells
The 12th international conference of international association for computer …, 2008
A novel computational approach for large deformation and post‐failure analyses of segmental retaining wall systems
HH Bui, JK Kodikara, A Bouazza, A Haque, PG Ranjith
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2014
Explicit incompressible SPH algorithm for free-surface flow modelling: A comparison with weakly compressible schemes
Nomeritae, E Daly, S Grimaldi, HH Bui
Advances in Water Resources 97, 156–167, 2016
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