Mette Marie Kristensen
Mette Marie Kristensen
PhD Student
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ sdu.dk
Recurrent lower respiratory illnesses among young children in rural Kyrgyzstan: overuse of antibiotics and possible under-diagnosis of asthma. A qualitative FRESH AIR study
MS Østergaard, J Kjærgaard, MM Kristensen, S Reventlow, A Poulsen, ...
npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine 28 (1), 13, 2018
Addressing organizational barriers to continuity of care in the Danish mental health system–a comparative analysis of 14 national intervention projects
MM Kristensen, IN Sølvhøj, AO Kusier, AP Folker
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 73 (1), 36-43, 2019
“It's not that I don't have things to do. It just all revolves around me”–men's reflections on meaning in life in the transition to retirement in Denmark
MM Kristensen, P Simonsen, KKS Mørch, MEL Pihl, MH Rod, AP Folker
Journal of aging studies 64, 101112, 2023
Shared reading as mental health promotion among newly retired men: Design of a feasibility study
MM Kristensen, P Simonsen, MEL Holm, M Steenberg, JR Andersen, ...
Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health 2 (2), 107-121, 2020
Exploring perceptions of continuity of care among people with long-term mental disorders in Denmark
AP Folker, MM Kristensen, AO Kusier, MBD Nielsen, SM Lauridsen, ...
Qualitative health research 29 (13), 1916-1929, 2019
Sammenhæng i indsatsen for mennesker med psykiske lidelser
AP Folker, MM Kristensen, IN Sølvhøj, S Flint, AO Kusier, MH Rod
Analyse af personcases, oplevelser og evalueringer.[Continuity in services …, 2017
“We're opening 20 doors!“: Exploring the collective dimensions of Shared Reading as mental health promotion among newly retired men in Denmark
MM Kristensen, P Simonsen, MEL Pihl, MH Rod, AP Folker
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (1), 100639, 2023
Approaching literary connectivity: Early reflections on a Shared Reading intervention in the light of postcritical thought
MEL Pihl, MM Kristensen, AP Folker, P Simonsen
Orbis Litterarum 79 (2), 145-153, 2024
Sammenhæng i indsatsen for mennesker med psykiske lidelser: Analyse af personcases, oplevelser og evalueringer
AP Folker, MM Kristensen, IN Sølvhøj, S Flint, AO Kusier, MH Rod
Statens Institut for Folkesundhed, 2017
Ingemann mod ensomhed. Guidet fælleslæsning for mænd i pensionsalderen
MEL Holm, P Simonsen, MM Kristensen, AP Folker
Narrativ medicin: i uddannelse og praksis, 149-162, 2021
Litteraturgerontologi: Dansk Ældrelitteratur i et brugsperspektiv
NF Lund, MM Kristensen, AP Folker, P Simonsen
Gerontologi 36 (2), 4-8, 2020
Asthma in children under 5 years in rural Kyrgyzstan: a diagnostic vacuum? A qualitative FRESH AIR study
MS Østergaard, J Kjærgaard, M Marie Kristensen, S Reventlow, ...
EMJ Respir 7 (1), 97-108, 2019
Driving under the influence of nitrous oxide–A retrospective study of HS-GC-MS analysis in whole blood
AØ Lindholm, MKK Nielsen, M Kristensen, BS Rasmussen
Forensic science international 354, 111904, 2024
Author correction: recurrent lower respiratory illnesses among young children in rural Kyrgyzstan: overuse of antibiotics and possible under-diagnosis of asthma. A qualitative …
MS Østergaard, J Kjærgaard, MM Kristensen, S Reventlow, A Poulsen, ...
NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine 28, 25, 2018
Fra projekt til varig forbedring: Evaluering af implementeringen af Sikker Psykiatri
MM Kristensen, IN Sølvhøj, AP Folker
Syddansk Universitet. Statens Institut for Folkesundhed, 2018
Bevægelse som universalløsning: En antropologisk analyse af arbejdsmiljøprojektet Krop & Kontor
B Dragsted, MM Kristensen, S Nielsen, TL Pauli, A Steinmejer, B Oxlund
Kulturstudier, 92-118, 2011
‘You come as a human being…’: exploring sense of equality in arts interventions through an ethnographic study of Shared Reading
MM Kristensen, MH Rod, P Simonsen, AP Folker
Medical Humanities 51 (1), 4-12, 2025
Read, Man!: An ethnographic investigation of Shared Reading as mental health promotion for newly retired men
MM Kristensen
Research publication
O Innset, EÅ Rudberg
Nordisk välfärdsforskning, 11, 2024
Poetry Prescribed for Loneliness: Shared Reading for Men Near Retirement
MEL Holm, P Simonsen, MM Kristensen, AP Folker
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