Qiong Wang
Qiong Wang
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Naive Bayesian classifier for rapid assignment of rRNA sequences into the new bacterial taxonomy
Q Wang, GM Garrity, JM Tiedje, JR Cole
Applied and environmental microbiology 73 (16), 5261-5267, 2007
The Ribosomal Database Project: improved alignments and new tools for rRNA analysis
JR Cole, Q Wang, E Cardenas, J Fish, B Chai, RJ Farris, ...
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_1), D141-D145, 2009
Ribosomal Database Project: data and tools for high throughput rRNA analysis
JR Cole, Q Wang, JA Fish, B Chai, DM McGarrell, Y Sun, CT Brown, ...
Nucleic acids research 42 (D1), D633-D642, 2014
The Ribosomal Database Project (RDP-II): sequences and tools for high-throughput rRNA analysis
JR Cole, B Chai, RJ Farris, Q Wang, SA Kulam, DM McGarrell, GM Garrity, ...
Nucleic acids research 33 (suppl_1), D294-D296, 2005
The Ribosomal Database Project (RDP-II): previewing a new autoaligner that allows regular updates and the new prokaryotic taxonomy
JR Cole, B Chai, TL Marsh, RJ Farris, Q Wang, SA Kulam, S Chandra, ...
Nucleic acids research 31 (1), 442-443, 2003
The ribosomal database project (RDP-II): introducing myRDP space and quality controlled public data
JR Cole, B Chai, RJ Farris, Q Wang, AS Kulam-Syed-Mohideen, ...
Nucleic acids research 35 (suppl_1), D169-D172, 2007
Comparison of two next-generation sequencing technologies for resolving highly complex microbiota composition using tandem variable 16S rRNA gene regions
MJ Claesson, Q Wang, O O'Sullivan, R Greene-Diniz, JR Cole, RP Ross, ...
Nucleic acids research 38 (22), e200-e200, 2010
Comparative analysis of pyrosequencing and a phylogenetic microarray for exploring microbial community structures in the human distal intestine
MJ Claesson, O O'Sullivan, Q Wang, J Nikkilä, JR Marchesi, H Smidt, ...
PloS one 4 (8), e6669, 2009
FunGene: the functional gene pipeline and repository
JA Fish, B Chai, Q Wang, Y Sun, CT Brown, JM Tiedje, JR Cole
Frontiers in microbiology 4, 291, 2013
Tundra soil carbon is vulnerable to rapid microbial decomposition under climate warming
K Xue, M M. Yuan, Z J. Shi, Y Qin, YE Deng, L Cheng, L Wu, Z He, ...
Nature Climate Change 6 (6), 595-600, 2016
Ecological Patterns of nifH Genes in Four Terrestrial Climatic Zones Explored with Targeted Metagenomics Using FrameBot, a New Informatics Tool
Q Wang, JF Quensen III, JA Fish, T Kwon Lee, Y Sun, JM Tiedje, JR Cole
MBio 4 (5), 10.1128/mbio. 00592-13, 2013
Sequence-based classification and identification of Fungi
D Hibbett, K Abarenkov, U Kõljalg, M Öpik, B Chai, J Cole, Q Wang, ...
Mycologia 108 (6), 1049-1068, 2016
Tropical agricultural land management influences on soil microbial communities through its effect on soil organic carbon
WJ Sul, S Asuming-Brempong, Q Wang, DM Tourlousse, CR Penton, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 65, 33-38, 2013
Fungal identification using a Bayesian classifier and the Warcup training set of internal transcribed spacer sequences
V Deshpande, Q Wang, P Greenfield, M Charleston, A Porras-Alfaro, ...
Mycologia 108 (1), 1-5, 2016
Clusters of antibiotic resistance genes enriched together stay together in swine agriculture
TA Johnson, RD Stedtfeld, Q Wang, JR Cole, SA Hashsham, T Looft, ...
MBio 7 (2), 10.1128/mbio. 02214-15, 2016
Pyrosequencing reveals higher impact of silver nanoparticles than Ag+ on the microbial community structure of activated sludge
Y Yang, J Quensen, J Mathieu, Q Wang, J Wang, M Li, JM Tiedje, ...
Water research 48, 317-325, 2014
A gene-targeted approach to investigate the intestinal butyrate-producing bacterialcommunity
M Vital, CR Penton, Q Wang, VB Young, DA Antonopoulos, ML Sogin, ...
Microbiome 1, 1-14, 2013
Xander: employing a novel method for efficient gene-targeted metagenomic assembly
Q Wang, JA Fish, M Gilman, Y Sun, CT Brown, JM Tiedje, JR Cole
Microbiome 3, 1-13, 2015
Bacterial community comparisons by taxonomy-supervised analysis independent of sequence alignment and clustering
WJ Sul, JR Cole, EC Jesus, Q Wang, RJ Farris, JA Fish, JM Tiedje
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (35), 14637-14642, 2011
other authors (2003). The Ribosomal Database Project (RDP-II): previewing a new autoaligner that allows regular updates and the new prokaryotic taxonomy
JR Cole, B Chai, TL Marsh, RJ Farris, Q Wang, SA Kulam, S Chandra, ...
Nucleic Acids Res 31, 442-443, 8
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