Structural, optical, opto-thermal and thermal properties of ZnS–PVA nanofluids synthesized through a radiolytic approach A Kharazmi, N Faraji, RM Hussin, E Saion, WMM Yunus, K Behzad Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 6 (1), 529-536, 2015 | 313 | 2015 |
Refractive index of solutions at high concentrations WMM Yunus, AA Rahman Applied optics 27 (16), 3341-3343, 1988 | 267 | 1988 |
Investigation of energy band gap in polymer/ZnO nanocomposites HM Shanshool, M Yahaya, WMM Yunus, IY Abdullah Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27, 9804-9811, 2016 | 139 | 2016 |
Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue under visible light using PVP-capped ZnS and CdS nanoparticles N Soltani, E Saion, WMM Yunus, M Navasery, G Bahmanrokh, M Erfani, ... Solar Energy 97, 147-154, 2013 | 138 | 2013 |
Influence of dose on particle size of colloidal silver nanoparticles synthesized by gamma radiation K Naghavi, E Saion, K Rezaee, WMM Yunus Radiation Physics and Chemistry 79 (12), 1203-1208, 2010 | 134 | 2010 |
Enhancement of visible light photocatalytic activity of ZnS and CdS nanoparticles based on organic and inorganic coating N Soltani, E Saion, WMM Yunus, M Erfani, M Navasery, G Bahmanrokh, ... Applied Surface Science 290, 440-447, 2014 | 128 | 2014 |
Structural, optical and electrical properties of PVA/PANI/Nickel nanocomposites synthesized by gamma radiolytic method A Mohd Meftah, E Gharibshahi, N Soltani, WM Mat Yunus, E Saion Polymers 6 (9), 2435-2450, 2014 | 126 | 2014 |
Chemical bath deposition of tin selenide thin films Z Zainal, N Saravanan, K Anuar, MZ Hussein, WMM Yunus Materials Science and Engineering: B 107 (2), 181-185, 2004 | 113 | 2004 |
Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy as an alternative for sensing heavy metal ions: A review Y Wing Fen, W Mahmood Mat Yunus Sensor Review 33 (4), 305-314, 2013 | 103 | 2013 |
Analysis of Pb (II) ion sensing by crosslinked chitosan thin film using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy YW Fen, WMM Yunus, ZA Talib Optik 124 (2), 126-133, 2013 | 93 | 2013 |
Surface plasmon resonance optical sensor for detection of Pb2+ based on immobilized p-tert-butylcalix [4] arene-tetrakis in chitosan thin film as an active layer YW Fen, WMM Yunus, NA Yusof Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 171, 287-293, 2012 | 90 | 2012 |
Refractive index and fourier transform infrared spectra of virgin coconut oil and virgin olive oil WMM Yunus, YW Fen, LM Yee American journal of applied Sciences 6 (2), 328, 2009 | 87 | 2009 |
Structural and optical properties of PVP-capped nanocrystalline ZnxCd1− xS solid solutions M Askari, N Soltani, E Saion, WMM Yunus, HM Erfani, M Dorostkar Superlattices and Microstructures 81, 193-201, 2015 | 83 | 2015 |
Surface plasmon resonance sensing detection of mercury and lead ions based on conducting polymer composite MM Abdi, LC Abdullah, AR Sadrolhosseini, WM Mat Yunus, MM Moksin, ... PloS one 6 (9), e24578, 2011 | 83 | 2011 |
Optical properties of ternary zinc magnesium phosphate glasses SF Khor, ZA Talib, WMM Yunus Ceramics International 38 (2), 935-940, 2012 | 79 | 2012 |
Fourier transform infrared study of polypyrrole–poly (vinyl alcohol) conducting polymer composite films: evidence of film formation and characterization HNME Mahmud, A Kassim, Z Zainal, WMM Yunus Journal of applied polymer science 100 (5), 4107-4113, 2006 | 78 | 2006 |
Effects of annealing on the properties of SnSe films Z Zainal, S Nagalingam, A Kassim, MZ Hussein, WMM Yunus Solar Energy materials and Solar cells 81 (2), 261-268, 2004 | 78 | 2004 |
Effect of particle size on nonlinear refractive index of Au nanoparticle in PVA solution E Shahriari, W Yunus, E Saion Brazilian Journal of Physics 40, 256-260, 2010 | 63 | 2010 |
Physical, optical, and electrical properties of a new conducting polymer MM Abdi, A Kassim, HNME Mahmud, WM Mat Yunus, ZA Talib, ... Journal of materials science 44, 3682-3686, 2009 | 61 | 2009 |
Characterization of the optical properties of heavy metal ions using surface plasmon resonance technique YW Fen, WMM Yunus Optics and Photonics Journal 1 (3), 116-123, 2011 | 60 | 2011 |