Sokratis K. Katsikas
Sokratis K. Katsikas
Professor, Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology, NTNU
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ ntnu.no - หน้าแรก
Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics): Preface
VP Gerdt, W Koepf, EW Mayr, EV Vorozhtsov
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8136, V-VIII-V-VIII, 2013
Electricity demand loads modeling using AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARMA) models
SS Pappas, L Ekonomou, DC Karamousantas, GE Chatzarakis, ...
Energy 33 (9), 1353-1360, 2008
Application of genetic algorithms to software testing
S Xanthakis, C Ellis, C Skourlas, A Le Gall, S Katsikas, K Karapoulios
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Engineering and …, 1992
Electricity demand load forecasting of the Hellenic power system using an ARMA model
SS Pappas, L Ekonomou, P Karampelas, DC Karamousantas, ...
Electric Power Systems Research 80 (3), 256-264, 2010
Reducing false positives in intrusion detection systems
GP Spathoulas, SK Katsikas
computers & security 29 (1), 35-44, 2010
Effective identification of source code authors using byte-level information
G Frantzeskou, E Stamatatos, S Gritzalis, S Katsikas
Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Software engineering …, 2006
Health care management and information systems security: awareness, training or education?
SK Katsikas
International journal of medical informatics 60 (2), 129-135, 2000
A privacy-preserving healthcare framework using hyperledger fabric
C Stamatellis, P Papadopoulos, N Pitropakis, S Katsikas, WJ Buchanan
Sensors 20 (22), 6587, 2020
Cyber-attacks against the autonomous ship
G Kavallieratos, S Katsikas, V Gkioulos
Computer Security: ESORICS 2018 International Workshops, CyberICPS 2018 and …, 2019
Revisiting legal and regulatory requirements for secure e-voting
L Mitrou, D Gritzalis, S Katsikas
Security in the Information Society: Visions and Perspectives, 469-480, 2002
A nifty collaborative intrusion detection and prevention architecture for smart grid ecosystems
A Patel, H Alhussian, JM Pedersen, B Bounabat, JC Júnior, S Katsikas
Computers & Security 64, 92-109, 2017
Towards a secure automatic identification system (AIS)
A Goudossis, SK Katsikas
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 24, 410-423, 2019
Modeling effective cybersecurity training frameworks: A delphi method-based study
N Chowdhury, S Katsikas, V Gkioulos
Computers & Security 113, 102551, 2022
Trust, privacy and security in e-business: Requirements and solutions
SK Katsikas, J Lopez, G Pernul
10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 548-558, 2005
Source code author identification based on n-gram author profiles
G Frantzeskou, E Stamatatos, S Gritzalis, S Katsikas
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 3rd IFIP Conference on …, 2006
Managing cyber security risks of the cyber-enabled ship
G Kavallieratos, S Katsikas
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (10), 768, 2020
A forensics-by-design management framework for medical devices based on blockchain
V Malamas, T Dasaklis, P Kotzanikolaou, M Burmester, S Katsikas
2019 IEEE world congress on services (SERVICES) 2642, 35-40, 2019
GHOST-Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-Time Risk Control.
A Collen, NA Nijdam, J Augusto-Gonzalez, SK Katsikas, KM Giannoutakis, ...
Euro-CYBERSEC, 68-78, 2018
Cybersecurity and safety co-engineering of cyberphysical systems—a comprehensive survey
G Kavallieratos, S Katsikas, V Gkioulos
Future Internet 12 (4), 65, 2020
Shipping 4.0: Security requirements for the cyber-enabled ship
G Kavallieratos, V Diamantopoulou, SK Katsikas
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (10), 6617-6625, 2020
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