Christian Rominger
Christian Rominger
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ uni-graz.at - หน้าแรก
New directions in hypnosis research: strategies for advancing the cognitive and clinical neuroscience of hypnosis
MP Jensen, GA Jamieson, A Lutz, G Mazzoni, WJ McGeown, ...
Neuroscience of consciousness 2017 (1), nix004, 2017
The creative brain in the figural domain: Distinct patterns of EEG alpha power during idea generation and idea elaboration
C Rominger, I Papousek, CM Perchtold, B Weber, EM Weiss, A Fink
Neuropsychologia 118, 13-19, 2018
EEG alpha activity during imagining creative moves in soccer decision-making situations
A Fink, C Rominger, M Benedek, CM Perchtold, I Papousek, EM Weiss, ...
Neuropsychologia 114, 118-124, 2018
Creative ways to well-being: Reappraisal inventiveness in the context of anger-evoking situations
A Fink, EM Weiss, U Schwarzl, H Weber, VL de Assunção, C Rominger, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 17, 94-105, 2017
Creativity is associated with a characteristic U-shaped function of alpha power changes accompanied by an early increase in functional coupling
C Rominger, I Papousek, CM Perchtold, M Benedek, EM Weiss, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 19, 1012-1021, 2019
Decrease of prefrontal–posterior EEG coherence: Loose control during social–emotional stimulation
EM Reiser, G Schulter, EM Weiss, A Fink, C Rominger, I Papousek
Brain and Cognition 80 (1), 144-154, 2012
Humorous cognitive reappraisal: More benign humour and less" dark" humour is affiliated with more adaptive cognitive reappraisal strategies
CM Perchtold, EM Weiss, C Rominger, K Feyaerts, W Ruch, A Fink, ...
PLoS One 14 (1), e0211618, 2019
Creative, antagonistic, and angry? Exploring the roots of malevolent creativity with a real‐world idea generation task
CM Perchtold‐Stefan, A Fink, C Rominger, I Papousek
The Journal of Creative Behavior 55 (3), 710-722, 2021
Gender differences in generating cognitive reappraisals for threatening situations: Reappraisal capacity shields against depressive symptoms in men, but not women
CM Perchtold, I Papousek, A Fink, H Weber, C Rominger, EM Weiss
Frontiers in psychology 10, 553, 2019
Social exclusion increases antisocial tendencies: Evidence from retaliatory ideation in a malevolent creativity task.
CM Perchtold-Stefan, A Fink, C Rominger, I Papousek
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2022
Different patterns of university students’ integration of lecture podcasts, learning materials, and lecture attendance in a psychology course
S Luttenberger, D Macher, V Maidl, C Rominger, N Aydin, M Paechter
Education and Information Technologies 23, 165-178, 2018
More habitual physical activity is linked to the use of specific, more adaptive cognitive reappraisal strategies in dealing with stressful events
CM Perchtold‐Stefan, A Fink, C Rominger, EM Weiss, I Papousek
Stress and Health 36 (3), 274-286, 2020
Neurophysiological indicators of internal attention: An electroencephalography–eye‐tracking coregistration study
SM Ceh, S Annerer‐Walcher, C Körner, C Rominger, SE Kober, A Fink, ...
Brain and behavior 10 (10), e01790, 2020
Brain and soccer: Functional patterns of brain activity during the generation of creative moves in real soccer decision‐making situations
A Fink, JU Bay, K Koschutnig, K Prettenthaler, C Rominger, M Benedek, ...
Human brain mapping 40 (3), 755-764, 2019
Affective creativity meets classic creativity in the scanner
CM Perchtold, I Papousek, K Koschutnig, C Rominger, H Weber, ...
Human Brain Mapping 39 (1), 393-406, 2018
Carriers of the COMT Met/Met Allele Have Higher Degrees of Hypnotizability, Provided That They Have Good Attentional Control: A Case of Gene–Trait Interaction
C Rominger, EM Weiss, S Nagl, H Niederstätter, W Parson, I Papousek
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 62 (4), 455-482, 2014
Humor comprehension and creative cognition: Shared and distinct neurocognitive mechanisms as indicated by EEG alpha activity
CM Perchtold-Stefan, I Papousek, C Rominger, M Schertler, EM Weiss, ...
NeuroImage 213, 116695, 2020
Functional coupling of brain networks during creative idea generation and elaboration in the figural domain
C Rominger, I Papousek, CM Perchtold, M Benedek, EM Weiss, B Weber, ...
NeuroImage 207, 116395, 2020
Reappraisal inventiveness: Impact of appropriate brain activation during efforts to generate alternative appraisals on the perception of chronic stress in women
CM Perchtold, A Fink, C Rominger, H Weber, VL de Assunção, G Schulter, ...
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 31 (2), 206-221, 2018
Allusive thinking (cognitive looseness) and the propensity to perceive “meaningful” coincidences
C Rominger, EM Weiss, A Fink, G Schulter, I Papousek
Personality and individual differences 51 (8), 1002-1006, 2011
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