Andreas Lanitis
Andreas Lanitis
Cyprus University of Technology & CYENS Centre of Excellence
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ cut.ac.cy
Toward automatic simulation of aging effects on face images
A Lanitis, CJ Taylor, TF Cootes
IEEE Transactions on pattern Analysis and machine Intelligence 24 (4), 442-455, 2002
Automatic interpretation and coding of face images using flexible models
A Lanitis, CJ Taylor, TF Cootes
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and machine intelligence 19 (7), 743-756, 1997
Comparing different classifiers for automatic age estimation
A Lanitis, C Draganova, C Christodoulou
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 34 …, 2004
Automatic face identification system using flexible appearance models
A Lanitis, CJ Taylor, TF Cootes
5th British Machine Vision Conferenc 1, 65-74, 1994
A unified approach to coding and interpreting face images
A Lanitis, CJ Taylor, TF Cootes
Proceedings of IEEE international conference on computer vision, 368-373, 1995
Active shape models: Evaluation of a multi-resolution method for improving image search
A Lanitis, CJ Taylor, TF Cootes
Proceedings of the British Machine Conference, 32.1-32.10, 1994
Comparative evaluation of virtual and augmented reality for teaching mathematics in primary education
E Demitriadou, KE Stavroulia, A Lanitis
Education and information technologies 25 (1), 381-401, 2020
Overview of research on facial ageing using the FG-NET ageing database
G Panis, A Lanitis, N Tsapatsoulis, TF Cootes
Iet Biometrics 5 (2), 37-46, 2016
A critical evaluation, challenges, and future perspectives of using artificial intelligence and emerging technologies in smart classrooms
E Dimitriadou, A Lanitis
Smart Learning Environments 10 (1), 12, 2023
Statistical models of face images—improving specificity
GJ Edwards, A Lanitis, CJ Taylor, TF Cootes
Image and Vision Computing 16 (3), 203-211, 1998
Building and using flexible models incorporating grey-level information
TF Cootes, CJ Taylor, A Lanitis, DH Cooper, J Graham
1993 (4th) International Conference on Computer Vision, 242-246, 1993
A survey of the effects of aging on biometric identity verification
A Lanitis
International Journal of Biometrics 2 (1), 34-52, 2010
An overview of research activities in facial age estimation using the FG-NET aging database
G Panis, A Lanitis
European Conference on Computer Vision, 737-750, 2014
Automatic interpretation of human faces and hand gestures using flexible models.
AA Lanitis, CJ Taylor, TF Cootes, T Ahmad
International Workshop on Face and Gesture recognition, 1995
Multi-resolution search with active shape models
TF Cootes, CJ Taylor, A Lanitis
Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1, 610-612, 1994
Comparative evaluation of automatic age-progression methodologies
A Lanitis
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2008, 2008
Tracking and recognising hand gestures, using statistical shape models
T Ahmad, CJ Taylor, A Lanitis, TF Cootes
Image and Vision Computing 15 (5), 345-352, 1997
Non-linear point distribution modelling using a multi-layer perceptron
PD Sozou, TF Cootes, CJ Taylor, EC Di Mauro, A Lanitis
Image and Vision Computing 15 (6), 457-463, 1997
Modeling the process of ageing in face images
A Lanitis, CJ Taylor, TF Cootes
Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 1999
Assessing the emotional impact of virtual reality-based teacher training
KE Stavroulia, M Christofi, E Baka, D Michael-Grigoriou, ...
The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 36 (3), 192-217, 2019
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