Arjun Chandra
Arjun Chandra
Founder and CEO at brua.io
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ brua.io - หน้าแรก
Ensemble learning using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
A Chandra, X Yao
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 5, 417-445, 2006
Evolving hybrid ensembles of learning machines for better generalisation
A Chandra, X Yao
Neurocomputing 69 (7-9), 686-700, 2006
A survey of self-awareness and its application in computing systems
PR Lewis, A Chandra, S Parsons, E Robinson, K Glette, R Bahsoon, ...
2011 Fifth IEEE conference on self-adaptive and self-organizing systems …, 2011
Efficient parallel methods for deep reinforcement learning
AV Clemente, HN Castejón, A Chandra
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.04862, 2017
DIVACE: Diverse and accurate ensemble learning algorithm
A Chandra, X Yao
International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated …, 2004
Architectural aspects of self-aware and self-expressive computing systems: From psychology to engineering
PR Lewis, A Chandra, F Faniyi, K Glette, T Chen, R Bahsoon, J Torresen, ...
Computer 48 (8), 62-70, 2015
Trade-off between diversity and accuracy in ensemble generation
A Chandra, H Chen, X Yao
Multi-objective machine learning, 429-464, 2006
EPiCS: Engineering proprioception in computing systems
T Becker, A Agne, PR Lewis, R Bahsoon, F Faniyi, L Esterle, A Keller, ...
2012 IEEE 15th International Conference on Computational Science and …, 2012
Static, dynamic, and adaptive heterogeneity in distributed smart camera networks
PR Lewis, L Esterle, A Chandra, B Rinner, J Torresen, X Yao
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) 10 (2), 1-30, 2015
Evolutionary framework for the construction of diverse hybrid ensembles.
A Chandra, X Yao
ESANN, 253-258, 2005
A novel adaptive weight selection algorithm for multi-objective multi-agent reinforcement learning
K Van Moffaert, T Brys, A Chandra, L Esterle, PR Lewis, A Nowé
2014 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 2306-2314, 2014
Learning to be different: Heterogeneity and efficiency in distributed smart camera networks
PR Lewis, L Esterle, A Chandra, B Rinner, X Yao
2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing …, 2013
Enabling participants to play rhythmic solos within a group via auctions
A Chandra, K Nymoen, A Voldsund, AR Jensenius, KH Glette, J Tørresen
Decentralized harmonic synchronization in mobile music systems
K Nymoen, A Chandra, K Glette, J Torresen
2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology …, 2014
Reference architecture for self-aware and self-expressive computing systems
A Chandra, PR Lewis, K Glette, SC Stilkerich
Self-Aware Computing Systems: An Engineering Approach, 37-49, 2016
An ant learning algorithm for gesture recognition with one-instance training
S Song, A Chandra, J Torresen
2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2956-2963, 2013
Multi-Objective Machine Learning
A Chandra, H Chen, X Yao
Springer-Verlag, 2006
Self-awareness and Self-expression: Inspiration from Psychology
PR Lewis, A Chandra, K Glette
Self-aware Computing Systems: An Engineering Approach, 9-21, 2016
Evolutionary framework for the creation of diverse hybrid ensembles for better generalisation
A Chandra
Master's thesis, School of Computer Science, The University of Birmingham …, 2004
Can diversity amongst learners improve online object tracking?
G Nebehay, W Chibamu, PR Lewis, A Chandra, R Pflugfelder, X Yao
Multiple Classifier Systems: 11th International Workshop, MCS 2013, Nanjing …, 2013
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